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作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 2455 发布时间: 2018-08-10 17:30 【微信号:13306030226】

  林国星,男,出生于福建省永定县,毕业于厦门大学物理系凝聚态物理专业,博士,教授,博士生导师,国家科技部“国际科技合作重点项目计划同行评议专家”, 福建省青少年科普专家团成员,福建省物理学会教学研究委员会副主任,长期从事理论力学,热力学统计物理教学及相关课题的研究。研究方向:能量转换系统的优 化,现代热力学;主要包括磁制冷、太阳能热利用及三源热力循环优化理论及其应用等。近年来曾多次赴意大利、法国和捷克参加重要国际学术会议, 2003年2月至2003年11月在荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学Van der Waals-Zeeman 研究所访问研究,开展磁制冷等研究工作;已主持并圆满完成了1项“973”子课题及4项省部级基金项目的研究,参加了10项国家、省自然科学基金等项目的 研究,目前主持国家自然科学基金1项,福建省自然科学基金1项。2003年以来已在国际重要学术期刊、国内核心期刊及国内外重要学术会议上发表论文40多 篇, 其中在国际重要学术刊物上发表的近30篇论文绝大部分被“SCI、EI或ISTP”收录。
  1 Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen and Ben Hua. General performance characteristics of anirreversible three source chemical pump, Energy Conversion and Management, 44(10) 2003: 1719-1731.
  2 Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen, Ekkes Brück. Irreversible chemical-engines and their optimalperformance analysis, Applied Energy, 78(2), 2004: 123-136
  3 G. Lin, O Tegus, L Zhang,E Brück. General performance characteristics of an irreversibleferromagnetic Stirling refrigeration cycle, Physica B, 344(1-4) ,2004, pp147-156
  4 S K Tyagi, G Lin, S C Kaushik, J Chen. Thermoeconomic optimization of an irreversibleStirling cryogenic refrigerator cycle, Int J Refrigeration, 27(8), 2004, pp. 924-931
  5 S K Tyagi, J. Chen, G. Lin, S C Kaushik. Thermoeconomic optimization and parametric study of irreversible Ericsson heat engine cycle, Int. J Thermodynamics, 7 (4), 2004, pp.189-198
  6 Shiyan Zheng, Jincan Chen, Guoxing Lin. Performance characteristics of an irreversible  solar-driven Braysson heat engine at maximum efficiency, Renewable Energy, 30(4),2005: 601-610
  7 O.Tegus, G. X. Lin, W. Dagula, B.Fuquan, L Zhang, E.Brück, F.R.de Boer, K.H.J. Buschow. A model description of the first-order phase transition in MnFeP1-xAsx, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Material, 290-291, 2005: 658-660
  8 Tyagi S K, Chen J C, Lin G X, Kaushik S C. Effect of several irreversibilities on the  thermo-economic performance of a realistic Brayton heat engine cycle. Indian Journal of pure and Applied Physics, 43(8),2005: 612-619
  9 Suzhi Wu, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen. Optimum thermoeconomic and thermodynamicperformance characteristics of an irreversible three-heat-source heat pump, RenewableEnergy, 30(15),2005: 2257-2271
  10 Suzhi Wu, Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen, Ben Hua. Optimization on the performance characteristics of a three-source chemical pump affected by multi-irreversibilities, Mathematicaland Computer Modelling, 41(2-3), 2005: 241-251
  11 S.K.Tyagi, J Chen, G Lin, S C Kaushik. Ecological optimization of an irreversible Ericsson cryogenic refrigerator cycle, Int J Energy Research, 29, 2005: 1191-1204
  12 Shiyan Zheng, Guoxing Lin, Ben Hua. The net work output and efficiency characteristicsfor an irreversible Diesel cycle, Proc.ECOS 2005 (Norway, June 20-22,2005) eds. Signe Kjelstrup, Johan E. Hustad, Truls Gundersen, Audun Rosjorde, George Tsatsaronis , pp.1475-1482
  13 Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen, Ben Hua. Optimum performance analysis of an irreversible three-source chemical pump, Proc.ECOS 2005 (Norway, June 20-22,2005) eds. Signe Kjelstrup, Johan E. Hustad, Truls Gundersen, Audun Rosjorde, George Tsatsaronis, pp.553-560
  14 Zhengrong Xia, Guoxing Lin, Ben Hua. Optimal performance characteristics of an irreversible combined chemical pump,Proc.ECOS 2005 (Norway, June 20-22,2005) eds. Signe Kjelstrup, Johan E. Hustad, Truls Gundersen, Audun Rosjorde, George Tsatsaronis, pp.601-608.
