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作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-赖老师 点击量: 2725 发布时间: 2019-02-27 11:40 【微信号:13306030226】


  经济学人:讣告:群体遗传学家卡瓦利-斯福扎逝世 享年96岁(1)

  Obituary: Luca Cavalli-Sforza


  The drift of humankind


  Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, population geneticist, died on August 31st, aged 96.


  FOR a man who spent his career illuminating the vast, dim migrations of people in prehistory, Luca Cavalli-Sforza's life was remarkably circular.He first became interested in his major field, genetics, in the house of the geneticist Adriano Buzzati at Belluno, in the hills north of Venice.There he helped to collect thousands of flies in search of mutant Y chromosomes;and though he subsequently travelled the world to study the makeup of its tribes and populations, it was in Belluno that he died.



  He had vaguely meant to be a doctor, but found his training useless in wartime hospitals.Instead, he took up the genetic study of E. coli bacteria, shutting himself away in the laboratory.But human beings still fascinated him:not least because he increasingly realised that the human genome contained not only the instructions for building future members of the species, but also its entire past.



  Migration, conquest and isolation had also left their traces in living populations.He set out to find them.The technology available was rudimentary.He pored over names in parish registers and learned to do statistics, convinced that with enough patience he could measure anything.



  For one early paper he pulled surnames from Italian phone directories as proxies for father-son transmission.By plotting the distribution of names in 91 provinces, he showed that the Apennines—the backbone of Italy—had formed a natural barrier to migration for millennia,resulting in genetically distinct populations on either side.



  And because he could also measure variation in blood proteins, such as that between A, B and O blood types,he also collected blood samples from townsfolk all over the Parma valley to show that marriage between related individuals had led to many of the genetic differences between those towns.




  1.make up 构造,组成

  Their descendants make up a majority of the population.


  2.mean to do 有意

  I didn't mean to hurt you.


 3.take up 开始从事

  I asked whether she'd take up sport again.


  4.fascinate someone 使着迷

  Politics fascinated Franklin's father.


  5.not least 尤其

  Not least because the law can itself be immoral.


  6.set out to do 开始努力

  When you are a manager, all you want to do is achieve what you set out to do.


 7.pore over 仔细研究

  She can do her makeup during the morning ride downtown, and pore over her latest murder-mystery novel on the ride back.






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