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作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-王老师 点击量: 823 发布时间: 2022-05-22 09:29 【微信号:13306030226】



The chemistry prize was shared by Benjamin List, of the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, in Mülheim an der Ruhr, and David MacMillan, of Princeton University.Their prizewinning work, published in 2000, was conducted independently, and unknown to each other at the time, but with the same end in mind. This was to break the stranglehold of enzymes and transition metals on the field of catalysis.Some chemical reactions proceed with alacrity. Most, though—including many that are industrially important—need a helping hand in the form of a catalyst.Evolution has provided a goodly range of these in the form of enzymes, which are large, complicated and sometimes temperamental protein molecules, but which have the advantage that they can create pure versions of what are known as optical isomers.




These are molecules that have two forms which are mirror images of each other. This is important in the drug industry, for the different versions, known as enantiomers, can have different effects in the body.Also, if you choose the right enzymes, it is often possible to carry out multi-step reactions in only a few stages.Transition metals are those in the middle of the periodic table—copper, nickel and iron, for example.The structures of the electron shells surrounding the nuclei of their atoms are complicated, meaning they are chemically versatile. This is what makes them good catalysts.Some transition-metal catalysts are the metals themselves. More often, they are small molecules that include a transition-metal atom.Transition-metal catalysts can be easier to handle than enzymes, but usually fail to distinguish between enantiomers.Also, transition-metal compounds are frequently toxic, with all the environmental consequences that entails. And multi-step reactions involving them can be long-winded.




Dr List and Dr MacMillan found a way to have the best of both worlds: small-molecule catalysts that have no metal atoms in them, can turn out pure enantiomers, and often simplify multi-step reactions. That has significant industrial implications.Dr List worked on an enzyme called aldolase A. This catalyses what is known as the aldol reaction, an important way of forging molecular bonds between carbon atoms.Aldolase A is made of 350 amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, but the bit that does the work consists of only three of these: lysine, glutamic acid and tyrosine. The rest of the enzyme is packaging.He therefore wondered if he could isolate the enzyme’s active centre and yet preserve its activity. In fact, he did better.He showed that the aldol reaction can be catalysed by a single amino acid, proline. And, crucially, this retains the enantiomeric purity of the enzyme-mediated reaction.


Dr MacMillan came from the other end of the problem. He wanted to remove the metal (in this case copper) from the catalyst involved in a different process, the Diels–Alder reaction.This is a way of joining two molecules into a six-carbon ring. One of the reagents contributes four carbon atoms to the ring and the other contributes two.Six-carbon rings are ubiquitous in organic chemistry, and by putting different side groups onto the reagents a vast variety of them can be turned out.Dr MacMillan found he could catalyse Diels-Alder reactions using a type of metal-free molecule called an imidazolidinone to activate the two-carbon component, meaning that it combines enthusiastically with its four-carbon compadre.The result of these two pieces of work is a field called asymmetric organocatalysis (the asymmetric part of the name referring to its ability to generate pure enantiomers), that is now rippling through industrial chemistry.And, since industrial chemistry, in one form or another, underpins most economic activity, it is also rippling, however invisibly, through life.


麦克米伦博士来自问题的另一端。他想从另一个过程——狄尔斯-阿尔德反应(Diels-Alder reaction)中的催化剂中去除金属(在这种情况下是铜)。这是一种将两个分子连接成六碳环的方法。其中一种试剂为环贡献了四个碳原子,另一种试剂则贡献了两个碳原子。六碳环在有机化学中普遍存在,通过在试剂上加入不同的侧基,可以产生多种六碳环。麦克米伦博士发现,他可以使用一种名为咪唑烷酮的无金属分子来催化狄尔斯-阿尔德反应,以激活双碳成分,这意味着它可以与其四碳化合物结合。这两项工作的结果是一个被称为不对称有机催化的领域(这个名称的不对称部分指的是它产生纯对映体的能力)现在正席卷工业化学界。而且,由于工业化学以这样或那样的形式支撑着大多数经济活动,所以也以看不见的方式影响着人们的生活。

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