半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站 > 半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站院校库 > 华侨大学 > 导师介绍 > 正文


作者:聚创华大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 3216 发布时间: 2018-08-20 17:54 【微信号:13306030226】

热门关键词:华侨大学信息科学与工程学院导师  华侨大学郑志刚  硕士研究生导师  



郑志刚,男,出生于19690808日,山东烟台人,博士学位,二级教授, 博士生导师                   




2.1 机构兼职



高等学校热力学与统计物理研究会副理事长 (2002-2009)

北京师范大学物理系系主任 (2006.12- 2011.12)







2.2 杂志编委

杂志主编: Advances in Condensed Matter Physics(CMP)Hans Publishers)(2012-


Optoelectonics (2011- )(Hans Publishers)

2.3 学术组织

“九七三”项目成员、非线性项目规划组成员,混沌子课题负责人(2000-2005, 2007-2011)

意大利国际理论物理中心(ICTP)联系成员(junior associate member2004-2011




2.4 基金评审兼职









2.5 杂志特约审稿人

l 英文杂志:PRL, PRE, PLA, EPL, Physica, A, D, Chaos, EPJB, CNSNSCS&F(Chaos, Solitons and Fractals)Canadian Journal of Physics (CJP), International Journal of Modern Physics B, Modern Physics Letters, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Communications in Theoretical PhysicsChinese Physics, Chinese Physics Letters

l 中文期刊:物理学报、中国科学,科学通报、计算物理、复杂性科学、系统工程与电子、化学物理学报、中国科技大学学报、深圳大学学报、河北师范大学学报、南京师范大学学报等

2.6 会议兼职

l CCCN-05CCCN-06CCCN-07CCCN-08, CCCN-09CCCN-10CCCN-11会议程序委员会委员

l 2005,第二届全国复杂网络论坛组委会成员,CCAST,北京

l 2006,复杂系统研究论坛“复杂系统的结构、非线性动力学与统计物理”学术委员会委员,上海

l 2006,第三届全国复杂网络论坛大会主席,CCAST,北京

l 2006,“International Conference on the Frontiers of Nonlinear and Complex Systems”组委会成员,香港

l 2007,物理学秋季会议非线性与交叉分会主席,南京

l 2007,海峡两岸统计物理大会学术委员会委员,分会主席,杭州,金华

l 2008, 第四届全国网络科学论坛组委会委员,青岛

l 2011IEEE多媒体技术国际会议(ICMT2011)的程序委员会委员

l 2011,第一届全国统计物理与复杂系统会议,工作委员会委员,南京

l 2012, Member of International Advisory Committee, DDAP7, Taiwan


1988.9-1992.7    北京师范大学物理系本科.

1992.9-1994.7    北京师范大学物理系硕士.

1994.9-1997.7    北京师范大学物理系博士.

1996.9-1997.7    Hong Kong Baptist University非线性研究中心博士后.

1997.7-1999.6    北京师范大学物理系讲师.

1998.5-1999.5    Hong Kong Baptist University非线性研究中心博士后.

1999.7-2001.6    北京师范大学物理系副教授, 硕士生导师.

2001.7-          北京师范大学物理系教授 (破格).

2001.11-2002.11 California Institute of Technology, 高级访问学者.

2002.7-          北京师范大学物理系博士生导师

2004.3-2004.7    Hong Kong Baptist University Croucher Fellow

2007.1-2012.12    北京师范大学三级教授

2009.7-2009.8    National University of Singapore, Temasek(淡马锡)实验室


2009.10-2009.11University of Maryland, 高等教育创新培训

2010.1-2010.2    台湾中央研究院物理所访问学者

2013.1-2015.9  北京师范大学二级教授

2015.11-         国立华侨大学特聘教授,闽江学者特聘教授


1999: 教育部骨干教师基金.

2000: 教育部出国研修基金.

2000: 励耘优秀学术著作奖.


2002: 教育部第三届“高校青年教师奖”.

2001: 教育部第八届霍英东青年教师基金.

2002: 教育部首批“高等学校骨干教师资助计划”优秀骨干教师奖

2004: 香港裘棤基金会裘棤访问学者

2004: 意大利国际理论物理中心联系成员 2004-2011







2014:欧洲物理快报(EPL2013年度 Distinguished Referee




5.1 在研项目:

1.主持:非平衡系统若干反常行为的微观动力学机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目( 11475022 )( 2015.1-2018.12 )。

2.主持:非平衡与复杂系统的集体行为动力学,华侨大学科研启动费项目(高层次人才)( 2015.11-2018.11 )。

5.2 已完成科研项目:









9.主持:时空系统的非线性输运动力学研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(10575010) 2006.1-2008.12

10.负责人:非线性网络的动力学复杂性研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目(70431002)2005. 1-2008. 12


12.主持:“信息过程中混沌和噪声的控制与利用”, GG-140-87501-1370, 教育部“高等学校骨干教师资助计划”项目

13.主持:“非线性系统相位动力学的理论与实验研究”,国家自然科学基金项目 10175009 2002.1-2003.12.

14.负责: “混沌的控制、量子混沌与随机动力系统”, “九七三”国家重点基础研究项目(G2000077304)2000.4-2005.4


16.主持: 时空非线性系统的输运过程与合作动力学,博士点基金(20020027011) (2003.1-2005.12).


18.主持:时空非线性系统的合作动力学及斑图结构统计的理论与实验研究. 高等学校全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金(2002.1-2006.12.



6.1 学位论文(1篇)

1.博士学位论文: 郑志刚, “从少体系统到多体系统, 动力学与统计力学” (北京师范大学, 1997). 导师: 胡岗教授.  ** 该论文被评为2001年 全国优秀博士学位论文.

6.2 专著(5+ 1Book Chapter

2.胡岗, 肖井华, 郑志刚, 混沌控制, 非线性科学丛书, 上海科技教育出版社(2000).

3.郑志刚, 耦合非线性系统的合作行为与时空动力学(高等教育出版社,2004.