  15 Guoxing Lin, Jincan Chen, Ekkes Brück, Ben Hua. Optimization of Performance characteristics in a Class of IrreversibleChemical Pumps, Mathematical and Computer Modelling , 2006, 43(7-8): p.743-753.
  16 Z R Xia, X M Ye, G X Lin, E Brück. Optimization of the performance characteristics in an irreversible magnetic Ericsson refrigeration cycle, Physica B, 2006, 381(1-2):246-255
  17 Xingmei Ye, Lanmei Wu, Guoxing Lin, Ben Hua. Performance optimization of an irreversible ferromagnetic Stirling refrigerator with finite thermal sources, Proc. ECOS 2006 , Greece, July 12-14, 2006,  Edited by C. A. Frangopoulos, C. D. Rakopoulos, G Tsatsaronis. Vol.3: pp.1303-10
  18 X.M.Ye, G. X. Lin, J.C. Chen, E. Brück. Parametric optimization of an irreversible magnetic Ericsson refrigerator with finite heat reservoirs, Physica B, 2007, 391(2): 350-356
  19 Xingmei Ye, Jincan Chen, Guoxing Lin. Parametric optimization of a new combined refrigeration cycle---active thermal potentiostatting system. Int. J. Refrigeration,2007, 30(6): 995-1003
  20 Zhengrong Xia, Yue Zhang, Jincan Chen, Guoxing Lin. Performance analysis and parametric optimum criteria of an irreversible magnetic Brayton refrigerator. Applied Energy, 2008, 85(2-3): 159-170
  21 Lanmei Wu, Guoxing Lin. Performance optimization of an irreversible solar-driven Braysson heat engine. Proc.ECOS 2007 , Italy, June 25-28, 2007,  Edited by Alberto Mirandola, ?zer Arnas, Andrea Lazzaretto. Vol.1: pp.35-41.
  22 S. Wu, G. Lin, J. Chen and C. Wu. Parametric optimum analysis of an irreversible chemical potential transformer and its performance bounds. Int. J. Ambient Energy, 2007, 28(4), p. 171-180.
  23. Yian Yin, Baolin Liu, Baoping Zhang, Guoxing Lin. The effect of a surface layer capping p-InGaN/p-GaN superlattices on the contact to p-GaN.  Superlattices and Microstructures 2008, 43: 162-167
  24 Lanmei Wu, Guoxing Lin. Performance characteristic of an irreversible solar-driven absorption refrigerator with radiation heat loss. World Renewable Energy Congress (WRECX), Edited by A Sayigh, 2008, pp.1690-1697
  25 Fang Wei, Ruizhe Wang, Guoxing Lin. Performance optimization of irreversible ferromagnetic Stirling heat Pumps, Proc.ECOS 2008 , Poland, June, 2008, Edited by Andrzej Ziebik, Zygmunt Kolenda, Wojciech Stanek, Vol. I : pp 409-415 (ISBN 978-83-922381-4-0)
  1) 林国星等.基于铁磁材料的不可逆回热制冷循环优化性能的研究,国家自然科学基金,2008-2010
  2) 林国星等. 辐射和对流传热对太阳能Braysson热机循环性能影响的研究 , 福建省自然科学基金,2007-2008
  3) 林国星等. 传热, 传质及其耦合优化理论的研究, 973子课题,2001-2005
  4)林国星等. 室温磁制冷新材料循环性能的研究, 福建省自然科学基金, 2004-2006
  5) 林国星等. 磁制冷新材料热力学性能的研究, 外国专家引智重点项目, 2005
  6) 陈金灿, 林国星等. 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚新物态若干理论问题的研究, 国家自然科学基金, 2003-2005
  7) 陈金灿, 林国星等. 量子热力学循环的性能特性与优化理论的研究, 国家自然科学基金, 2006-2008

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