姓名:宋亮 性别:男 职称:副教授
学院:数学与计算科学学院 最后学历:博士
1997.9-2001.6 中山大学 本科 专业:基础数学
2001.9-2006.6 中山大学 硕博连读 方向:调和分析 导师:邓东皋教授
2006.7- 2009.12 中山大学 讲师
2010.1- 现在 中山大学 副教授
访问经历: 2010.7-2011.7 访问美国 University of Kentucky
研究兴趣: 与算子相联系的调和分析
1. J. Geng, Z. Shen and L. Song, W^{1,p} estimates for systems of linear elasticity in a periodic medium, Journal of Functional Analysis, 262 (2012), 1742-1758.
2. L. Song and M.Xu, VMO spaces associated with divergence form elliptic operators, Math. Z., 269 (2011), 927-943.
3. L. Song, C.Q. Tan and L.X. Yan, An atomic decomposition for Hardy spaces associated to Schrodinger operators, J. Austra. Math. Soc., 91 (2011), 125-144.
4. L. Song and L.X. Yan, Riesz transforms associated to Schrodinger operators on weighted Hardy spaces, Journal of Functional Analysis, 259 (2010), 1466-1490.
5.D.G. Deng , X.T. Duong, L. Song, C.Q. Tan and L.X. Yan, Functions of vanishing mean oscillation associated with operators and applications, Michigan Math. Journal, 56 (2008), no.3, 529-550.