作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-王老师 点击量: 1397 发布时间: 2021-10-29 09:14 【微信号:13306030226】
Aircraft-carriers are juicy targets. They are also increasingly vulnerable ones. Like medieval castles in the age of the cannon, technological advance threatens to make them redundant. Satellites and over-the-horizon radars mean pinpointing their locations is easier. And a single well-aimed, well-armed missile may be enough to render a carrier useless, even if one shot does not sink it outright.
American naval planners are particularly worried about China's DF-26. This weapon, which came into service in 2018, is a so-called manoeuvring ballistic missile (meaning it can vary its final approach path, rather than being subject solely to the laws of gravity) that has been dubbed a "carrier killer". The DF-26 can be launched from a lorry, and can carry either a conventional or a nuclear warhead.
This threat is fearsome enough to keep American carriers at least 1,600km from China's coast, reckons Bryan Clark, a naval strategist at the Hudson Institute, a think-tank. That is much farther than the range of a carrier's warplanes unless they can be refuelled in-flight. America's Department of Defence is therefore looking for a workaround. One back-to-the-future idea being tested (it dates, originally, from 1917) is to turn a suitable plane into an aerial aircraft-carrier capable of launching and recovering uncrewed drones in flight. This would allow seaborne carriers to be kept well out of harm's way.
To that end DARPA, the defence department's advanced research projects agency, is running a programme called Gremlins, a name that also applies to the individual drones themselves. A Gremlin drone weighs 680kg and has a wingspan of nearly 3.5 metres. Once it has been dropped, deployed its wings and fired up its turbofan engine, it can fly to an area up to 500km away and in the words of Scott Wierzbanowski, the Gremlin programme's head, "go in and create havoc". That done, it would then return to its aerial mothership.
Gremlins would operate in fleets, under ultimate human control. In this, they are similar to the "loyal wingman" idea of drone squadrons accompanying a crewed fighter aircraft into battle. Loyal wingmen, however, would take off from and land on terra firma, or possibly a conventional, naval, aircraft-carrier. Operational Gremlins need never touch the ground.
1.come into service 投入使用
The plane is expected to come into service six years late (in 2016) and wildly over-budget.
2.workaround 应变方法
See Appendix for a workaround.
3.keep out of harm's Way 安然无恙,脱离危险
Usually, parents will do anything to keep their precious children out of harm's way.
4.havoc 大破坏,浩劫
Their policies would wreak havoc on the economy.
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