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作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 2074 发布时间: 2018-08-01 16:20 【微信号:13306030226】

 夏路教授 (女,1979年出生)
  职务: 无
  学历: 博士
  电子邮件: xialu@xmu.edu.cn


  Research Categories:

  International Political Economy、Regional Governance and foreign policy、Nation’s Reunification Issue

  Courses Presently Taught:
  Bachelor Courses:International Politics, Global Governance ,China’s Diplomacy

  Master Courses: International Political Economy, Global Governance and China’s Diplomatic Policy

  1. 工作经历
  2017.8至今, 厦门大学公共事务学院政治学系教授。


  2. 学习经历
  Working Experience:
  2004.8-2007.7, Teaching Assistant, School of Public Affaires, Xiamen University.
  2007.8-2011.7, Assistant Professor, School of Public Affaires, Xiamen University.
  2011.8-2017.7, Associate Professor, School of Public Affaires, Xiamen University.
  2017.8-Present, Professor, School of Public Affaires, Xiamen University.
  2016.1-2017.1 Visiting Scholar in School of Foreign Service in Georgetown University, USA.
  Higher Education:
  Ph.D., International Relations, 2008, Fudan University, Shanghai, P,R.China.
  Master, International Relations, 2004, Wuhan University, Hubei, P.R.C China.

  Bachelor, Double-Majors: Political Science and Journalism, 2001, Wuhan University, Hubei, P.R.China.

  1. 国家级
  2. 省部级
  主持福建省社会科学一般项目:《<福建省志: 社会科学志>之<国际关系与国际政治研究>》(2009-2011)。
  3. 学校级
  National Level——
  2010-2015,Principal Investigator, Regional International Organization and Nation’s Reunification Problem, Supported by the Young Program of National Social Science Foundation of China.
  Provincial Level——
  2008-2009,Principal Investigator, Regionalism and Divided Nation’s Reunification, Supported by the Young Program of Social Science Foundation of Fujian in China.
  2009-2011,Principal Investigator, Social Science Researches in Fujian Province: International Relations and International Politics, Supported by the General Program of Social Science Foundation of Fujian in China.
  2011-2012, Principal Investigator, The U.S. Foreign Policy on the “Reunification of Divided Nations”: From the Perspective of Power Structures, Supported by the General Program of Social Science Foundation of Fujian in China.
  2012-2013, Principal Investigator, Cross-Strait Reunification in Global Governance: a View of Complex Power Structure, Supported by the Key Program of Social Science Foundation of Fujian in China.
  2013-2016, Principal Investigator, After Reunification: Regionalism and Nation’s Integration, Supported by the Social Science Foundation of Fujian Province in China for Distinguished Young Scholar.
  2017- , Regional Governance Institutions of Cross Strait Peaceful Development , Supported by the General Program of Social Science Foundation of Fujian in China
  University Level——

  2014-2018, Principal Investigator, An Research on the Cross-straits Interactions among International Government Organizations, Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Chinese Central Universities.

