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发布时间: 2018-07-27 15:09
白云涛,男,汉族,管理学博士,教授,博士生导师,现任厦门大学管理学院企业管理系主任。主要研究方向是领导学、高层管理团队、创业管理、人力资源、组织行为等方面。美国管理学会(AOM)会员、中国国际管理研究会(IACMR)会员、中国管理问题研究中心(RCCMI)研究人员、厦门市留学归国工作人员、国际期刊International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of Trust Research担任匿名审稿人。2007年获国家留学基金委“建设国际高水平大学项目”留学奖学金、2015年获国家留学基金委“青年骨干”项目留学基金,分别在美国华盛顿大学和佐治亚理工大学进行访问进修。在国内外管理学知名杂志Journal of Business Ethics, Leadership Quarterly, Management and Organization Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, International Journal of Conflict Management, 管理科学学报、管理工程学报、南开管理评论等上发表论文20余篇,其中发表在2012年Management and Organization Reivew的文章获Emrald杂志社最佳论文引用奖, 主持和参与完成8项国家自然科学基金项目,参与完成多项企业横向课题。
1999.9-2003.7 西安交通大学管理学院 管理科学与工程 本科
2003.9-2009.11 西安交通大学管理学院 工商管理 硕博连读
2007.9-2008.9 美国华盛顿大学 工商管理 联合培养
1999.9-2003.7 Xian Jiaotong University School of Management Management Science Bachelor
2003.9-2009.11 Xian Jiaotong University School of Management Business Management Ph.D
2007.9-2008.9 University of Washington, at Seattle Business Management Jointly cultivated Ph.D
2010.2-2013.7 厦门大学管理学院 助理教授
2013.8-2017.7 厦门大学管理学院 副教授
2017.8-今 厦门大学管理学院 教授
2010.2-2013.7 Xiamen University, School of Management Assistant Professor
2013.8-2017.7 Xiamen University, School of Management Associate Professor
2017.8-present Xiamen University, School of Management Professor
Leadership Theory, Top Management Team, Entrepreneurship, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Creativity
Principle of Management, Leadership, Personnel Assessment
[1] Han, Harms, Bai. Nightmare Bosses: The Impact of Abusive Supervision on Employees’ Sleep, Emotions, and Creativity. Journal of Business Ethics. 2017.(145):21-31
[2] 杨倩玲,白云涛. 外派回任人员知识转移内涵、分类、前因与效果. 中国人力资源开发. 2017.(2):22-31
[3] Bai, Y. T., Han, G., Harms, P.. Team Conflict Mediates the Effects of Organizational Politics on Employee Performance: A Cross-Level Analysis in China. Journal of Business Ethics. 2016.139(1):95-109
[4] Bai, Y. T., Lin, L., Li, P .P.. How to enable employee creativity in a team context: A cross-level mediating process of transformational leadership. Journal of Business Research. 2016.69(1):3240-3250
[5] Harms, P. P., Bai, Y. T., Han, G. H.. How leader and follower attachment styles are mediated by trust. Human Relations. 2016.69(9):1853-1876
[6] Caza, A., Zhang, G., Wang, L., Bai, Y. T.. How do you really feel? Effect of leaders perceived emotional sincerity on followers trust. Leadership Quarterly. 2015.26(1):518-531
[7] Bai Y T, Harms P, Han G, Cheng W W. Good and bad simultaneously? Leaders using dialectical thinking foster positive conflict and employee performance. International Journal of Conflict Management. 2015.26(3):245-267
[1] Han G, Bai Y T, Harms P.. How context can facilitate follower innovation: The moderating roles of leadership. 2017 GIKA Conference Proceedings book. 葡萄牙里斯本:GIKA association, 2017:1-10
[2] Harms, Bai, Han, Cheng. I’m number one! Narcissism, conflict, and performance. International Journal of Conflict Management Special Issue conference. wuhan:International Journal of Conflict Management, 2017:1-12
[3] 白云涛. 企业人力资源实践的配置:人力资源服务应该重效果还是效率?. 2017提升竞争力与经营管理研讨会论文集. 台湾:淡江大学, 2017:1-15
[4] Han, Bai. Team ambidexterity: Leader dialectical thinking, collective team identification and employee performance. WAM conference proceedings. 美国:Western Academy of Management, 2017:1-8
[5] Han, G., Bai, Y. T. Having two conflicting minds? Examining the link among leaders’ cognitive thinking style, employee creative self-efficacy and employee creative performance. Western Academy of Management 2016 Conference proceedings. US:Western Academy of Management, 2016:1-10
[1] 探索构建精准引才机制,主持人,企事业单位委托项目 , 项目编号:0610/K8216028, 2016.10-2016.12
[2] 组织内部腐败的成因、机制与防控:基于嵌入性视角,主持人,国家自然科学基金面上项目 , 项目编号:71672155, 2017.01-2020.12
[3] 创业团队分裂原因及预防,主持人,福建省教育厅社科研究项目 , 项目编号:0610/Z0210504, 2016.01-2016.12
[1] the contextual antecedents of organizational trust, 第一, 其他, 特等奖, 论文, 2016.07