作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 3487 发布时间: 2018-07-27 17:26 【微信号:13306030226】
She has a lot of international experiences. She received degrees and worked in three different places: Hong Kong, Canada, and China. She has practical experiences across the borders. She emphasizes applicability of what is taught and learn to practice. She caters teaching and research to the need of enterprises and society. She constantly pioneers and develops new course according to the need.
Ph.D., School of Management, University of Hong Kong
MBA, Dalhousie University, Canada
BA., Economics,
1997-2003,香港大学博士生讲师Ph.D. Demonstrator
1994-1996,加拿大Mount Allison 大学,兼职教授
1990-1994,加拿大Algoma 大学,副教授长期职位
1988-1989,加拿大Mt St. Vincent 商学院,Saint Mary's 经济系兼职讲师
Academic Positions
2005-, Full Professor, School of Management, Xiamen University
2015- Visiting Professor, Newhuadu Business School
1997-2003,Doctoral Demonstrator, University of Hong Kong
1994-1996,Full-time Banker and Part-time Professor, Mount Allison University, Canada
1990-1994,Assistant Professor, tenure-track position, Algoma University, Canada
1989-1990,Lecturer, School of Business Administration, Acadia University, Canada
1988-1989,Lecturer, Mount Saint Vincent University, Saint Mary's University
1986-1988,Lecturer, Department of Finance and Banking, Xiamen University, China
Professional Experiences:
2006-2015, Independent Director of Co-prosperity, Hong Kong Exchange.
2006-present, Senior Consultant, Xiamen Economic and Management Association
2006-2007, Consultant, Shouxin Construction and Development Limited
1995-1996,Personal banking consultation, credit analyst, sales, Royal Banking Center, Royal Bank of Canada.
1. 企业可见度、社会责任与绩效(赵蓓,吴芳,张岩)《厦门大学学报》,2015(3),20-28
2. 产业集群升级影响因素及对策研究——基于泉州产业集群的计量分析(赵蓓,林必越,张小三),《科技管理研究》,2014(20)第34卷,总第318,180-186
3. 产业集群价值链构建研究——以泉州鞋服产业为例(赵蓓,林必越),《现代管理科学》,2014(5)73-75
4. 消费者后悔产生及其调节方式初探(赵蓓,贾艳瑞),《调研世界》,2014(10)45-49
5. 我国独立董事制度存在问题、成因探讨及建议(胡峰,赵蓓),《现代管理科学》, 2014(4)102-104
6. 品牌权益与股东价值关系实证研究(赵蓓,张小三),《厦门大学学报》2013(6)125-132。
7. 消费者购买售后服务产品主要影响因素分析(韦荷琳,赵蓓,贾雷),《现代管理科学》2013(4)21-23, 72
8. Capital Structure and Its Determinants in Sri Lanka (Zhao, Bei and W. Percy Wijewardana), IERI- ICASS, 2012, Malayasia, 51-55
9. Financial Leverage, Firm Growth and Financial Strength in the Listed Companies (Zhao, Bei and W. Percy Wijewardana), Procedia- Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2012, 5, 40, 709-715, Indexed in ScienceDirect and Scopus
10. Working Capital Policy Practice: Evidence from Sri Lankan companies (Zhao, Bei and W. Percy Wijewardana) Procedia- Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2012, 40, 697-700, Indexed in ScienceDirect and Scopus
11. 纳税服务与纳税人满意度:理论框架与实证分析(袁政慧,赵蓓,陈琳琳),《税务研究》2012(12)63-65。
12. Analysis on Core Antecedents of Consumers Attitude(赵蓓,韦荷琳), IE&EM,2012,第三期,2304-2307
