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2017半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站英语《经济学人》文章精选:Seals of doom

作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-小黑老师 点击量: 1717 发布时间: 2016-11-15 15:58 【微信号:13306030226】



2017半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站英语《经济学人》文章精选:Seals of doom


 Tuberculosis was first carried to America by pinnipeds


  When a few intrepid humans crossed the Bering landbridge from the Old World to the New, to populate the Americas 12,000 yearsago, they left many things behind. Among them were several diseases—including smallpox, malaria and tuberculosis—that remained unknown to their descendants until a larger humaninflux began to arrive in 1492. Or rather, in the case of tuberculosis,remained almost unknown. For a few pre-Columbian skeletons bear unmistakablesigns of the infection, creating a mystery that has puzzled anthropologists fordecades.

  Anne Stone of Arizona State University and JohannesKrause of the University of Tübingen nowthink, as they report in Nature, that they have solved this mystery. In doingso they have added a new example to the list of human infections which comefrom wild animals—as Ebola fever, now in the news, camefrom bats and HIV came from chimpanzees. For New World tuberculosis, theysuggest, came from seals.

  Dr Stone and Dr Krause looked for bacterial DNA inthe remains of 68 South Americans who died before Europeans started arriving onthe continent and whose skeletons showed evidence of tuberculosis infection.They found it preserved in three of them—allrecovered from the same valley in Peru. Radiocarbon dating of these skeletonssuggested that their owners had perished between 1028 and 1280.

  One hypothesis about the origin of New Worldtuberculosis is that the first Americans actually did bring a version of thedisease with them, but that the strain was so mild it was later swamped by thevirulent form endemic in Europe. Dr Stone and Dr Krause quickly knocked thatidea on the head. Their samples bear little resemblance to other human strains.They do, however have 76 mutations which match ones found in a form oftuberculosis that infects seals and sea lions. This dovetails nicely with theobservation that most of the evidence for tuberculosis in the pre-ColumbianAmericas seems, like these three skeletons, to come from the coasts of Peru andnorthern Chile, where seals are abundant and were hunted by the locals.

  Where the seals themselves picked up tuberculosisremains to be determined. Their strain resembles one found in mice, and directcross-infection between land-lubbing rodents and aquatic pinnipeds seems implausible.But not, perhaps, impossible. Seals do suffer badly from anotherspecies-jumping terrestrial infection: canine distemper. Truly, the byways ofdisease are convoluted.









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