点击量: 6506
发布时间: 2018-08-10 14:16
Kui Du(杜魁)
School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University
Xiamen 361005, China
E-mail: kuidu@xmu.edu.cn Phone: 0592-2580672 Fax: 0592-2580608
Office: R536 Math & Phys Building, Haiyun Campus
Master/Ph.D students recruitment (招收硕士、博士研究生)
I am actively looking for Master/Ph.D students interested in numerical optimization and numerical algebra algorithms in data science. Recruited students will receive rigorous training and generous support from our group. Interested students are very welcome to contact me by email: kuidu@xmu.edu.cn
Numerical Linear Algebra
Computational Methods for Linear Inverse Problems
Mathematical Methods for Data Analysis (in preparation)
Research Interests
Fast algorithms for electromagnetic scattering
Numerical optimization and numerical algebra algorithms in data science
Recent Work
Selected Publications
Kui Du, Yunqing Huang, and Yiwei Wang. On two generalized inverse eigenvalue problems for Hessenberg-upper triangular pencils and their application to the study of GMRES convergence. LAA, 2018.
Kui Du, Jurjen Duintjer Tebbens, and Gerard Meurant. Any admissible harmonic Ritz value set is possible for GMRES. ETNA, 2017.
Kui Du. On well-conditioned spectral collocation and spectral methods by the integral reformulation. SISC, 2016.
Kui Du, Buyang Li, and Weiwei Sun. A numerical study on the stability of a class of Helmholtz problems. JCP, 2015.
Kui Du, Weiwei Sun, and Xiaoping Zhang. Arbitrary high-order C^0 tensor product Galerkin finite element methods for the electromagnetic scattering from a large cavity. JCP, 2013.
Kui Du. A composite preconditioner for the electromagnetic scattering from a large cavity. JCP, 2011.
Kui Du. Two transparent boundary conditions for the electromagnetic scattering from two-dimensional overfilled cavities. JCP, 2011.
Kui Du. A simple numerical method for complex geometrical optics solutions to the conductivity equation. SISC, 2011.
Mathscinet ResearcherID
Current Students
司武涛 (2017, master)
Topic: Randomized iterative algorithms for factorized linear systems
沈雁欣 (2017, master)
Topic: Randomized iterative algorithms for LASSO