13. 中小企业孵化模式探讨——以晋江市为例(赵蓓,韦荷琳),《生产率研究》,2012,第10期,220-222
14. 超竞争环境下的组合战略:理论分析与泉州实例(赵蓓,袁政慧),《东南学术》2011,(6)
15. 增值税转型对城乡消费价格变化的影响(伍丽菊,赵蓓),《税务研究》2011,(8)
16. 产业集群嵌入性与供应链协同(赵蓓,袁政慧),《福建论坛》2011,(8)
17. Supply Chain Collaboration: the Mediating Role between Embeddedness and Corporate Performance”(Zhao, Bei and Zhenghui Yuan), Proceedings of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (the “IEEE”), 2010, “41-45
18. 税收、政府支出与消费变动的关系(赵蓓,战岐林),《当代财经》2010,(11):35-41。
19. Firm Specific, Macroeconomic, and Institutional Determinants of Capital Structure: Evidence from Listed Firms(Zhao, Bei and W. Percy Wijewardana), Research Symposium 2010, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 53-55
20. 海峡西岸产业集群发展与创新能力提高:嵌入性分析,《东南学术》2010,(4):24-31(国家社科、福建软科)
21. 税收因素与产业集聚形成-基于我国各省区制造业数据的实证分析(赵蓓,战岐林),《福建论坛》2010,(7):9-13
22. 嵌入性与税收政策:对外资投资决策的影响,《涉外税务》2008,(6):24-27。
23. 服务贸易发展与财税政策运用(赵蓓,陈贺菁),《税务研究》2008,(5)8-11
24. 厦门产业集群发展与利用台资,《拓展两岸交流:厦门社科重点研究课题成果集》2008
25. 海西产业集群发展与利用台资:基于嵌入性的分析,《亚太经济》,2008,1月:79-82
26. 过渡性资本外逃及其治理:税收成因与对策(赵蓓,陈斌),《税务研究》2007,(2):27-31
27. 产业群嵌入性和竞争力:计量分析,《厦门大学学报》,2005,(168期,(2)
28. 产业群嵌入性与税收增长:以泉州鞋业为例的计量分析,《税务研究》,第237期,2005,(2):31-35
29. 中国产业的区域集中、专业分工与产业群,《亚太经济》2004,(6),总123:65-68。文章编号:1000-6052(2004)06-0065-04
30. 嵌入性与产业群竞争力:理论研究与分析框架,《东南学术》2004,(6):138-145
31. 税收政策运用与产业集群发展,第179期,《税务研究》2004,(8):49-53
32. 外资与中国产业集群发展:从嵌入性角度的分析(赵蓓,莽丽),《福建论坛》2004,(7),总146期,29-32
33. Embeddedness and Competitiveness: Regional Clusters in China. Hardcopy and full digital on-line, outstanding thesis selected by the library of University of Hong Kong. 2003,香港大学图书馆精选杰出论文打印和网上全文
34. 集群产业发展对农村工业化和区域城市化的影响:福建晋江的案例分析,载陈拥军,陈爱民主编《中国城市化:实证分析与对策研究》,2002: 185-192,厦门大学出版社
35. “A Clusters Approach to Industrialization and Urbanization: The Case of Jiniang” (with Liping Deng), in Y. Chen and A. Chen (ed.) Urbanization in China: Challenges and Strategies II, Xiamen University Press, 2001:151-164
36. “From Factory to Company: an Analysis of Corporate Governance of Chinese State Enterprises in Light of Share-holding Corporation” (Zhao Bei, Gilbert Wong), in Restructuring the Asia-Pacific Economic Systems: Towards the 21st Century, Conference Proceedings of Pan-Pacific XV, Pan-Pacific Business Association, 1998: 164-166
1. 逆市下的厦门中央公园营销调研(赵蓓,韦荷琳),中国管理案例库,2012
2. 砸不碎的镜片能否铸就砸不碎的品牌--瑞之路由代工走向品牌的困惑(赵蓓,张小三,王志荣),中国管理案例库,2013。
3. 眼科中心品牌整合,中国管理案例库(赵蓓,吴芳)。
1. 鞋服企业信息化应对效益调研,厦门大学横向课题,2012年立项,K82027
2. 海峡西岸大企业大产业集群研究,福建省社会科学规划重点项目,2011A039,项目负责人。
3. 中国财政学会2011年度招标项目《转变经济发展方式的财政税收政策》,第一合作人。
4. 产业集群的嵌入性与创新机制,国家社科基金,项目批准号:2007BJL048,项目负责人。
5. 海峡西岸产业集群的嵌入性与创新能力提高,福建省科技厅重点项目,受理编号:2006R01010483,项目负责人。
6. 晋江孵化器策划2011。
7. 海峡国际社区房地产项目2010。
8. 夏教出国服务调研2010。
1. 2011年福建省第九届社科三等奖《海峡西岸产业集群发展与创新能力提高:嵌入性分析》。
2. 2007年,福建省人民政府第七届社会科学优秀成果二等奖《产业群嵌入性和竞争力:计量分析》
3. 2005年,University of Hong Kong “Outstanding Thesis of 2003”.
