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每日一篇:《经济学人》读译参考 Day36

作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-小黑老师 点击量: 3080 发布时间: 2018-05-31 10:40 【微信号:13306030226】



  Economics Brief

  Overlapping generations: Ponzi scheme



  A second consideration is demography.A growing population creates a natural pyramid scheme.Each cohort of participants will receive the money contributed by a later, larger generation.Therefore they too can get more out of it than they put in.



  Future generations may also be better off than their predecessors.They may benefit from sources of economic advance (such as improved technology) over and above simple capital accumulation.This march of progress should allow a Ponzi scheme to pay a positive return to investors even if the scheme only takes a constant percentage from each generation's income.



  Thanks to economic growth, 10% collected from the incomes of today's young will be worth more than the 10% collected in the past from their parents' poorer generation.To make things concrete, suppose a country's population grows by 1% a year and incomes per person grow by 4%.In this case, a Ponzi scheme can offer an annual return of about 5% indefinitely, simply by taking a steady share of each generation's income.



  If the economy already has a large stock of capital, the return on saving and investing might be less than that, especially given the risk involved.Such an economy would suffer from what economists call “dynamic inefficiency”.


  如果经济体早已具有大量的资本,储蓄和投资的回报可能有所减少,尤其是在考虑到其所涉及的风险时。这样的经济体会饱受经济学家所说的“动态无效率”(dynamic inefficiency)之苦。

  In these circumstances, an intergenerational Ponzi scheme can be sustainable and desirable.A PAYG pension is only the most obvious example of such a scheme. Government debt can play a similar role (a possibility entertained by Peter Diamond of MIT in a 1965 paper building on Samuelson's insights).If the government does not want to extract social-security contributions from the young, it can sell them long-term bonds instead.When these bonds mature, the government can repay them by selling a fresh round of bonds to the next, richer generation.




  1.economic growth 经济增长

  例句:High interest rates have stunted economic growth.


  2.Thanks to 多亏

  例句:Thanks to that job I became an avid reader.


  3.less than 少于...

  例句:The marriage had lasted for less than two years


  4.better off 富裕的

  例句:He's much better off than before.






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