  1. 学术论文
  Lu XIA, “Reunification Road: a Comparative Study on Vietnam, Germany, and Yemen Using the Complex Power Structure”, World Affairs, No 2.2016
  Lu XIA , “Région, régionalisme et régionalisation. L’impact de l’OCS dans la ? mise en relation ? des nations et de la region”, Chabal, Pierre (dir.)L’Organisation de coopération de Shanghai et la construction de la ? nouvelle Asie ?,Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2016.
  Lu XIA, "Regional Factors in Yemen’s Integration Reunification",Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies(in Asia) ,Vol.4,No.4, 2010.
  2. 报刊评论
  Refereed Journal Articles
  Lu XIA, “Reunification Road: a Comparative Study on Vietnam, Germany, and Yemen Using the Complex Power Structure”, World Affairs, No 2.2016
  Lu XIA,"Regional Governance Structure and Divided Nation’s Reunification:A Comparative Study on Vietnam, Germany and Yemen", Social Sciences Abroad,2016(2).
  Lu XIA, “Région, régionalisme et régionalisation. L’impact de l’OCS dans la ? mise en relation ? des nations et de la region”, Chabal, Pierre (dir.)L’Organisation de coopération de Shanghai et la construction de la ? nouvelle Asie ?,Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2016. (Article in English)
  Lu XIA, “European Governance Structure and Germany’s Peaceful Reunification”, Chinese Journal of European Studies, 2015(3).
  Lu XIA, “Review and Commentary on the Theory of Regional International Organization: a Perspective of Organization Structure”, Cass Journal of Political Science, 2013(3).
  Lu XIA,“The U.S. Foreign Policy on the ‘Reunification of Divided Nations’: From the Perspective of Power Structures”, World Economics and Politics, 2012(12).
  Lu XIA, “Establish Harmonious: The Paradigms, Effects and Avenues of East Asian Regionalism Governance”, Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology(Social Sciences Edition),2011(2).
  Lu XIA, “Reunification and after it”, Readers,2011(6).
  Lu XIA,“International Structure and Divided Nation's Reunification Model : One Response to the International Environment of China's Reunification and its Strategy Choices”, Luojia Politics Review,2011(1)
  Lu XIA, “A Complex Power Structure Study on Vietnam’s Forceful Reunification Model: an Enlighten for China’s Peaceful Reunification”, Southeast Asian Studies, 2011(4).
  Lu XIA, “Lock the Red Sea: an Analysis on the U.S.’s Geopolitical Strategy in Yemen”, Fudan American View, 2011(10).
  Lu XIA, “The Reunification Model of Yemen and the Significance to China”, Arab World Studies, 2010(4).
  Lu XIA, “Regional Factors in Yemen’s Integration Reunification”,Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies(in Asia),2010(4). (Article in English)
  Lu XIA,“From Separation to Unification: a Study of the Multiple-Power Structure of the German Peace Model”, Modern International Relation, 2009(8).
  Lu XIA, “Comparative Studies on Divided Nation’s Reunification Model:Angle of Views in Complex Power Structure”, International Politics Quarterly, 2009(1).
  Lu XIA, “Unification Models of Divided Nations:from the Perspective of Unification Environments and Unification Expense”, World Nations, 2009(1).
  Lu XIA and Jinying CHENG , “The Public Factor in China Democracy”, Readers, 2008(10).
  Lu XIA, “A Brief Analysis on the Influence of Internet to Terrorism Violence Factor”, Socialism Studies,2006(4).
  Lu XIA,“UN Peacekeeping: Collective Security?” , International Politics Quarterly, 2006(3).
  Lu XIA,“A Look at Regional Governance in East Asia with ‘Multi-Power Concept ’”, Southeast Academic Research,2006(1).
  LU XIA,“U.S. Factors in China’s North Korea Nuclear Crisis Policy” ,Socialism Studies,2006(1).
  PEI Jiao and XIA Lu, “Islam:an Exploration into the Religious National Origins of International Terrorism”, Yinshan Academic Journal,2004(3).
  Lu XIA, “Influence of the Marshals Plan on the Economy of the Western Europe”, Yinshan Academic Journal, 2003(3).
  Lu XIA, “The Values of ‘Harmony of the Heaven and Man ’ Thoughts in the Globalization ”, Hunan Social Sciences, 2003(1).

  Lu XIA, “Concept of National Sovereignty in View of European Integration”,Issues of Contemporary World Socialism, 2002(3).

  1. 专著
  2. 参编
  《女性学导论》(参编第一章《女性学的学科发展》,3万),厦门大学出版社,2006年版 。

  XIA Lu, Complex Power Structure and Nation’s Reunification Model: a Comparative Analysis of Vietnam, Germany and Yemen, China Social Science Press, 2011.

  1. 科研类:
  《二战后民族分裂国家统一模式略议——“统一环境”与“统一成本”的视角 》(论文)获2011年福建省第九届社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖。
  2. 教学类:
  Distinguished Young Scholar in Social Science, Fujian Province, P.R.China, 2013.

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