4.Zhigang Zheng, Synchronization of coupled phase oscillators, Chapter 9, p293-327, in Advances in Electrical Engineering Research. Volume 1(Editors: Thomas M. Brouwer)(Nova Science Publishing House, 2011,   ISBN: 978-1-61728-496-0).


6.3 文集

6.Zhigang Zheng, Phase synchronization in coupled chaotic systems, p298-301, in The Frontiers of Physics at Millennium, Proceedings of the Symposium, Beijing, China 8-11 October 1999, Eds. Y.L.Wu and J.P.Hsu (World Scientific Press, April 2001, Singapore), ISBN: 978-981-02-4332-6.

7.Zhigang Zheng eds., Proceedings of CCAST-WL Workshop series: Vol. 180, Third National Forum on Complex Dynamical Networks, (CCAST, Beijing, 2006).

8.胡 岗, 郑志刚10000个科学难题(物理学卷), 814,科学出版社 (2009),能否利用随机共振机制提高弱信号接收的信噪比,

9. 胡 岗, 郑志刚10000个科学难题(物理学卷),827,科学出版社 (2009),非线性波传播的界面效应,

10.Zongqiang Yuan and Zhigang Zheng, Nonlinear wave dynamics of the Transport Process on Nonlinear Lattices, 167-172, Symmetries and groups in contemporary physics. Proceedings of the XXIX international colloquium on group-theoretical methods in physics, Tianjin, China, August 2026, 2012 (Editors: Chengming Bai, Jean-Pierre Gazeau and Mo-Lin Ge) (World Scientific, 2013); ISBN 978-981-4518-54-3.

6.4 邀请综述

11.Bambi Hu and Zhigang Zheng, Phase synchronizations: transitions from high- to low-dimensional tori through chaos, Inter. J. Bif. & Chaos 10, 10, 2399-2414 (2000).

12.Zhigang Zheng, Xiaoqin Feng, Bin Ao, and M. Cross, Synchronization on Coupled Dynamical Networks, Frontiers of Physics in China 1, 4, 458 (2006).

13.方锦清,汪小帆, 郑志刚,李翔,狄增如,毕桥,一门崭新的交叉科学:复杂网络,物理学进展(上) 27, 3, 239-3432007

14.方锦清,汪小帆, 郑志刚 (下) 27, 4, 361-4482007),李翔,狄增如,毕桥,一门崭新的交叉科学:复杂网络,物理学进展

15.方锦清,汪小帆, 郑志刚29, 1, 1-73 (2009).,非线性网络的动力学复杂性研究,物理学进展

16.Tutorial Review: Liang Cao, Pu Ke, Liyan Qiao, and Zhigang Zheng, Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Fluctuation Relations of Small Systems, Chin. Phys. B 23 (7), 070501 (2014).

17.Nan Yao and Zhigang Zheng*, Chimera states in spatiotemporal systems: Theory and Applications, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B Vol. 30, No. 0 (2016) 1630002 (44 pages).

6.5 杂志论文


18.Zhigang Zheng and Gang Hu, Systematic perturbation solution for Brownian motion in a biased periodic potential field, Phys. Rev. E 52, 109-114 (1995).

19.Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu and Juyuan Zhang, Ergodic property of a Henon-Heiles model with reflecting walls, Phys. Rev. E 52, 3440-3446 (1995).

20.Juyuan Zhang, Zhigang Zheng, and Gang Hu, Thermodynamic Functions of Few-body Systems, Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Science) 31, 483-486 (1995).


21.Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu and Juyuan Zhang, Ergodicity in the hard-ball systems and Boltzmanns entropy, Phys. Rev. E 53, 3246-3252 (1996).

22.Zhigang Zheng and Gang Hu, Hamilton-Jacobi theory of colored noise problem and probability hole in the bistable system, Comm. Theor. Phys. 25, 439-442 (1996).


23.Zhigang Zheng and Gang Hu, Brownian motion of oxide high-Tc superconductor and inertial effects of vortices, Comm. Theor. Phys. 27, 157-162 (1997).


24.Zhigang Zheng, Bambi Hu and Gang Hu, Spatiotemporal dynamics of discrete sine-Gordon lattices with sinusoidal couplings, Phys. Rev. E 57, 1139-1144 (1998).

25.Zhigang Zheng, Bambi Hu and Gang Hu, Resonant steps and spatiotemporal dynamics in the damped dc-driven Frenkel-Kontorova chain, Phys. Rev. B 58, 5453-5461 (1998).

26.Zhigang Zheng, Bambi Hu and Gang Hu, Array-induced collective transport in the Brownian motion of coupled nonlinear oscillator systems, Phys. Rev. E 58, 7085-7090 (1998).

27.Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu and Bambi Hu, Phase slips and phase synchronization of coupled oscillators, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5 318-5321 (1998).

28.Zhigang Zheng and Gang Hu, From dynamics to statistical mechanics: 2-hard-disk system, Comm. Theor. Phys. 29, 43-50 (1998).


29.Zhigang Zheng and Gang Hu, Polygonal approaches to the circular billiard: the Lyapunov exponent, Comm. Theor. Phys. 32, 221-228 (1999).

30.Zhigang Zheng and Xiaowen Li, Clustering behavior in globally coupled rotator systems, Comm. Theor. Phys. 32, 367-374 (1999).

31.Zhigang Zheng, Ergodic properties and thermodynamics in anharmonic oscillator systems, Comm. Theor. Phys. 32, 549-556 (1999).


32.Zhigang Zheng, Bambi Hu and Gang Hu, Collective phase slips and phase synchronizations in coupled oscillator systems, Phys. Rev. E 62, 402-408 (2000).

33.Meng Zhan, Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu and Xihong Peng, Nonlocal chaotic phase synchronization, Phys. Rev. E 62, 3552-3557 (2000).

34.Zhigang Zheng and Bambi Hu, Collective topological dynamics in the Frenkel-Kontorova chains, Phys. Rev. E 62, 4294-4299 (2000).

35.Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu and Bambi Hu, Enhancement of phase synchronization through asymmetric couplings, Phys. Rev. E 62, 7501-7504 (2000).

