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作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 2017 发布时间: 2018-08-29 15:48 【微信号:13306030226】

  基态、激发态电子结构理论及新颖的数值方法的发展和计算软件开发; 功能材料构-效关系、电子光谱与动力学; 分子间、分子-界面间弱相互作用及电子转移、能量传递等动力学过程。
  Charge transfer in organic molecules for solar cells: theoretical perspective
  Y. Zhao* and W. Z. Liang*, Chem. Soc. Rev. 41, 1075 (2012)
  Plasmon Resonance of Isolated Gold Hollow Nanoparticles and Nanoparticle Pairs: Insights from Electronic Structure Calculations
  H. Ma, F. Gao and W. Z. Liang*, J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 1755 (2012).
  Analytical approach for the excited-state Hessian in time-dependent density functional theory: Formalism, implementation, and performance
  J. Liu and W. Z. Liang*, J. Chem. Phys. 135, 18411 (2011).
  Molecular-orbital-free algorithm for the excited-state force in time-dependent density functional theory
  J. Liu and W.Z. Liang*, J. Chem. Phys. 134, 044114 (2011)
  Analytical Hessian of electronic excited states in time-dependent density functional theory with Tamm-Dancoff approximation
  J. Liu and W. Z. Liang*, J. Chem. Phys. 135, 014113 (2011).
  Vibronic Spectra of Perylene Bisimide Oligomers: Effects of Intermolecular Charge-Transfer Excitation and Conformational Flexibility
  F. Gao, Y. Zhao and W. Z. Liang*, J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 2699 (2011).
  Identification of the mechanism of enhanced exciton interaction in rigidly linked naphthalene dimers
  J. Song, F. Gao and W. Z. Liang*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 40, 13070 (2010).
  Ab initio study of phonon-induced dephasing of plasmon excitations in silver quantum dots
  Z. Y. Guo, B. F. Habenicht, W. Z. Liang and O. V. Prezhdo
  Phys. Rev. B 81 125415 (2010).
  Nature of Low-Lying Excited States in H-Aggregated Perylene Bisimide Dyes: Results of TD-LRC-DFT and the Mixed Exciton Model
  F. Pan, F. Gao, and W. Z. Liang*, J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 14581 (2009).
  Vibrationally Resolved Absorption and Emission Spectra of Rubrene Multichromophores: Temperature and Aggregation Effects
  F. Gao, W. Z. Liang* and Y. Zhao, J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 12847 (2009)
  Real-Time Propagation of the Reduced One-Electron Density Matrix in Atom-Centered Orbitals: Application to Electron Injection Dynamics in Dye-Sensitized TiO2 Clusters
  Z.Y. Guo, W.Z. Liang*, Y. Zhao and G.H. Chen, J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 16655 (2008)
  Real-time propagation of the reduced one-electron density matrix in atom-centered Gaussian orbitals: Application to absorption spectra of silicon clusters
  J. Sun, J. Song, W. Z. Liang*,J. Chem. Phys. 127, 234107(2007).

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