点击量: 1278
发布时间: 2015-05-26 13:44
电子邮件: weichen@sdu.edu.cn
Nonlinear Expectation and Its Application
Decision Make Under Uncertain
Asset Pricing Under Uncertainty
Computing Finance
Stochastic Computing
China's Financial Market and Global Energy Market
High Efficient Numerical Methods for PDEs
1. Wei Chen, G-Doob-Meyer Decomposition and Its Application in Bid-Ask Pricing for American Contingent Claim Under Knightian Uncertainty. Preprint arxi: 1401.0677.
2. Wei Chen, G-consistent price system and bid-ask pricing for European contingent claims under Knightian uncertainty. Preprint arXiv: 1308.6256
3. Wei Chen, Fractional G-White Noise Theory, Wavelet Decomposition for Fractional G-Brownian Motion, and Bid-Ask Pricing for European Contingent Claim Under Uncertainty.
Preprint arXiv: 1306.4070.
4. Wei Chen, Time consistent G-expectation and bid-ask dynamic pricing mechanisms for contingent claims under uncertainty, Preprint arXiv.1111.4298v1.
5. Michal Krizek, Hans-Goerg Roos and Wei Chen, Two-sided bounds of the discretization error for finite elements, mathematical modelling and numerical analysis, M2AN 45 (2011), 915-924.
6. 陈蔚,马骏驰,赵耀文, 我国国债收益率曲线的实证研究, 山东经济研究, 27(2011), 3, 118-123.
7. 陈蔚, 陶辉, 股权分置改革前后可转债发行公告效应的差异性研究, 商业研究, 6(2011), 88-93.
8. 陈蔚,巩秀龙, 非正规金融利率定价模型-基于中国民间分割市场的实证研究[A];第十二届中国管理科学学术年会论文集[C];2010年.
9. Wei Chen, Pingna Sun and Shanghui Jia, The Portfolio Model with RCaR Constraint and Its Application,2010 CMSA Overal United Planning Symposium.
10. Wei Chen, Ming Su, Empirical Research on Forecasting Power of Chinese Bonds' Interest Rate Term Structure,the MASS 2010 Proceedings.
11. 陈明华, 陈蔚, 关于国际石油价格波动原因的深入思考, 石家庄经济学院学报, 5(2010), 57-61.
12. 陈明华, 陈蔚, 国际石油期货市场价格发现功能研究-基于WTI的实证分析, 世界经济与政治论坛, 4(2010), 47-61.
13. Wei Chen, M. Krizek, 有限元插值误差的下界估计, 数学的实践与认识, 39(2009),159-164.
14. Wei Chen, Qun Lin, Asymptotic Expansion and Extrapolation for the Eigenvalue Approximation of the Biharmonic Eigenvalue Problem by Ciarlet - Raviart Scheme, Advances in Computational Mathematics,27(2007),95-106.
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