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作者:聚创中大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 877 发布时间: 2012-07-14 11:08 【微信号:13306030226】

  姓名:周天寿 性别:男  职称:教授  
  学院:数学与计算科学学院 最后学历:计算数学系博士后


  周天寿,男,江西新建人;1984-1988:江西师范大学数学系工作;2004-现在:中山大学数学与计算科学学院工作;2003年获全国百篇优秀博士论文奖(激励介质的非线性波型动力学),2008年获国家自然科学二等奖(混沌反控制与 Lorenz系统族的理论);中山大学“985工程”二期创新平台二级PI;广东省工业与应用数学学会副理事长,三个国际刊物的编委;2008-2011:主持国家自然科学重点项目(工程基因调控网的设计、构造、建模与分析:180万),2010-2012:主持国家自然科学面上项目(调控系统中网络模块的结构与功能研究:30万),2010-2013:973项目(干细胞向生殖细胞转化的调控机理及其应用性研究:2400万,分配到50万)的骨干成员。




代表性成果(* 为通信作者):【1】T.S.Zhou*, L.N.Chen and K.Aihara, “Molecular communication through stochastic synchronization induced by extracellular fluctuations,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 95(2005), 178103(2006年被Nature评论)

【2】T.S. Zhou*, J.J. Zhang, Z.J. Yuan and A.L. Xu, “External stimuli mediated collective rhythms: Artificial control strategies,” PLoS One 1(2007), e231

【3】JW Wang, JJ Zhang, ZJ Yuan, AM Chen and TS Zhou*,“Neurotransmitter-mediated collective rhythms in grouped Drosophilia circadian clocks,”J. Biol. Rhythms,23(2008),3:472-482

【4】J.W. Wang, J.J. Zhang, Z.J. Yuan and T.S. Zhou*,“Noise-induced switches in network systems of the genetic toggle switch,” BMC Systems Biology 1(2007), 50

【5】T.S. Zhou*, J.J. Zhang, Z.J. Yuan and L.N. Chen, “Synchronization of genetic oscillators,” Chaos 18 (2008), 037126 (invited paper)

【6】L.N.Chen, T.S. Zhou and Y.Tang,“Protein structure by deterministic annealing,” Bioinformatics, 20(2004),1246-1253.

【7】 R.Q. Wang, L.N. Chen, T.S. Zhou, K. Aihara,“Noise-induced cooperative behaviors in a multi-cell system,” Bioinformatics, 21(2005), 11: 2722-2729

【8】T.S. Zhou*, G.R. Chen, Q.S. Lu and X.H. Xiong, “On estimates of Lyapunov exponents of synchronized coupled systems,” Chaos,16(2006), 033123

【9】JJ Zhang,ZJ Yuan,TS Zhou*,“Physical Limits of Feedback Noise-Suppression in biological Networks,”Physical Biology 6, 046009(2009)

【10】JJ Zhang, ZJ Yuan, HX Li and TS Zhou*, “Architecture-dependent robustness and bistability in a class of genetic circuits, ” Biophysical Journal 99, 1034-1042(2010)

【11】JJ Zhang,ZJ Yuan,TS Zhou*,“Synchronization and clustering of synthetic genetic networks: A role for cis-regulatory module,”Physical Review E,79,041903(2009)

【12】JJ Zhang, ZJ Yuan, TS Zhou*, “Geometric Characteristics of Dynamic Correlations for Combinatorial Regulation in Gene Expression Noise,” arXiv:0904.2676 (April 18, 2009). Phys. Rev. E 80, 021905(2009)

【13】JJ Zhang, ZJ Yuan and TS Zhou*,“Interacting stochastic oscillators,” Phys. Rev. E 77, 021101(2008)

【14】J.J. Zhang, Z.J. Yuan and T.S. Zhou*, “Coherence, collective rhythm and phase difference distribution in populations of stochastic genetic oscillators,” Phys. Rev. E 78, 031901(2008)

【15】T.S.Zhou, L.N.Chen and R.Q.Wang,“Excitation functions of coupling,” Phys. Rev. E, 71(2005), 066211

【16】JJ Zhang, ZJ Yuan, TS Zhou*, “Combinatorial regulation: Characteristics of Dynamic Correlations,” IET Systems Biology 3(2009), 6: 440–452

【17】QL Liu, XP Guo and TS Zhou*, “Optimal control for Markovian gene regulatory networks ” IET Systems Biology 4(2010), 2:99-107

【18】苑占江,张家军,周天寿*,“基因调控系统中反馈压制的噪声:慢转录情形”中国科学(C辑)40, 78-87 (2010)

【19】苑占江,张家军,周天寿*,“噪声诱导的连贯切换,” 中国科学(B辑),第37卷,第五期,446-452(2007)

【20】苑占江,张家军,周天寿*,“网络模块的功能:基因自调控环路,” 生物物理学报 26(2010), 6:457-471(综述和封面文章)


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