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作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-小黑老师 点击量: 1289 发布时间: 2018-08-14 16:00 【微信号:13306030226】

热门关键词:华侨大学统计学院导师  华侨大学陈建伟  硕士研究生导师  



陈建伟特聘教授, 博士生导师终身教授,博士生导师, 199912月毕业于香港中文大学统计系,获博士学位。从事应用统计学,管理科学和数量经济等领域的研究工作。近年来在非参数统计,动态系统的模拟方法,抽样检验样本在质量检验等领域取得成果,先后在统计学和运筹学国际顶级期刊,如The Annals of Statistics (世界统计年刊), Journal of the American Statistics Association (美国统计杂志), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society(英国皇家杂志), Statistics Sinica(统计学报),European Journal of Operational Research (欧洲运筹杂志), and Epidemiolog(传染病学报)等发表SCI论文20多篇,其中,JCR分区一区3篇,二区5篇,三区2.先后独立承担或作为骨干参与6项国家自然科学基金(NSF)和美国国家健康基金(NIH)等科研项目.是一位国际知名的统计学和运筹学学。


1.Principal Investigator National Security Agency (NSA) Statistical Inverse Problem for Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations---Estimation, Algorithms and Applications, 2014-2015

2.Principal Investigator National Science Foundation (NSF) Statistical Inferences for Deterministic Dynamic Models Containing both Constant and Time-varying Parameters with Applications to Infectious Diseases 2009-2013

3.Principal Investigator: University grant program (UGP), Mixed Effect Modeling HIV Dynamic Models for Longitudinal Data with Applications to AIDS Study, 2012-2013

4.Consultant of National Institute Health (NIH) grant Measuring and predicting visual field progression with longitudinal-survival CART,(PI: Levine, R. Co-PI: Fan J.) 2009-1011

5.Principal Investigator San Diego State University fund, 2007-2010

Editorial Service

Associate Editor,The Scientific World Journal: Probability and Statistics

Associate Editor,International Journal of Math and Statistics


1.Fan, J. andChen, J.(1999). One-step local quasi-likelihood estimation.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B,61, 927-943. (SCI, JCR分区1)

2.Chen, J. and Lam, Y. (1999). Bayesian variable sampling plan for the Weibull distribution with Type I censoring.Acta Math. Appl, Sinica, 3, 269-280

3.Chen, J. and Lam, Y. (1999). Bayesian sampling acceptance plans for a general life distribution with Type I censoring.Operation Research Transactions, 2, 29-45.

4.Chen, J. and Lam, Y. (2000). Comparing sampling acceptance plans for mixed and Type I censoring under the Weibull distribution.Operation Research Transactions, 3, 25-37.

5.Chen, J. (2001). Decision theory approach to acceptance plans with censoring.Journal of the Operation Research and Management Science, 5, 24-31.

6.Zhou, H.,Chen, J.and Cai, J. (2002). Random effects logistic regression analysis with auxiliary covariates.Biometrics,58, 352-360. (SCI, JCR分区3)

7.Chen, J., Choy, S.T.B. and Li, K. (2004). Optimal Bayesian sampling acceptance plan with random censoring.European Journal of Operational Research,155, 683-694. (SCI, 2)

8.Chen, J.,Chou, W., Wu, H. and Zhou, H. (2004). Designing acceptant sampling schemes for life testing with mixed censoring.Naval Research Logistics,51, 361-376. (SCI, 3)

9.Chen, J.,Zhou, H. and Cai, J. (2004). Two-step estimation of the generalized linear mixed model with auxiliary covariates.Statistica Sinica,14, 597-612. (SCI, JCR分区3)

10.Chen, J., Fan, J., Li, K. and Zhou, H. (2006). Local quasi-likelihood estimation with the data missing at random.Statistica Sinica,16, 1071-1101. (SCI, JCR分区3)

11.Chen, J.,Li, K. and Lam, Y. (2007). Bayesian double sampling acceptance plans for Weibull distribution with censoring.European Journal of Operational Research,117,1062-1073. (SCI, JCR分区2)

12.Zhang, J. andChen, J.(2007). Statistical inference for functional data.The Annals of Statistics,35, 1052-1079. (SCI, JCR分区1)

13.Zhou, H.,Chen, J., Rissanen, T., Korrick, S., Hu, H., Salonen, J. and Longnecker, M. (2007). Outcome dependent sampling: An efficient sampling and inference procedure for studies with a continuous outcome.Epidemiology,18,461-468. (SCI, JCR分区2)

14.Chen, J. and Chou, W. (2008). A comparison of the local quadratic hedging model with a convenient parametric model with application to the Hong Kong index futures.Model Assisted Statistics and Application, 3, 21-32.

15.Chen, J., Li, K. and Feng, C. (2008). Bayesian computation and adaptive control for dynamic linear system. The International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences, 3, 269-284.

16.Chen, J.and Wu, H. (2008). Efficient local estimation for time-varying coefficients in deterministic dynamic models with applications to HIV-1 dynamics.Journal of the American Statistical Association,103,369-385. (SCI, JCR分区1)

17.Huang, L. andChen, J. (2008). Analysis of variance, coefficient of determination, and an F-test for local polynomial regression.The Annals of Statistics,31, 2085-2109. (SCI,1)

18.Chen, J.and Wu, H. (2008). Estimation of time-varying parameters in deterministic dynamic models.Statistia Sinica,18, 987-1006. (SCI, JCR分区3)

19.Chen, J.(2010). Modeling long-term HIV dynamic models with application to AIDS clinical study.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, C (Applied Statistics),59, 805-820. (SCI, JCR分区2)

20.Chen, J. Li, K. H and Lam, Y. (2010). Bayesian computation for a geometric process in maintenance problems.Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,81,771-781(SCI, JCR分区4)

21.Chen, J. and Lin, D.C. (2010). Modeling continuous auxiliary covariate data in the generalized linear mixed models using the kernel smoother.Biometrical Journal,52,362376. (SCI, JCR分区3)

22.Chen, J. (2009). Bayesian variable sampling plan for exponential distribution with mixed censoring.Far EastJournal of Theoretical Statistics,7,1-20.

23.Chen, J.Wang, X. and Dai. Z. (2012). Nonparametetric modeling auxiliary covariates in random coefficient models.Communication in Statistics-Simulation and Computation.47, 1271-1290. (SCI, JCR分区4)

24.Chen, J. (2013). Statistical inference for a time-varying coefficient deterministic dynamic models.Submitted for publication

25.Chen, J (2013). Semiparametric estimation for a time-varying coefficient partially linear dynamic model with applications to HIV infections.Submitted for publication

26.Chen, J. andHuang, S.(2013).Planning an accelerated life testing with geometric process model under Type I Censoring Data.Submitted for publication

27.Chen, J. and Zhou, H. (2014). Auxiliary covariates for generalized linear models with random coefficients.Submitted for publication

28.Chen, J. and Zeng, D. (2014) Local quasi-likelihood estimation with auxiliary variable.Revised toStatistics and Probability Letter

29.Chen, J., Dunson, D. B, and Zhou, H. (2014) Bayesian local polynomial regression for a nonparametric mixed effect model.Revised toStatistics and Probability Letter.

30.Chen, J. andYang, Z. (2014). Auxiliary covariates in random effects logistic regression models with application to epidemiological study.Tentatively accepted byStatistics in Medicine.

31.Jin, M, Hu, R and Chen, J (2015). Estimation of spatial dynamic nonparametric Durbin models with fixed effects.Revise de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala,SSCI, in press.





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