36.Zhigang Zheng and Gang Hu, Generalized synchronization versus phase synchronization, Phys. Rev. E 62, 7882-7885 (2000).

37.Zhigang Zheng, Bambi Hu and Gang Hu, Resonant steps in the discrete sine-Gordon chain, Comm. Theor. Phys. 33, 191 (2000).

38.Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu, Changsong Zhou, and Bambi Hu, Phase synchronizations in coupled chaotic systems: from high-dimensional to low-dimensional chaos, Acta Physica Sinica 49, 12, 2320-2327(2000).

39.Zhigang Zheng and Xiaowen Li, Spatiotemporal dynamics and collective transport in coupled nonlinear systems, China Science Abstracts 6, 11, 78-81 (2000).


40.Zhigang Zheng, Discrete breathers in lattices of coupled oscillators, Comm. Theor. Phys. 35, 137-142 (2001).

41.Bambi Hu, Zonghua Liu and Zhigang Zheng, Frequency locking in coupled chaotic systems, Commun. Theor. Phys. 35, 425-430 (2001).

42.Zhigang Zheng and Gang Hu, Phase desynchronization as a mechanism for transitions to high-dimensional chaos, Comm. Theor. Phys. 35, 682-688 (2001).

43.Zhigang Zheng, Multistable spatiotemporal dynamics in the driven Frenkel-Kontorova lattice, Comm. Theor. Phys. 36, 37-43 (2001).

44.Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu and Bambi Hu, Collective directional transport in coupled nonlinear oscillators without external bias, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 11, 2273-2276 (2001).

45.Zhigang Zheng, Frustration effect on synchronization and chaos in coupled oscillators, Chin. Phys. 10, 08, 703-707 (2001).

46.Zhigang Zheng , Gang Hu and Bambi Hu, Phase synchronization in coupled oscillatorsdynamical manifestationsChin. Phys. Lett. 18, 7, 874-877 (2001).

47.Zhigang Zheng and Xiaowen Li, Biased motion in a symmetric periodic potential by breaking temporal symmetry, Comm. Theor. Phys. 36, 2, 151-156 (2001).

48.Gang Hu, Zhigang Zheng, Li Yang and Wei Kang, Thermodynamic Second-law in Irreversible Processes of Chaotic Few-body Systems, Phys. Rev. E (rapid communication) 64, 045102 R (2001).


49.Zhigang Zheng and Changsong Zhou, Alternate phase synchronization in coupled chaotic oscillators, Comm. Theor. Phys. 37, 419 (2002).

50.Zhigang Zheng, Phase-locking dynamics in coupled circle-map lattices, Comm. Theor. Phys. 37, 557 (2002).

51.Zhigang Zheng, Xingang Wang and Michael C. Cross, Transitions from partial to complete generalized synchronizations in bidirectionally coupled chaotic oscillators, Phys. Rev. E 65, 056211 (2002).

52.Zhigang Zheng and Fuzhong Wang, Synchronized firing in coupled inhomogeneous excitable neurons, Comm. Theor. Phys. 38, 4, 415-420 (2002).

53.Daihai He, Lewi Stone and Zhigang Zheng, Analysis of generalized synchronization in directionally coupled chaotic phase oscillators by local minimal fluctuations, Phys. Rev. E 66, 036208 (2002).

54.Zhigang Zheng, M. C. Cross and Gang Hu , Collective directed transport of symmetrically coupled lattices in symmetric periodic potentials, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 154102 (2002).


55.Zhigang Zheng and M.Cross, Defect-induced propagation in excitable media, Int. J. Bif. & Chaos 13,10, 3125-3134 (2003).

56.Fengzhi Liu, Xiaowen Li and Zhigang Zheng, Brownian ratchet driven by a rocking forcing with broken temporal symmetry, Comm. Theor. Phys. 39, 2, 173-176 (2003).

57.Jihua Gao, Zhigang Zheng, Lianbo Jiang, and Shuangchen Ruan, Synchronization of spatiotemporal chaos in coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau oscillators, Comm. Theor. Phys. 39, 429-432 (2003).

58.Xiaowen Li and Zhigang Zheng, Collective directional transport in symmetric periodic potentials by breaking the coupling symmetry, Comm. Theor. Phys 39, 549-554 (2003).

59.Daihai He, Zhigang Zheng and Lewi Stone, Detecting generalized synchrony: An improved approach, Phys. Rev. E 67, 026223 (2003).

60.Jihua Gao, Zhigang Zheng, Jiaoning Tang and Jianhua Peng, Controlling chaos with rectificative feedback injections in 2D coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau oscillators, Comm. Theor. Phys. 40, 315 (2003).

61.Jian Gao, Zhigang Zheng and Daihai He, Transition to phase synchronization through generalized synchronization, Chin. Phys. Lett. 20, 7, 999 (2003).

62.Zhigang Zheng, Fengzhi Liu, and Jian Gao, Directed transport of coupled systems in symmetric periodic potentials, Chinese Physics 12, 8, 846 (2003).

63.Jian Gao, Huaping Lv, Daihai He, Lewi Stone, and Zhigang Zheng, Unexpected correspondence between noise-induced and master-slave complete synchronization, Phys. Rev. E 68, 037202 (2003).

64.Zhigang Zheng, Jian Gao and Gang Hu, Collective directional transport of coupled oscillators in symmetric periodic potential, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B17, 22-24,4415-4422 (2003).


65.Tingxian Zhang and Zhigang Zheng, Synchronizations in coupled limit-cycle systems Acta Physica Sinica 53, 10, 3287-3202 (2004).

66.Tingxian Zhang and Zhigang Zheng, Phase synchronization in coupled oscillators J. BNU (Nature Science) 40, 2, 191-195 (2004).

67.Jian Gao and Zhigang Zheng, Phase synchronization in doubly driven chaotic oscillators, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 18, 2945 (2004).

68.Zhigang Zheng, Collective directional transport and coupled Brownian Ratchets, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 18, 17-19, 2498-2504 (2004).


69.Zhigang Zheng, Directed transport of interacting particle systems: recent progress, Comm. Theor. Phys. 43, 1, 107-112 (2005).

