作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 3663 发布时间: 2018-07-27 16:23 【微信号:13306030226】
郑文礼,男,1963年生,现为厦门大学管理学院企业管理系教授、厦门大学出版社社长、厦门大学电子出版社社长、厦门大学继续教育学院院长、厦门大学继续教育管理委员会副主任兼办公室主任、厦门大学职工夜校常务副校长。1984年7月厦门大学计算机科学系控制理论专业毕业,1987年厦门大学计算机与系统科学系运筹学与控制论专业(现为系统工程专业)硕士研究生毕业,毕业后分别在厦门大学经济学院和管理学院从事教学和科研工作,期间曾在英国纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle University)短期进修,并于1996年晋升为副教授,2003年晋升为教授,2004年-2007年曾任厦门大学管理学院企业管理系副主任,2006年12月至今担任厦门大学继续教育学院院长,2017年12月至今担任厦门大学出版社社长和厦门大学电子出版社社长。2003年初至2005年初,受学校委派,到西藏民族大学管理学院援教并任分管教学科研与学科建设的副院长,并于2011年12月获教育部表彰的“对口支援西部高校工作10周年突出贡献个人”称号。在长期从事人力资源管理、投资管理和信息管理等领域的教学和研究实践中,取得了一些教学与科研成果:主持的网络教育《管理信息系统》课程于2013年获教育部国家级精品共享课(网络教育)立项,主持或参与纵向和横向课题研究多项;独立编著出版《管理信息系统》和《吹却泡沫始见金(网络与商机)》,主编《管理信息系统原理与应用》,参编《人力资源招聘系统》和《经济学百科辞典》;发表论文数十篇。在实践上,曾为政府有关部门和多家企业提供管理咨询或培训服务。现还兼任全国继续教育学会常务理事、华东区继续教育学会副理事长、福建省远程教育学会副会长、福建省出版协会副会长。
Zheng Wenli(born in 1963) is a professor of the Department of Business Administration of the Xiamen University School of Management, president of Xiamen University Press, president of the Electronic Publishing House of Xiamen University, dean of the School of Continuing Education of Xiamen University , Deputy Director and Chief of Staff of Continuing Education Management Committee of Xiamen University , Director of the office, executive vice president of staff night school of Xiamen University. In July 1984, he graduated from the Department of Computer Science in Xiamen University, majored in control theory. In 1987, he obtained a master's degree in Operations Research and Cybernetics (currently Systems Engineering) from the Department of Computer and Systems Science in Xiamen University. After graduating, he was engaged in teaching and scientific research in school of economics and school of management at Xiamen University. During this period, he took a short-term education at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom and was promoted to associate professor in 1996. He was promoted to professor in 2003, and served as deputy director of the enterprise management department of Xiamen University Management School from 2004 to 2007. He has served as Dean of the School of Continuing Education of Xiamen University since December 2006 and has served as President of Xiamen University Press and President of Electronic Publishing House of Xiamen University since December 2017. From 2003 to 2005, he was appointed by Xiamen University to teach and took charge of the assistant dean of teaching, scientific research, and discipline construction to the management school of Tibet Nationalities University. In December 2011, he was awarded by the Ministry of Education for “Individual Award for Outstanding Contribution to the 10th Anniversary of Western Universities”. In teaching and research practice in the fields of human resource management, investment management and information management, he has obtained a number of teaching and scientific research achievements: The online education “Management Information System” course hosted by the Ministry of Education was awarded by the Ministry of Education in 2013. (Web-based education) established projects, chaired and participated in research on vertical and horizontal topics, and independently edited and published “Management Information System” and “Remove the foam to see the gold (Network and Business Opportunities)”, editor-in-chief of “Management Information System Principles and Applications”. Participated in the “Human Resources Recruitment System” and “Encyclopedia of Economics”; published dozens of papers. In practice, he has provided management consulting and training services for relevant government departments and companies. He is also the executive director of the National Institute of Continuing Education, the vice chairman of the East China Association for Continuing Education, the vice president of the Fujian Distance Education Association, and the vice president of the Fujian Publishing Association.
> 学校名称:
> 专业名称:
> 入学年月:
> 所获学位类别:
> 学校名称: 厦门大学
学院(系)名称: 厦门大学计算机与系统科学系
> 专业名称:运筹学与控制论
> 入学年月:1984年9月
> 所获学位类别:理学硕士
> 学校名称: 厦门大学
> 专业名称: 控制理论
> 入学年月:1980年9月
> 所获学位类别:理学学士
4、Degree:Bachelor of Science
2017.12—至今 厦门大学出版社社长、厦门大学电子出版社社长、厦门大学继续教育学院院长,厦门大学继续教育管理委员会副主任兼办公室主任(2014.6--)、厦门大学职工夜校常
2013.08—2017.12 厦门大学继续教育学院院长,厦门大学继续教育管理委员会副主任兼办公室主任(2014.6--)、厦门大学职工夜校常务副校长(2013.11--),厦门大学管理学院企业管理系教授
2006.12—2013.08 厦门大学继续教育与职业教育学院院长,厦门大学管理学院企业管理系教授
2004.04—2007.06 厦门大学管理学院企业管理系副主任,教授
2003.12—2004.04 厦门大学管理学院企业管理系教授
1996.12—2003.12 厦门大学企业管理系副教授
1993.12—1996.12 厦门大学企业管理系讲师
1987.08—1993.12 厦门大学人口研究室任教(其间:1990.12 晋升助理研究员)
December 2017 to the present ,president of Xiamen University Press, president of the Electronic Publishing House of Xiamen University, dean of the School of Continuing Education of Xiamen University , Deputy Director and Chief of Staff of Continuing Education Management Committee of Xiamen University(June 2014 to now); director of the office, executive vice president of staff night school of Xiamen University professor of the Department of Business Administration of the Xiamen University School of Management
August 2013 to the present ,dean of the School of Continuing Education of Xiamen University , Deputy Director and Chief of Staff of Continuing Education Management Committee of Xiamen University(June 2014 to now); director of the office, executive vice president of staff night school of Xiamen University professor of the Department of Business Administration of the Xiamen University School of Management
December 2006 to August 2013, dean of the College of Continuing Education and Vocational Education,Xiamen University; professor, department of business management, College of Management, Xiamen University.
April 2004 to June 2007,professor and deputy director, department of business management, Xiamen University.
December 2003 to April 2004, professor, department of business management ,Xiamen University.
December 1996 to December 2003, associate professor, department of business management , Xiamen University.
December 1993 to December 1996, lecturer, department of business management , Xiamen University.
August 1987 to December 1993, teacher, Institute of Population Studies ,Xiamen University(December 1990,
promoted to an assistant researcher).
Human Resource Management;
Investment Management ;
Information Management.
> 人力资源招聘与录用;
> 风险投资管理;
> 企业资源计划。
> Recruitment and Employment of Human Resources;
> Risk Investment Management ;
> Enterprise Resource Planning.
>> 科研基金(MORE)
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