作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-小黑老师 点击量: 2173 发布时间: 2018-11-13 09:50 【微信号:13306030226】
经济学人:欧元区改革: 中肯的提议(1)
The president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, likes to compare the euro zone to a house in need of repair.Fix the roof, he counsels, while the economic weather is favourable.Leaders from across the European Union will have the opportunity to take that advice when the European Council meets in Brussels on June 28th-29th.
In preparation Emmanuel Macron, France's president, and Angela Merkel, Germany's chancellor,laid out joint proposals for reforms on June 19th.The result of weeks of ministerial negotiation, they reconciled long-standing differences on the future of the currency bloc and set the scene for discussion at the wider summit. In a victory for Mr. Macron, the Germans have consented to a euro-zone budget.
In other areas, notably banking reform, progress is likely to be halting.The reforms aspire to mend the institutional weaknesses revealed during the years following the financial crisis.Lacking control over interest rates and the ability to devalue their currencies,some countries struggled to cope with violent economic shocks.
Some, like Greece, were stuck in a "doom loop" where wobbly banks destabilised the governments supporting them,which in turn weakened the banks holding government bonds.To be fair, the bloc has already done quite a lot.At the height of the crisis, a bailout fund was cobbled together for emergency lending to countries that lost access to capital markets.
In 2012 the euro zone agreed to establish a banking union to contain risks and break the doom loop.The European Central Bank now supervises all the euro zone's systemically important banks.If a bank needs winding down, the Single Resolution Board provides short-term funding and imposes losses on creditors, limiting the cost to the taxpayer.But more than five years on, banking union remains incomplete.
Mr. Macron is keen both to push through those remaining reforms, and to go further.His proposal for a euro-zone budget aims to ensure members' economies continue to converge and to help those buffeted by external events.New prime ministers in Italy and Spain appear to agree.The Germans, Dutch and Nordics, however, resist the pooling of risks across the bloc.They worry that fiscally prudent countries would end up subsidising profligate ones.Italy, where an earlier version of the new governing coalition seemed to scorn the euro zone's spending rules, will not have reassured them.
1.compare to 把...比作;比较
How does this compare to Saddam and the Kurds?
2.long-standing 长期存在的
Extrajudicial killings have been a long-standing issue in Kenya
3.consent to 同意;赞同
The emergency measure needed unanimous consent to pass
4.financial crisis 金融危机
Before the financial crisis, fund closures were rare.
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