70.Hongbin Chen, Qiwen Wang and Zhigang Zheng, Deterministic directed transport of Inertial Particles in a Flashing Ratchet Potential, Phys. Rev. E 71, 031102 (2005).

71.Bambi Hu, Wenxin Qin and Zhigang Zheng, Rotation number of the overdamped Frenkel-Kontorova model with ac driving, Physica D 208, 3-4, 172-190 (2005).

72.Wenyu Fu, Ximiao Hou, Lixia He, and Zhigang Zheng2005., Dynamics and Statistics of few-body hard-ball systems Acta Physica Sinica 54, 6, 2552

73.Xiaoqin Feng and Zhigang Zheng, Coherent resonance and m:n phase synchronization in noise-driven excitable systems, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 19, 22, 3501-3509 (2005).

74.Yu Feng, Wenxin Qin, and Zhigang Zheng, Existence of Localized Solutions in the Parametrically Driven and Damped DNLS Equation in High-Dimensional Lattices, Phys. Lett. A 346, 99-110 (2005).

75.Bin Ao, Xiaojuan Ma, and Zhigang Zheng, Network Topology and partial synchronization, in Second National Forum on complex networks, CCAST-WL Workshop series170, 157 (2005);

76.方锦清 汪小帆 郑志刚 李翔 狄增如 刘曾荣,非线性复杂网络研究的若干进展,中国原子能科学研究院年报,2005(1)163


77.Bin Ao and Zhigang Zheng, Transitions to Long-resident states in coupled chaotic oscillators, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 1, 35 (2006);

78.Bin Ao, Xiaojuan Ma, Yunyun Li, and Zhigang Zheng, Non-local Couplings And Partial Synchronization In Chaos Systems, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 4,786 (2006).

79.Tingxian Zhang and Zhigang Zheng, Amplitude effect in phase synchronization of coupled oscillators, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems B 13, 3-4, 471-479 (2006).

80.Bin Ao and Zhigang Zheng, Partial synchronization on complex networks, Europhys. Lett. 74, 2, 229-235 (2006).

81.Xiaoping Yuan, Hongbin Chen and Zhigang Zheng, Nonlinear dynamics in sliding processes: the single-particle case, Chinese Physics 15, 7, 1464-1470 (2006).

82.Xia Huang, Jian Gao, Daihai He and Zhigang Zheng, Generalized synchronization in doubly driven chaotic system, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 20, 24, 3477-3485 (2006).


83.Bin Ao, Xiaojuan Ma, Xiulin Li, and Zhigang Zheng, Partial synchronization of coupled chaotic oscillators with blinking non-local couplings, Int. J. Mod. Phys. 21, 995-1003 (2007)

84.Jihua Gao, Zhigang Zheng, Controlling Spatiotemporal chaos with a generalized feedback method, Chin. Phys. Lett. 24, 2, 359 (2007).

85.Xiaowen Li and Zhigang Zheng, Phase synchronization of coupled Rossler oscillators: the amplitude effect, Comm. Theor. Phys. 47, 265 (2007).

86.Yuxi Wu, Xia Huang, Jian Gao, and Zhigang Zheng, Phase Synchronization and Generalized Synchronization in Doubly driven chaoic oscillators, Acta Physica Sinica 56, 7, 3803 (2007).

87.Xiaoping Yuan and Zhigang Zheng, Nonlinear dynamics of a sliding chain in a periodic potential, Chin. Phys. Lett. 24, 9, 2513 (2007).


88.Xiaofan Wang, Binghong Wang, Jinde Cao, and Zhigang Zheng汪小帆,汪秉宏,曹进德,郑志刚28S045 2008)。],复杂网络的结构功能性质及其应用,系统工程理论与实践,, Structure and function of complex networks with applications, System Engineering-Theory & Practice, 28, S0, 45 (2008). (in Chinese)[

89.Jihua Gao, Zhigang Zheng, and Jun Ma, Controlling turbulence via target waves generated by local phase space compression, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 22, 22, 3855-3863 (2008).

90.Jun Wang and Zhigang ZhengWavefronts depinning in semiconductor superlattices due to discrete-mapping failure, Chinese Physics B 17, 11, 4129-4136 (2008).,

91.Dong Li and Zhigang Zheng, Synchronization in coupled time-delay systems, Chin. Phys. B 17, 11, 4009-4013 (2008).

92.Xiaojuan Ma, Liang Huang, Yingcheng Lai, Yan Wang, and Zhigang Zheng, Synchronization-based scalability in complex clustered networks, Chaos 18, 043109 (2008).

93.方锦清,汪小帆, 郑志刚 5, 4, 12008.,网络科学的理论模型及其应用课题研究的若干进展,复杂系统与复杂性科学

94.郑志刚,冯晓琴, 群结构时空网络的同步, 复杂系统与复杂性科学 5, 4, 75 (2008).


95.Dong Li, Wei Li, Gang Hu, and Zhigang Zheng, Local conformity induced global oscillation, Physica A 388, 1243-1248 (2009).

96.李栋,李伟, 郑志刚, 从众心理引起博弈策略的同步振荡, 复杂系统与复杂性科学 6, 1, 29 (2009)

97.马晓娟,王延, 郑志刚, 叶子节点对于网络同步能力影响的研究,物理学报58, 7, 4426-4430 (2009).

98.王延, 郑志刚, 无标度网络上的传播动力学,物理学报58, 7, 4421-4425 (2009)

99.Tingxian Zhang and Zhigang Zheng, Synchronization transition of limit-cycle system with homogeneous phase shifts, Chin. Phys. B 18, 1674 (2009).

100. Xiaojuan Ma, Liang Huang, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Zhigang Zheng, Emergence of loop structure in scale-free networks and dynamical consequences, Phys. Rev. E 79, 056106 (2009).

101. Yan Wang, Ying-cheng Lai, and Zhigang Zheng, Onset of colored-noise induced synchronization in chaotic systems, Phys. Rev. E 79, 056210 (2009).

