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作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-王老师 点击量: 2228 发布时间: 2024-07-16 09:37 【微信号:13306030226】



This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Karen Hopkin.Birds of a feather flock together.And so do bats and fishes and any little critter hoping that getting lost in the crowd will keep them off the evening menu.But predators gotta eat.So they, in turn, have come up with clever ways to cut through the visual clutter of a churning mass of panicked prey to hone in on their target.For hawks who forage in massive swarms of bats, the trick, it seems, is to just dive in and grab whatever hapless flier happens to share your trajectory.Thats according to a study in the journal Nature Communications.




Intercepting even a single maneuvering target is a challenging task in itself.Graham Taylor is a professor of mathematical biology at the University of Oxford.He got to wondering how predators like hawks and falcons manage to isolate and intercept a moving target when it’s part of a flock or a swarm--a dense aggregation that seems like it would offer optimal protection for the prey.For one thing it can reduce your individual risk of coming under attack in the first place.And it might also make it harder for a predator to catch you if it initiates an attack at all.That’s thanks to the so-called “confusion effect.”



Which is the idea that the presence of multiple similar targets makes it harder for a predator to single out and track any one individual.But are swarms as confusing to a hawk as they might seem to you or me?To find out, Taylor teamed up with Laura Kloepper, a bat biologist at Saint Mary’s College in Indiana, and headed to New Mexico.It’s a very remote location in the Chihuahuan desert where there’s a bat cave from which every evening close on a million Mexican free-tailed bats emerge.And waiting for the bats as they emerge in this huge stream that pours out of the cave are a number of Swainson’s hawks, which plunge into the swarm and try and grab bats from it.

也就是说,出现多个类似目标会让食肉动物难以挑出任何一个个体,也难以对其实行追踪。不过,老鹰会如同你我一样对动物集群感到晕头转向吗?为了找到答案,泰勒与劳拉·克洛珀(印第安纳州圣玛丽学院研究蝙蝠 的生物学家)展开了合作,一同前往新墨西哥州。这里是奇瓦瓦沙漠一处极其偏远之地,每天晚上都会有一百万只墨西哥无尾蝙蝠从洞穴里出来。当蝙蝠从倾泻而出的巨大溪流中出现时,有许多斯文森鹰在等待它们,这些老鹰冲进蝙蝠群,试图从中抓住蝙蝠。

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