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每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day26

作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-小黑老师 点击量: 2806 发布时间: 2018-05-23 17:48 【微信号:13306030226】



  Economics Brief  Six Big Ideas: The natural rate of unemployment

  经济学简介  六大经济学原理:失业的自然比率


  If people cannot find jobs because they have outdated skills—think hand weavers after the invention of the loom—they might become “structurally” unemployed.But it is the trade-off between unemployment and inflation that most preoccupies central bankers.


  如果人们是因为具有过时的技能而不能找到工作——想想织布机发明之后的手工织布工——他们可能变得结构性地失业(structurally unemployed).但是,最让央行银行家劳心费神的是失业和通胀之间的那种取舍。

  John Maynard Keynes, the great British economist, took a first step towards the natural-rate hypothesis when he focused minds on “involuntary” unemployment.In his book “The General Theory”, published in 1936 in the aftermath of the Depression, Keynes noted that many people could not find jobs at the going wage, even if they had comparable skills to those in work.


  伟大的英国经济学家凯恩斯在关注非自愿性失业(involuntary unemployment)时,迈出了通往自然比率假设的第一步。在他的那本在大萧条之后的1936年出版的《通论》一书中,凯恩斯指出,许多人哪怕是拥有与在职之人不相上下的技能,也不可能以现有的工资找到工作。

  Classical economics blamed artificially high wages, perhaps caused by trade unions.But Keynes pointed to lacklustre economy-wide spending.Even if wages fell, he reasoned, workers would have less to spend, making the demand deficiency worse.The answer, he thought, was for governments to manage aggregate demand in order to keep employment “full”.



  Keynes was not the father of all that is now thought of as “Keynesian”.Inflation, for instance, barely entered his analysis of unemployment.But by the late 1960s Keynesianism had become associated with the idea that when managing aggregate demand, policymakers are not just choosing a rate of unemployment.They are simultaneously choosing how fast prices rise.




  1.focused on 关注

  例句:Every eye at the conference was focused on the rostrum.


  2.for instance 例如

  例句:There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving; for instance, training lions.


  3.in order to 为了

  例句:In order to ensure success we must have a complete and thorough plan.


4.took a first step toward 采取第一步

  例句:Recently, I took a first step toward getting my music collection back in order.


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