102. Zhigang Zheng, Xiaoqin Feng, Bin Ao, and Michael Cross, Synchronization of groups of coupled oscillators with sparse connections, Europhys. Lett. 87, 50006 (2009).


103. 王军,李京颖, 郑志刚 59, 1, 476-481(2010).,热整流效应的消失与翻转现象,物理学报

104. Jun Wang and Zhigang Zheng, Heat conduction and reversed thermal diode: Interface effect, Phys. Rev. E 81, 011114 (2010).

105. Yan Wang, Yingcheng Lai, and Zhigang Zheng, Route to noise-induced synchronization, Phys. Rev. E 81, 036201 (2010).

106. Dong Li, Jingying Li and Zhigang Zheng, Measuring Nonequilibrium Stability and Resilience in an n-competitor system, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 11, 3, 2016-2022 (2010) .

107. Lingzhen Guo, Zhigang Zheng and Xin-Qi Li, Quantum Dynamics of Mesoscopic Driven Duffing Oscillators, Europhys. Lett. 90, 10011 (2010).  arXiv: 0906.4981;

108. Qun Wang, Qingyu Gao, Huaping Lv, and Zhigang Zheng, Multi-mode spiral wave in a coupled oscillatory medium, Comm. Theor. Phys. 53, 5, 977-982 (2010).

109. X.J. Ma, W.X. Wang, Y.C. Lai, and Z.G. Zheng, Information explosion on complex networks and control, European Journal of Physics B 76, 179-183 (2010).

110. Zhigang Zheng and Hongbin Chen, Cooperative two-dimensional directed transport, Europhys. Lett. 92, 30004 ( 2010).

111. Qun Wang, Qingyu Gao, Huaping Lv, and Zhigang Zheng, Spiral Chirality transition and tip splitting in coupled oscillatory media, Europhys. Lett. 92, 50005 (2010).

112. 方锦清,汪小帆, 郑志刚7, 2-3, 5-92010),非线性网络的动力学复杂性的研究,复杂系统与复杂性科学

113. 张庭宪, 郑志刚, 耦合相位振子网络双属性连接的同步,《数学·力学·物理学·高新技术交叉研究进展——201013)卷》(2010


114. Hongbin Chen and Zhigang Zheng, Deterministic Collective Directional Transport in Overdamped Flashing Ratchet Potentials, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 25, 14, 1-14 (2011).

115. 高秀云, 郑志刚Morse链体系的热流棘齿效应研究,物理学报 60, 4, 044401(2011).,耦合

116. Jun Wang, Bambi Hu, Zhigang Zheng, and Zhigang Li, Discrete self-oscillation period branches observed in semiconductor superlattices, Phys. Rev. B 83, 155306 (2011).

117. Lingzhen Guo, Zhigang Zheng, Xinqi Li, and Yijing Yan, Dynamic Quantum Tunneling in Mesoscopic Driven Duffing Oscillators, Phys. Rev. E 84, 011144 (2011); [Los Alamos preprint arXiv 1002.3969v3].

118. Xiaoping Yuan and Zhigang Zheng, Ground-state transition in a two-dimensional Frenkel- Kontorova model, Chin. Phys. Lett. 28, 10, 100507 (2011).


119. Dong Li, M. C. Cross, Changsong Zhou, and Zhigang Zheng, Quasiperiodic, periodic, and slowing-down states of coupled heteroclinic cycles, Phys. Rev. E 85, 016215 (2012).

120. 陈宏斌, 郑志刚 34, 1, 6-13(2012).,分子马达定向运动的合作机制,上海理工大学报

121. 张方风, 郑志刚 34, 2, 138-153(2012).,复杂脑网络研究:现状与挑战,上海理工大学学报

122. 杨浦, 郑志刚 61, 12, 120508 (2012).,复杂网络结构识别的收敛速度研究,物理学报

123. Zhaoyang Zhang, Weiming Ye, Yu Qian, Zhigang Zheng, Xuhui Huang, and Gang Hu, Chaotic Motifs in Gene Regulatory Networks, PLoS ONE 7, 7, e39355 (2012).

124. 王群,姚楠, 郑志刚 9, 3, 70-752012.,利用回归分析探测复杂振子网络中的链路,复杂性科学

125. Liang Cao, Michael Cross, and Zhigang Zheng, Failure of Free Energy Relation under a Non-Markovian Heat Bath Temperature Change, Chin. Phys. B 21, 9, 090501 (2012). [Rapid Communication]

126. Dong Li, M. Cross, and Zhigang Zheng, Effect of spatial patterns on population size, Physica A 391, 6016-6023 (2012).

127. Pu Yang, Qun Wang, and Zhigang Zheng, Estimating the degree of nodes in complex networks by the mean first-passage time, Phys. Rev. E 86, 026203 (2012).


128. 袁宗强, 褚敏, 郑志刚格点链系统能量载流子研究, 物理学报 62, 8, 080504 (2013)., Fermi-Pasta-Ulam $\beta$

129. Tianfu Gao, Zhigang Zheng, and Jincan Chen, The directed transport of a coupled Brownian ratchet via time-delayed feedback, Chinese Physics B 22, 8, 080502(2013).

130. Zongqiang Yuan and Zhigang Zheng, Propagation dynamics in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice, Frontiers of Physics 8, 3, 349-355 (2013).

131. Linru Nie, Lilong Yu, Zhigang Zheng, and Changzheng Su, Heat conduction of symmetric lattices, Phys. Rev. E 87, 062142 (2013).

132. Yun Zhu, Zhigang ZhengReversed two-cluster chimera state in non- locally coupled oscillators with heterogeneous phase shifts, Europhysics Letters 103, 10007 (2013)., and Junzhong Yang,

133. Yun Zhu, Zhigang Zheng, and Junzhong Yang, Four-cluster chimera state in non-locally coupled phase oscillator systems with a potential field, Chin. Phys. B 22, 10, 130381 (2013).

134. Xinye Wu and Zhigang Zheng, Hierarchical cluster-tendency analysis of the group structure in the foreign exchange market, Frontiers of Physics 8, 4, 451-460 (2013).