4. 2014年厦门大学教工风采大赛第一名:百老汇歌剧《猫》
5. 2011-15年厦门大学游泳运动会仰泳第一名,记录保持者
6. 2010-14年厦门大学游泳运动会蝶泳第一名,记录保持者
7. 2010年厦门大学游泳运动会蛙泳第二名
8. 2006年厦门大学游泳运动会自由泳第一名
1. 2015财富 500强高峰论坛主持人http://finance.sina.cn/2015-10-22/detail-ifxizwti6895070.d.html?from=wap
2. 诺贝尔奖获得者-闽商对话英语主持和翻译http://mn.sina.com.cn/3irdmslt/
3. 唐舒尔茨整合营销传播论坛对话嘉宾http://finance.sina.com.cn/hy/20070428/17273556542.shtml
Recent Publications
Zhao Bei, Wufang, and Zhang Yan, Firm Visability, CSR, and Performance, Journal of Xiamen University, 2015-3, 20-28
Zhao Bei, Lin Biyue, Zhang Xiaosan, Factors Affecting Regional Cluster Upgrading: an Empirical Study in Quanzhou,Science and Technology Management Research, 2014-20, 180-186
Zhao Bei, Lin Biyue, On Construction of Regional Cluster Value Chain: A Case of Clothing Cluster in Quanzhou, Modern Management Science, 2014-5, 73-75
Zhao Bei, Jia Yanrui, Consumer Regret and Adjustment, Survey World, 2014-10, 45-49
Hu Feng, Zhao Bei, Independent Director System Problems, Reasons, and Suggestions, Modern Management Science, 2014-4, 102-104
Zhao Bei and Zhang Xiaosan, An Empirical Study of Relationship between Brand Equity and Shareholder Value, Journal of Xiamen University, 2013-6, 125-132.
Yuan Zhenghui, Zhao Bei, and Chen Linlin, “Tax Service and Taxpayer Satisfaction: A Theoretical Framework and Empirical Analysis”, Taxation Rearch, 2012-12, 63-65
Zhao Bei and Wei Helin, “The Marketing of
Wei Helin, Zhao Bei, Jia Lei, Factors Affecting Purchase of Post-purchase Products, Modern Management Science, 2013-4, 21-23, 72
Zhao Bei and W. Percy Wijewardana, “Capital Structure and Its Determinants in
Zhao Bei and W. Percy Wijewardana, “Financial Leverage, Firm Growth and Financial Strength in the Listed Companies”,Procedia- Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2012-5, 40, 709-715, Indexed in ScienceDirect and Scopus..
Zhao Bei and W. Percy Wijewardana, “Working Capital Policy Practice: Evidence from Sri Lankan companies”, Procedia- Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2012.5, 40, 697-700, Indexed in ScienceDirect and Scopus.
