半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站 > 半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站院校库 > 厦门大学 > 导师介绍 > 正文


作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 2894 发布时间: 2018-08-30 16:29 【微信号:13306030226】

  E-mail: yangliu@xmu.edu.cn
  2012.06-至今 厦门大学化学化工学院,副教授
  2008.06-2010.03 美国佛罗里达大学,博士后
  2004.09-2008.06 湖南大学,博士
  2001.09-2004.07 陕西师范大学,硕士
  1997.09-2001.07 陕西理工学院,学士
  Li,Z.;Wu,S.Q.;Han,J.H.;Yang,L.*;Han,S.F. * Resolution of lysosomes in living cells with a ratiometric molecular pH-meter. Talanta, 2013, DOI10.1016
  Yang,L.;Zhang, X.B.; Ye, M.; Jiang, J.H.; Yang, R.H.; Fu, T.; Chen, Y.; Wang, K.M.; Liu, C.; Tan, W.H. Aptamer-Conjugated Nanomaterials and Their Applications. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. 2011, 63, 1361-1370
  Yang,L.;Meng, L.;Zhang, X.B.;Chen,Y.; Zhu, G.Z.; Liu, H.P.; Xiong, X.L.; Sefah, K.; Tan, W.H. Engineering Polymeric aptamers for selective cytotoxicity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 13380–13386
  Yang, L.; Li, H.M.; Wang, K.M.; Tan, W.H.; Yang, W.J.; Zheng, J. Atomic force microscopy study of the effect of pulsed electric field on Staphylococcus epidermidis. Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 80, 6222-6227
  Yang, L.; Wang, K.M.; Tan, W.H.; Li, H.M.; Yang, X.H.; Ma, C.B.; Tang, H, X. Using force spectroscopy analysis to improve the properties of the hairpin probe. Nucleic Acids Res., 2007, 35, e145
  Yang, L.; Wang, K. M.; Tan, W.H.; He, X.X.; Jin, R.; Li, J.; Li, H.M. Atomic Force Microsco4py study of different effects of natural and semisynthetic β-Lactam on the cell envelope of Escherichia coli. Analytical Chemistry, 2006, 78, 7341 -7345
  Wang, H.; Yang, R.H.; Yang, L.; Tan,W. H. Nucleic acid conjugated nanomaterials for enhanced molecular recognition. ACS nano, 2009, 3, 2451-2460
  Kim, Y.M.; Dennis, D.M.; Morey, T.; Yang, L.; Tan, W.H. Engineering dendritic aptamer assemblies as superior inhibitors. Chemistry—An Asian journal , 2010, 5, 56-59

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