135. 郑志刚,胡岗 摘译,混沌研究五十年-Physics Today撷英,物理 42, 5, 354-355 (2013).

136. 吴魏霞, 郑志刚 62,1905112013),二维势场中弹性耦合粒子的定向输运研究,物理学报

137. Zongqiang Yuan, Min Chu, Jun Wang, Zhigang Zheng, Loss of stability of a solitary wave on a Fermi-Pasta-Ulam ring, Phys. Rev. E 88, 042901 (2013).

138. Nan Yao, Zigang Huang, Yingcheng Lai, and Zhigang Zheng, Robustness of chimera states in complex dynamical systems, Nature Sci. Rep. 3, 3522; DOI:10.1038/srep03522 (2013)


139. Zhaoyang Zhang, Zhiyuan Li, Yu Qian, Gang Hu, and Zhigang Zheng*, Exploring cores and skeletons in oscillatory gene regulatory networks by a functional weight approach, Europhysics Lett. 105 (1), 18003 (2014).

140. Yun Zhu, Zhigang Zheng, and Junzhong Yang, Chimera states on complex networks, Phys. Rev. E 89, 022914 (2014).

141. Xia Huang Zhan, Meng; Li, Fan; Zheng, Zhigang*, Single-clustering synchronization in a ring of Kuramoto oscillators, J. Phys. A 47, 125101 (2014).

142. Jianqiang Zhang, Xiuhua Chen, Ruyin Chen, Linru Nie and Zhigang Zheng, Effect of coupling displacement on thermal current of Frenkel-Kontorova lattices, Eur. Phys. J. B 87,  122 (2014).

143. Liyan Qiao, Yunyun Li, Zhigang Zheng*, Rotational effect in two-dimensional cooperative directed transport, Frontiers of Physics DOI: 10.1007/s11467-014-0423-3 (2014).

144. Pu Ke and Zhigang Zheng*, Dynamics of Rotator Chain with Dissipative Boundary, Frontiers of Physics 9, 4, 511-518 DOI: 10.1007/s11467-014-0427-z (2014).

145. Pu Yang and Zhigang Zheng*, Repeated-drive adaptive feedback identification of network topologies, Phys. Rev. E 90, 052818 (2014)

146. 张朝阳, 黄旭辉, 郑志刚, . 由基因调控网络数据分析揭示振荡斑图的功能结构. 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学, 2014, 44: 13191333 Zhang Z Y, Huang X H, Zheng Z G, et al. Exploring cores and skeletons in oscillatory gene regulatory networks by a functional weight approach (in Chinese). Sci Sin-Phys Mech Astron, 2014, 44: 13191333, doi: 10.1360/SSPMA2014-00123


147. Ruixia Su, Zongqiang Yuan, Jun Wang, and Zhigang Zheng*, Tunable heat conduction through coupled FPU chains, Phys. Rev. E 91, 012136 (2015).

148. Zhaoyang Zhang, Zhigang Zheng, Haijing Niu, Yuanyuan Mi, Si Wu, and Gang Hu, Solving the inverse problem of noise-driven dynamic networks, Phys. Rev. E 91, 012814 (2015).

149. Xuhui Huang, Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu, Si Wu, Malte J Rasch, Different propagation speeds of recalled sequences in plastic spiking neural networks, New Journal of Physics 17, 035006 (2015).

150. Pu Ke and Zhigang Zheng*, Dynamics of rotator chain with dissipative boundary: energy conduction, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) 604 (2015) 012012

151. Tianfu Gao, L. F. Wang, R. Z. Huang and Zhigang Zheng*, Transport performance of feedback-coupled Brownian ratchets with closed-loop control strategy, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B  29, 1550069 (2015).

152. Can Xu, Jian Gao, Yuting Sun, Xia Huang, and Zhigang Zheng*, Explosive or Continuous: Incoherent state determines the route to synchronization. Scientific Reports 5, 12039; doi: 10.1038/srep12039 (2015).

153. 黄霞,徐灿,孙玉庭,高健, 郑志刚*,耦合振子系统的多稳态同步分析,物理学报 64, 170504 (2015) DOI: 10.7498/aps.64.170504.


154. Ruixia Su, Zongqiang Yuan, Jun Wang and Zhigang Zheng*, Enhanced energy transport owing to nonlinear interface interaction, Scientific Reports 5, 19628; DOI: 10.1038/srep19628 (2016).

155. Yang Chen, Shihong Wang, Zhigang Zheng, Zhaoyang Zhang, and Gang Hu, Depicting network structures from variable data produced by unknown colored-noise driven dynamics, Europhys. Lett. 113, 18005 (2016). doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/113/18005

156. Ruixia Su, Zongqiang Yuan, Jun Wang and Zhigang Zheng*, Interface facilitated energy transport in coupled Frenkel-Kontorova chains, Front. Phys. 11(1), 114401 (2016). DOI 10.1007/s11467-015-0548-z.

157. Liyan Qiao, Zhigang Zheng*, and Michael C. Cross, Minimum action paths for wave number selection in non-equilibrium systems, Phys. Rev. E (2016, accepted for publication).

158. Can Xu, Yuting Sun, Jian Gao, Tian Qiu, Zhigang Zheng*, Shuguang Guan, Synchronization of phase oscillators with frequency-weighted coupling, Scientific Reports 6, 21926; doi: 10.1038/srep21926 (2016).