Wu Liju and Zhao Bei , “The Impact of Value Added Tax Transformation on Changes of Urban and Suburban CPI”,Taxation Research, 2011, 45-48
Zhao, Bei and Zhenghui Yuan, 2010, “Supply Chain Collaboration: the Mediating Role between Embeddedness and Corporate Performance”(with Yuan Zhenghui), Proceedings of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (the “IEEE”), 41-45
Zhao, Bei and Qilin Zhan, 2010, “Taxation, Government Expenditure, and Consumption”, Contemporary Finance & Economics, (11): 35-41
Zhao, Bei and W. Percy Wijewardana, 2010, “Firm Specific, Macroeconomic, and Institutional Determinants of Capital Structure: Evidence from Listed Firms”, Research Symposium 2010,
Zhao, Bei, 2010, “Regional Cluster Development and Innovation Enhancement: from Embeddedness Perspective”,Southeast Academic Research, (10): 21-31
Zhao, Bei, and Qilin Zhan, 2010, “Taxation and Clustering: an Empirical Study of Chinese Provincial Manufacturing Data”,
Zhao, Bei, 2008 , “Decision Making of Foreign Investment: an Analysis Based on Embeddedness-Tax Relationship”, International Taxation, (6): 24-27
Zhao, Bei, Hejing Chen, 2008, “A Study of Round-tripping Capital from a Tax Perspective”, Taxation Research, (5): 8-11
Zhao, Bei, 2008, “Regional Cluster Development and
Zhao, Bei, 2008, “Cluster Development and Inbound
“The Competitiveness of Clusters in the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait”, paper presented in the 8th Annual Conference of The Competitiveness Institute, 2005, Hong Kong, November
Zhao, Bei, 2005, “Embeddedness and Competitiveness of Regional Clusters: an Empirical Study”, Journal of
Zhao, Bei, 2005, “Embeddedness and Tax Revenue: an Empirical Study of Quanzhou Footwear Cluster”, Taxation Research, (2): 31-35
Zhao, Bei, 2004, “Geographical Concentration, Specialization, and Industrial Clustering”, Asia-Pacific Economic Review, (6): 65-68
Zhao, Bei, 2004, “Embeddedness and Competitiveness: a Theoretical Derivation and Analytical Framework”, Southeast Academic Research, (6): 138-145
Research Projects and Grants
Xiamen Eye Center Consumer Survey and Strategic Planning.
Survey of Information Technology Development of Footwear and Clothing Enterprises
“Large Enterprise and Large Cluster Studies on Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait”, 2011 Major Project under Fujian Social Science Plan,
“Embeddedness and Innovation Mechanism”, China Academy of Social Science Foundation 2007BJL048
“Clusters in The Western Coast of Taiwan Strait: Embeddedness and Enhancement of Innovative Capability”, Fujian Provincial Department of Science and Technology: 2006R01010483
Member of Market Research Association
Awards & Recognition
2011, Third Prize of
2007, Second Prize of
2007-2015, First Place Butterfly, First place Backstroke; 2007 Second Place in Breaststroke; 2006 First Place in Freestyle, Xiamen University Swimming Contest
2014 Frist Prize in Faculty Talent show of Xiamen University: Broadway Opera “CAT”
Other Experiences
Hostess of Fortune 500 Supreme Forum 2015 http://finance.sina.cn/2015-10-22/detail-ifxizwti6895070.d.html?from=wap
English Hostess and Interpreter of Nobel Prize winner’s conversation with entrepreneurs http://mn.sina.com.cn/3irdmslt/
Guest of Integrated Marketing Communication with Don Schultzhttp://finance.sina.com.cn/hy/20070428/17273556542.shtml
The Value of Chinese Culture and Thinking mode
Chinese Culture and its implication on management and living
Consumer Behavior
Consumer Studies (literature)
Market Research
Corporate Finance
Business Strategy
Advanced Management
Working capital management
Capital budgeting
Human Resource Management
Multinational Enterprise
International Banking
International business
International Finance
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