作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 1128 发布时间: 2015-04-22 10:56 【微信号:13306030226】
Current Position
Jayne Ritchey Cohen Chair in Business Administration and Director of Asia Business Studies
A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118-5669, USA
Guangbiao Chair and Dean of Graduate Institute of Business, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Degrees and Certificates
B.B.A. Accounting and Banking, National Taiwan University, 1966
M.A. Economics, National Taiwan University, 1970
M.A. Economics, University of Rochester, 1973
Ph.D. Economics, University of Rochester, 1977
C.P.A. 1981 (Colorado)
C.M.A. 1983
Awards and Honors
Tamkang Distinguished Visiting Chair, Tamkang University, December 1986
Erich Sternberg Award for Research, Tulane University, 1990 and 2000
Distinguished Honorary Professor, Wuhan University of Technology, 1990
Distinguished Advisory Professor, Fudan University, 1995-now
Distinguished Advisory Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1996-now
Distinguished Professor, Zhejiang University, 1995-2000
National Excellence in Printing Award from PIA (Printing Industry of America), 1991
EMBA Teacher of the Year Award, Tulane University, 1994-97, 1999
Freeman Distinguished Service Award, Tulane University, 1994
Honorary Director of Board, Chinese Accounting Professors Association in North America, 1995
Honorary Director of Board, China Accounting Professors Association, 1995-now
Inaugural Distinguished Lecturer, CAPA Doctoral Consortium, 1996
Best Paper Award, International Conference on Finance, Taipei, 1997, US$2,000
Matsushita Distinguished Lecture, Fudan University, May 1998
World Renowned Scholar, Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China, 2002
International Distinguished Chair Professor, Ministry of Education, Republic of China, 2002
Best Paper Award, Tsinghua-MIT-CEIBS Finance Conference, Shanghai, China, 2004
Tunghai Chair Professor, Tunghai University, Taiwan, 2005. (first such honour ever estowed by Tunghai
NTU Chair Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan , 2007-now (first such honour ever bestowed by
Refereed Journal (North America and Europe)
1. "On the Pricing of Corporate Debt," Journal of Finance, December 1981, pp. 1187 1189.
2. "Capital Mobility, Economic Policy and Balance of Payments," Weltwirtschaftliche Archiv, December 1982, pp. 622-639.
3. "Capital Movements, Growth, and Balance of Payments," Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 4, No. 4, Fall, 1982, pp. 433-448.
4. "On the Speed of Adjustment of Financial Ratio: An Error in Variable Problem," Journal of Accounting Research, Autumn, 1984. pp. 776 781.
5. "Stochastic Properties of Cross sectional Financial Data," Journal of Accounting Research, Spring, 1985. pp. 213 227.
6. "Choice of Inventory Accounting Method: A Comparative Analysis of Alternative Hypotheses," Journal of Accounting Research, Fall, 1985. (with David Hsieh). pp. 468 485.
7. "Market Model Stationarity and the Timing of Structural Change," The Financial Review, November, 1985. pp. 329 342.
8. "Information Content of Financial Columns," Journal of Economics and Business, March 1986. pp. 27 39.
9. "The Gibson Paradox and the Monetary Standard," The Review of Economics and Statistics, May, 1986. pp. 189 196. (with Chris Petruzzi).
10. "A Portfolio Equilibrium Approach to Short term Capital Movements in Developing Economies, Rivista Internationale Di Scienze Economiche E Commerciali, October, 1986, pp. 1095 1105.
11. "Prices, Interest Rates, and Monetary Standard: A Study of the Gibson Kitchin Phenomenon," Journal of Macroeconomics, Spring, 1987, pp. 185 202. (with Chris Petruzzi)
12. "Fundamental Analysis and the Stock Market," Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Spring, 1987, pp. 131 141.
13. "A Test of Shiller Siegel Hypothesis," Australian Economic Papers, June, 1987. pp. 157 1
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