6.6 教学论文及丛书

159. 主编:中考冲刺专项精练 (一套5本)( 郑志刚2006),马心玲主编,知识出版社,

160. 王启文, 郑志刚 24, 10, 50 (2005) [Qiwen Wang, Zhigang Zheng, and Rong Liu, Historical Debates on irreversibility in statistical physics, College Physics 24, 10, 50 (2005). (In Chinese)]刘荣,统计物理历史上的宏观不可逆性与微观可逆性之争,大学物理

161. 王启文, 郑志刚 24,11, 5 (2005) [Qiwen Wang, Zhigang Zheng, and Rong Liu, Microscopic Dynamical Foundations of Statistical Physics, College Physics 24, 11 , 5 (2005). (In Chinese)]刘荣,统计物理的微观动力学基础,大学物理

162.王群,刘淑娥, 郑志刚, 孔特管实验中的亚结构,徐州师范大学学报(自然科学版) 27,4,51-542009

163.王群, 董平, 刘淑娥, 郑志刚, 部分充满液体昆特管的实验原理探析, 贵州师范学院学报 25,12,10-132009

164.李京颖, 郑志刚, 大学物理 29, 5, 11-142010[Jingying Li and Zhigang Zheng, Complex Networks and Its Application in Physics Teaching, College Physics 29, 5, 11-14 (2010).]复杂网络思想方法在大学物理教学中的应用

6.8 会议论文

165. Bin Ao, Xiaojuan Ma, and Zhigang Zheng, Network Topology and partial synchronization, Second National Forum on complex networks, CCAST-WL Workshop series 170, 157 (2005)

166. 张庭宪, 郑志刚, 双连接属性Kuramoto网络的同步动力学, CCAST-WL Workshop Series: Vol.180, Third National Forum on Complex Dynamical Networks, 387-394 (Edited by Zhigang Zheng, 2006)

167. Zhigang Zheng, Xiaoqin Feng, Bin Ao and M. C. Cross, Synchronization on Coupled Dynamical Networks, CCAST-WL Workshop Series: Vol.180, Third National Forum on Complex Dynamical Networks, 395-412 (Edited by Zhigang Zheng, 2006)

168. Xiaoqin Feng and Zhigang Zheng, Synchronization on Group-structure networks, CCAST-WL Workshop Series: Vol.180, Third National Forum on Complex Dynamical Networks, 413-426 (Edited by Zhigang Zheng, 2006)

169. Xiaojuan Ma, Yan Wong and Zhigang Zheng, Analyzing chaotic systems by network characters, CCAST-WL Workshop Series: Vol.180, Third National Forum on Complex Dynamical Networks, 427 (Edited by Zhigang Zheng, 2006)

170. Zhigang Zheng, Xiaowen Li, and Tingxian Zhang, Synchronization: The Kuramoto Model and Beyond, The Proceeding of CCAST conference on complexity, CCAST-WL Workshop Series, Vol.182, 379-394 (Edited by Bing-Hong Wang, 2007).

171. Bin Ao, Xiulin Li, and Zhigang Zheng, The transition from long-resident state to chaos synchronization, The Proceeding of CCAST conference on complexity, CCAST-WL Workshop Series, Vol.182, 560-565 (Edited by Bing-Hong Wang, 2007).

172. Xiaoqin Feng and Zhigang Zheng, Coherent resonance and phase locking in noise-driven excitable system, The Proceeding of CCAST conference on complexity, CCAST-WL Workshop Series, Vol.182, 552-559 (Edited by Bing-Hong Wang, 2007).

173. Xiaoping Yuan and Zhigang Zheng, Nonlinear Dynamics in Sliding Processes, The Proceeding of CCAST conference on complexity, CCAST-WL Workshop Series, Vol.182, 566-573 (Edited by Bing-Hong Wang, 2007).

174. Dong Li and Zhigang Zheng, Studies on generalized synchronization in time-delayed dynamical systems, The Proceeding of CCAST conference on complexity, CCAST-WL Workshop Series, Vol.182, 731-736 (Edited by Bing-Hong Wang, 2007).

175. Hongbin Chen and Zhigang Zheng, Cooperative directed transport of charged particles in a two-dimensional potential, The Proceeding of CCAST conference on complexity, CCAST-WL Workshop Series, Vol.182, 574-580 (Edited by Bing-Hong Wang, 2007).

176. Dong Li and Zhigang Zheng, Nonequilibrium Stability and Resilience Measurements in Ecological Systems, CCAST-WL Workshop Series: Vol.191, Fourth National Forum on Network Science and Graduate Student Summer School, 329-334 (Edited by Jinqing Fang, 2008)

177. Xiaojuan Ma, Liang Huang, Ying-cheng Lai, Yan Wang and Zhigang Zheng, Size Dependence of Synchronizability in complex clustered networks, CCAST-WL Workshop Series: Vol.191, Fourth National Forum on Network Science and Graduate Student Summer School, 372-380 (Edited by Jinqing Fang, 2008)

178. Tingxian Zhang and Zhigang Zheng, Synchronization transition of limit cycle system with homogeneous phase shifts, CCAST-WL Workshop Series: Vol.191, Fourth National Forum on Network Science and Graduate Student Summer School, 381-384 (Edited by Jinqing Fang, 2008)

179. Yan Wang, Liang Huang, Ying-cheng Lai and Zhigang Zheng, Detecting the structure of coupled phase oscillator networks, CCAST-WL Workshop Series: Vol.191, Fourth National Forum on Network Science and Graduate Student Summer School, 385-388 (Edited by Jinqing Fang, 2008)

6.9 学术报告 (Academic Talks)


1.Ergodicity in hard-sphere systems and Boltzmann Entropy, Abstract for the STATPHYS 19, 9 (Mo.P.19) (1995, Xiamen).

2.Spatiotemporal Dynamics in the Driven Frenkel-Kontorova Model, Seminar Talk on the First Conference for Chinese Young Theoretical Physicists(CCAST, Beijing, 1997).

3.Collective phase slips and phase synchronizations in coupled oscillators, Dynamical Days for Asia Pacific (1999, Hong Kong).

4.Phase Synchronization in coupled nonlinear oscillators, Seminar Talk, The Frontiers of Physics at Millennium (CCAST, Beijing, 1999).

5.Phase synchronization in coupled chaotic oscillators, Seminar Talk, China Conference on Nonlinear Science (Beijing, 2000).

6.Collective directional transport: coupled ratchets, Seminar Talk, The second Colloquium on Advances in Physics (Beijing, 2000).

7.Synchronous Bifurcations and Self-organized behaviors in coupled nonlinear systems, Seminar Talk, The Conference of China Physical Society (CPS2001) (Shanghai, 2001)..

8.Collective directional transport of coupled oscillators in symmetric periodic potential, 2nd Dynamical Days Asia Pacific (Hang Zhou, 2002).

