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作者:聚创华大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 3662 发布时间: 2018-08-23 16:35 【微信号:13306030226】

热门关键词:华侨大学计算机科学与技术学院导师  华侨大学张洪博  硕士研究生导师  



张洪博,男,理学博士,副教授,主要研究兴趣为计算机视觉、模式识别、图像视频分析,2013年毕业于厦门大学获博士学位(硕博连读),现就职于华侨大学计算机科学与技术学院。主持国家自然科学(青年)基金, 福建省自然科学(面上)基金和华侨大学引进人才启动基金项目各一项,参与多项国家自然科学基金,福建省自然学科基金。已在国内外期刊和会议发表20余篇,担任多个国际期刊以及国际会议审稿人。



2.福建自然科学基金面上项目,2015J01253, RGBD数据下基于图匹配的人体姿态估计方法研究,2015/04-2018/04,主持

3.福建省网络计算与智能信息处理重点实验室开放课题,基于稀疏表示的半监督回归方法及其应用研究,2016/01-2017/06, 主持



招生专业:1. 软件工程(学硕)  2. 计算机技术(专硕)




1.Zhang HB., Zhang, M., Guo, J. et al.Progress in Artificial Intelligence (2018) 7: 189-195. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13748-018-0143-yEI

2.Qing Lei; Hongbo Zhang; Minghai Xin; Yiqiao Cai, A hierarchical representation for human action recognition in realistic scenes, Multimedia Tools Applications, 2018,77(9): 11403~1142 (SCI, CCF C)

3.Min Huang, Song-Zhi Su, Hong-Bo Zhang, Guo-Rong Cai, Dong-Ying Gong, Dong-Lin Cao, Shao-Zi Li*. Multi-feature Selection for 3D Human Action Recognition. ACM Transaction on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications. 14, 2, Article 45 (May 2018), 18 pages.(SCI,EI,CCF B)

4.Min Huang, Guo-Rong Cai, Hong-Bo Zhang, Sheng Yu, Dong-Ying Gong, Dong-Lin Cao*, Shao-Zi Li, and Song-Zhi Su. Semantic and Discriminative Parts Learning for 3D Human Action Recognition. Neurocomputing, 2018,291:84-96(SCI,EI,CCF B)


6.Hong-Bo Zhang, Bineng Zhong, Qing Lei, Ji-xiang Du, Jialin Peng,Duansheng Chen, and Xiao Ke. 2017. Sparse Representation-Based Semi-Supervised Regression for People Counting. ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun. Appl. 13, 4, Article 47 (July 2017), 17 pages. (SCI,EI,CCF B)

7.Zhang, Hong-Bo; Guo, Feng; Zhang, Miaohui; Lin, Ying; Hsiao, Tsung-Chih: 'Human motion correction and representation method from motion camera', The Journal of Engineering, June 2017, DOI: 10.1049/joe.2017.0159EI

8.Zhang, H.-B.; Lei, Q.; Zhong, B.-N.; Du, J.-X.; Chen, D.-S. A Sparse Representation Algorithm for Effective Photograph Retrieval. Math. Comput. Appl. 2017, 22, 8.

9.Huang, M., Su, S. Z., Cai, G. R., Zhang, H. B., Cao, D., & Li, S. Z. Meta-action descriptor for action recognition in RGBD video. IET Computer Vision, 2017, 11(4):301-308.(SCI,EI,CCF C)

10.龚冬颖,黄敏,张洪博,李绍滋*. RGBD 人体行为识别中的自适应特征选择方法. 智能系统学报, 2017, (01):1-8.


11.Hong-Bo Zhang, Qing Lei, Duan-Sheng Chen, Bi-Neng Zhong, Jialin Peng, Ji-Xiang Du, Song-Zhi Su, Probability-based Method for Boosting Human Action Recognition Using Scene Context. IET Computer Vision, 2016, 10(6): p.528-536. (SCI, EI, CCF C)

12.Hong-Bo Zhang, Qing Lei, Bi-Neng Zhong, Ji-Xiang Du, Jialin Peng, Tsung-Chih Hsiao and Duan-Sheng Chen, Multi-surface analysis for human action recognition in video. SpringerPlus (2016) 5: 1226. doi:10.1186/s40064-016-2876-z.(SCI)

13.Hong-Bo Zhang, Qing Lei, Bi-Neng Zhong, Ji-Xiang Du, JiaLin Peng, A Survey on Human Pose Estimation. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 2016, Volume: 22, Issue: 03, pages 483 - 489 (SCI)

14.李彦,张洪博*,石莲英. 基于 SIFT 特征匹配的车牌识别方法. 计算机工程与应用, 2016, 52(12): 194-200.

