作者:聚创华大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 5328 发布时间: 2018-08-22 16:06 【微信号:13306030226】
热门关键词:华侨大学计算机科学与技术学院导师 华侨大学彭佳林 硕士研究生导师
彭佳林,副教授,硕士生导师,浙江大学理学博士,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill博士后,并曾短期在香港城市大学任高级研究助理 (Senior Research Associate)。现就职于华侨大学计算机科学与技术学院,为华侨大学计算机视觉与模式识别创新团队成员。主要研究兴趣为机器学习、(医学)图像处理。现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、福建省自然科学基金面上项目、福建省教育厅科技项目和华侨大学科技创新资助人才项目各一项,参与国家自然科学基金和省自然科学基金多项。已在 Medical Physics,MICCAI, ICPR 等国际权威期刊和会议发表 SCI 论文 14篇、EI 论文 6 篇,其中一篇文章入选 Editor's Picks of Medical Physics,另外一篇文章在“第二十一届国际模式识别会议”(ICPR,2012)上获得“国际模式识别协会”颁发的“最佳学术论文奖” (Best Scientific Paper Award)。目前已经申请发明专利六项,其中已授权两项(ZL201310664487.9, ZL201210014249.9)。开发的医学辅助手术软件在印度尼西亚Puri Indah 医院以及浙江第一医院等国内三甲医院应用。
【招生专业】① 软件工程(学术硕士,一级学科);②计算机技术(专业硕士).
1.Liver Segmentation from CT Image Based on Sequential Constraint and Multi-view Information Fusion
2.Ping Jie, Jialin Peng, Journal of Electronics and Information Technology(2018)
3.Image Segmentation via Mean Curvature Regularized Mumford-Shah Model and Thresholding
4.Ma, Qianting, Jialin Peng, and Dexing Kong. Neural Processing Letters(2018): 1-15.
5.New normalized nonlocal hybrid level set method for image segmentation.
6.Lou, Q., Peng, J. L., Kong, D. X., & Wang, C. L. (2017). Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities, 32(4), 407-421.
7.Sparse Representation-Based Semi-Supervised Regression for People Counting
8.Hong-Bo Zhang, Bineng Zhong, Qing Lei, Ji-Xiang Du, Jialin Peng(彭佳林), Duansheng Chen, Xiao Ke.
9.ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM): 2017/8/1 ,13(4) ,47
10.Multi-task diagnosis for autism spectrum disorders using multi-modality features: A multi-center study
11.Jun Wang, Qian Wang, Jialin Peng(彭佳林), Dong Nie, Feng Zhao, Minjeong Kim, Han Zhang, Chong‐Yaw Wee, Shitong Wang, Dinggang Shen.
12.Human Brain Mapping: 38(6) ,3081-3097, 2017/3/1 .
13.Automatic abdominal multi-organ segmentation using deep convolutional neural network and time-implicit level sets
14.Peijun Hu, Fa Wu, Jialin Peng(彭佳林), Yuanyuan Bao, Feng Chen, Dexing Kong.
15.International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery: 2016
16.Automatic 3D liver segmentation based on deep learning and globally optimized surface evolution
17.Hu, Peijun; Wu, Fa; Peng, Jialin(彭佳林); Liang, Ping; Kong, Dexing
18.Physics in Medicine and Biology 61 (24), 8676–8698,2016
19.Structured Sparse Kernel Learning for Imaging Genetics Based Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis.
20.Jialin Peng(彭佳林), Le An, Xiaofeng Zhu, Yan Jin, Dinggang Shen
21.MICCAI 2016, Athens, Greece, Oct. 17–21, 2016. (顶级会议)
22.Probability-based method for boosting human action recognition using scene context.
23.HB Zhang, Q Lei, DS Chen, BN Zhong, Jialin Peng(彭佳林), JX Du, SZ Su
24.IET Computer Vision (SCI)
25.3D liver segmentation using multiple region appearances and graph cuts.
26.Jialin Peng(彭佳林)*, Hu, P. J., Lu, F., Peng, Z. Y., Kong, D. X. and Zhang H. B.
27.Medical Physics, 42(12) 6840-6852, 2015. (SCI) (入选2015Editor's Picks of Medical Physics)
28.A structural low rank regularization method for single image super-resolution.
29.Jialin Peng(彭佳林)*, Benny Y. C. Hon, Dexing Kong.
30.Machine Vision and Applications, 26(7), 991-1005, 2015. (SCI)
31.A variational formulation for physical noised image segmentation.
32.Qiong Lou, Jialin Peng(彭佳林), and Dexing Kong*.
33.Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities, 30(1), 77-92, 2015. (SCI)
34.A Survey on Human Pose Estimation.
35.Hong-Bo Zhang and Qing Lei and Bi-Neng Zhong and Ji-Xiang Du and Jialin Peng(彭佳林).
36.Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 2015.(SCI)
37.A region-appearance based adaptive variational model for 3D liver segmentation.
38.Jialin Peng(彭佳林)*, Fangfang Dong, Yuemei Chen, and Dexing Kong*.
39.Medical Physics, 41(4), 043502, 2014. (SCI)
40.Liver segmentation with constrained convex variational model.
41.Jialin Peng(彭佳林)*, Ye Wang and Dexing Kong*.
42.Pattern Recognition Letters, 43, 81-88, 2014. (SCI).
43.Brain MR Image Segmentation Based on Local Gaussian Mixture Model and Nonlocal Spatial Regularization.
44.Fangfang Dong*, Jialin Peng (彭佳林).
45.Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation,25, 827–839, 2014. (SCI)
46.Variational Model for Image Segmentation.
47.Lou, Q., Jialin Peng(彭佳林), Wu, F., and Kong, D. X.
48.In Advances in Visual Computing (pp. 653-662). 2013, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (EI)
49.Recent advances of variational model in medical imaging and applications to computer aided surgery.
50.Jialin Peng(彭佳林), Fangfang Dong and Dexing Kong*.
51.Applied Mathematics – A Journal of Chinese Universities, 27 (4), 379-411, 2012. (SCI)
52.A New Convex Variational Model for Liver Segmentation.
53.Jialin Peng(彭佳林), Jinwei Wang and Dexing Kong*.
54.The 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),. IEEE, 3754-3757, Japan, 2012.(权威国际会议, Oral,获得“最佳学术论文奖 ”,SCI, EI)
55.A novel variational model formultiplicative noise removal by combining nonlocal and weberized total variation regularization.
56.Dong, F. *, Liu, Z., and Jialin Peng(彭佳林).
57.In Image and Signal Processing (CISP), 2011 4th International Congress on (Vol. 1, pp. 42-46), 2011, IEEE. (EI)
华侨大学中青年教师科技创新资助计划项目(No.ZQN-PY411), 2016-2020, 在研,主持。
首届“中国高校科技成果交易会”成果创新奖 2017/06
Physics in Medicine and Biology 2016 年度杰出审稿人 2017/01
Physica Medica 2016年度杰出审稿人 2017/01
Editor's Picks of Medical Physics 2015 2015/12
浙江大学优秀毕业生 2013/06
ICPR 2012 最佳学术论文奖 2012/11
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Medical Physics
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
Physics in Medicine and Biology*
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
Computers & Electrical Engineering
Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics**
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
*Awarded Outstanding Reviewer forPhysics in Medicine and Biology
** Awarded Outstanding Reviewer for Physica Medica
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