9.从低维混沌到时空混沌, “原子核中的混沌现象与相关问题”学术研讨会 (特邀三小时报告) (北京, 2002).

10.时空非线性系统的合作定向输运,第一届海峡两岸统计物理学会议 (邀请报告)(扬州,2003)。

11.Long-residual state and chaos synchronization, talk on DDAP3 (Singapore, 2004).


13.复杂网络与部分同步, 2005全国网络学术会议 (大会特邀报告), 武汉 (2005).

14.Tingxian Zhang and Zhigang Zheng全国网络学术会议 (口头报告), Amplitude effect in phase synchronization of coupled oscillators, 2005

15.复杂网络与混沌同步, 973学术会议 (山东日照, 2005.7.2)

16.非平衡统计物理教学的改革, 2005年热力学与统计物理会议 (大会邀请报告, 大连, 2005.8)

17.Partial synchronization and Complex networks, 第二届全国复杂网络论坛,CCAST(大会邀请报告,北京,2005-10

18.Synchronization: The Kuramoto model and beyond, 复杂系统论坛,CCAST(大会邀请报告,北京,2005-11

19.邀请报告:Frenkel-Kontorova模型的平衡态相变与非平衡输运    中国物理学会2005秋季会议      (2005)

20.分会报告:Cooperative directed transport of charged particles in two-dimensional potential (with 陈宏斌), 中国物理学会2005秋季会议       (2005)

21.Invited talk:合作定向输运,当代理论物理与天体物理前沿问题研讨会,邀请报告(厦门,2006.4

22.Invited Talk: Partial Synchronization on Complex Networks with a Few Shortcuts , StatPhys- Taiwan 2006 (Taipei, 2006.6)

23.Invited Talk: Cooperative Directional Transport in Two- Dimensional Ratchet Potential Fields, Second Cross Taiwan Strait Conference on Statistical Physics (Taiwan, 2006.7)

24.Invited talk: Complex Networks, Synchronizations and Patterns, Workshop on Dynamical Chaos and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: From Rigorous Results to Applications in Nano-systems(Singapore, 2006).

25.Invited talk: Dynamics of Collective Directional Transport, Workshop on Dynamical Chaos and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: From Rigorous Results to Applications in Nano-systems(Singapore, 2006).

26.Invited talk: 从部分同步到时空斑图,Third National Forum on Complex Dynamical Networks, CCASTBeijing2006.

27.Invited talk: Collective Directed Transport, 2007年物理学秋季会议,南京

28.分会报告:(with 王军), 2007年物理学秋季会议,南京    

29.Invited talk: From Ratchet to Molecular Motor: Collective Effects, Mini-symposium Program on Statistical Models and Their Applications, Beijing, 2007-10-8

30.Invited talk: Complex networks: from structures to emergence, Symposuim on System Science and System Engineering, Wuhan, 2007-10

31.Invited talk: Pattern dynamics in two-dimensional Kuramoto media, 3 rd Cross-strait Conference on Statistical Physics, Hangzhou-Jinhua, 2007.-11

32.Invited Talk: Collective Directed Transport, The 973 annual meeting, Guiyang, 2008-7

33.Invited Talk: Partial synchronization: Theory and Applications, The 4 th Symposium on Complex Networks, Qingdao, 2008-7

34.Invited Talk: 非平衡统计物理若干重要问题,统计物理研讨会,厦门(2009

35.Invited Talk: Dynamics-based topology identification of complex networks, The 5 th Symposium on Complex Networks, CCAST, Beijing, 2009-12

36.Invited Talk: Coupled Ratchets: Cooperative Directed Transport and Locomotion, 2010 NCTS January Workshop on Critical Phenomena and Complex Systems, Tsinghua University, Tsinchu, Taiwan, 2010-1

37.Invited Talk: Synchronization and Topology Identification of Complex Networks, 2010 NCTS January Workshop on Critical Phenomena and Complex Systems, Tsinghua University, Tsinchu, Taiwan, 2010-1

38.Invited Talk: Transport Rectification in Low-dimensional Lattices, Interdisciplinary Applications of Statistical Physics & Complex Networks, KITPC, Beijing (2011-3)

39.Invited Talk: Topology and Dynamics of Complex Networks: Topology Identifications, Dynamic Days Asia Pacific 7(DDAP7), Taipei, 2012-8

40.Invited Talk: Nonlinear wave dynamics of the Transport Process on Nonlinear Lattices, The XXIX International Colloquium on Group-Theoretical Methods in Physics (GROUP29) , Tianjin, 2012-8

41.Invited Talk: Topology and Dynamics of Complex Networks: Topology Identifications, 2012年物理学秋季会议, Guangzhou, 2012-9

42.Invited Talk: Fluctuation Theorem and Free Energy Relation in Non-equilibrium Systems, International Symposium on Tsallis Entropy and Its Applications (TEIA), Wuhan, 2012-10

43.Invited Talk: Time-varying Free Energy Theorem and heat conduction in nonequilibrium systems, The 2nd China National Conference on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems and the 7th Cross-Strait Conference on Statistical Physics, Qufu, 2013-07

44.Invited Talk: Microscopic dynamics of energy transport on one-dimensional lattices, West-Lake International Workshop on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems, Hangzhou, 2013-11.

45.Invited TalkDynamics of Rotator Chain with Dissipative Boundary: Energy ConductionSPMCS2014 4th International Workshop On Statistical Physics and Mathematics for Complex Systems 12-16 Oct, 2014 , Yichang , China

46.Invited Talk: Synchronization of coupled oscillators: Ensemble order-parameter approach, 2015年默里.盖尔曼复杂性论坛,华中师范大学,武汉,2015

b. 系列讲座:

47.非线性动力学与混沌, 徐州师范大学物理系系列讲座(11) (2005. 4).

48.非平衡统计物理, 2005年西部地区理论物理暑期讲习班 (9, 西北师范大学, 2005.8)

49.Series talks: 非平衡系统的自组织理论,2008年西部地区理论物理讲习班 (10, 云南大学, 2008.10)






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