15.Hong-Bo Zhang, Yu Ma, Feng Guo, Miaohui Zhang, Ying Lin, Motion difference histogram for recognizing human action in video, 2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI), Okinawa, Japan.(EI)

16.Bineng Zhong, Xiangnan Yang, Yingju Shen, Cheng Wang, Tian Wang, Zhen Cui, Hongbo Zhang, Xiaopeng Hong, Duansheng Chen. Higher Order Partial Least Squares for Object Tracking: A 4D-Tracking Method. Neurocomputing, 2016(SCI, EI)

17.Der-Jyh Duh, Jian-Chih Huang, Shu-Yuan Chen*, Songzhi Su, Hong-Bo Zhang & Shaozi Li, Facial Expression Recognition Based on Spatio-Temporal Interest Points for Depth Sequences. The Imaging Science Journal, 2016 (SCI, EI)


18.Hong-Bo Zhang, Shao-Zi Li*, Shu-Yuan Chen, Song-Zhi Su*, Xian-Ming Lin, Dong-Lin Cao, Locating and recognizing multiple human actions by searching for maximum score subsequences. Signal Image and Video Processing, 2015. 9(3): p.705-714. (SCI, EI)

19.Jialin Peng, Hu, P. J., Lu, F., Peng, Z. Y., Kong, D. X. and Zhang H. B., 3D liver segmentation using multiple region appearances and graph cuts, Medical Physics, 2015, 42(12) 6840-6852 (SCI, EI)

20.Bineng Zhong, Yingju Shen, Yan Chen, Weibo Xie, Zhen Cui, Hongbo Zhang, Duansheng Chen, Tian Wang, Xin Liu, Shujuan Peng, Jin Gou, Jixiang Du, Jing Wang, Wenming Zheng. Online Learning 3D Context for Robust Visual Tracking. Neurocomputing 2015, 151(2), pp.710-718 (SCI, EI)


21.Hongbo Zhang, Shang-An Li, Shu-Yuan Chen, Songzhi Su, Der-Jyh Duh, and Shaozi Li, Adaptive photograph retrieval method, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2014, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 2189-2209, June. (SCI, EI, CCF C)

22.Kuo-Wei Li, Shu-Yuan Chen*, Songzhi Su, Der-Jyh Duh, Hongbo Zhang, and Shaozi Li, Logo Detection with Extendibility and Discrimination, Multimedia tools and application, 2014, 72(2):1285-1310 (SCI, EI,CCF C)

23.Qing Lei, Shao Zi Li*, HongBo Zhang, Action recognition in realistic scenes via local spatio-temporal representation, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2014, Vol.11, pp.275-286 (EI)


24.Hongbo Zhang, ShaoZi Li, SongZhi Su, and Shu-Yuan Chen*, Selecting Effective and Discriminative Spatio-Temporal Interest Points for Recognizing Human Action, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2013, Vol.E96-D, No.8, pp.1783-1792. (SCI, EI)

25.Hong-Bo Zhang, Song-Zhi Su, Shao-Zi Li, Duan-Sheng Chen, Bineng Zhong, Rongrong Ji, Songzhi Su, Seeing Actions Through Scene Context, Visual Communications and Image Processing, 2013, Sarawak, Malaysia  (EI)

26.Mengmeng Shi, Hongbo Zhang, Songzhi Su, Jing-Lun Kao, Shu-Yuan Chen*, and Shaozi Li*, Simple but effective method for identifying coarse genres of office documents, Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 2013, vol.16, no.11, pp.7973-7981, November

27.Qing Lei, Shao Zi Li*, HongBo Zhang, Learning discriminative visual codebook for human action recognition, Journal of Computers, 2013, Vol.8, n.12, pp.3093-3102 (EI)









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