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作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 3436 发布时间: 2018-08-31 11:34 【微信号:13306030226】

  洪学敏 教授 、博士生导师、系副主任
  英国Heriot-Watt University 博士(2008)
  研究方向: 绿色无线网络认知无线电网络无线信道建模
  所属部门: 通信工程系
  xuemin.hong (AT) xmu.edu.cn
  Publicity chair:IEEE CMC’11, IEEE CMC’10
  TPC:IEEE ICC’11, IEEE GlobeCom’11, etc.
  Reviewer:IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, IEEE Communication Letters, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, IET Communications, Wireless Communications & Mob
  Hong X, Wang J, *Wang C, Shi J, 2014. Cognitive radio in 5G: a perspective on energy-spectral efficiency trade-off, IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(7): 46-53 (Elsevier : SCI).
  X. Ge, K. Huang, C.-X. Wang, X. Hong, and X. Yang, “Capacity analysis of a multi-cell multi-antenna cooperative cellular network with co-channel interference,” IEEE Transaction on Wireless Commun., accepted for publication.
  Xiong J, *Hong X, Yu J, Xue K, Tao W, Chen T, Lin M, 2013. Power-bandwidth trade-off in large scale MIMO cellular networks, ICIC Express Letters, 7(10): 2843-2848.
  Lin M, *Hong X, Xiong J, Xue K, Shi J, 2013. Capacity analysis of centralized cognitive radio networks for best-effort traffics, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 7(9): 2154-2172.
  *Hong X, Yu J, Wang C, 2013. Energy-Spectral Efficiency Trade-off in virtual MIMO cellular systems, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 31(10): 2128-2140.
  C.-X. Wang, X. Hong, H. Wu, and W. Xu, “Spatial temporal correlation properties of the 3GPP spatial channel model and the Kronecker MIMO channel model”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communication and Networking, Special Issue on Space-Time Channel Mode
  Wang J, Lin M, *Hong X, Shi J, 2014. QoS guaranteed capacity of centralized cognitive radio networks with interference averaging techniques, KSII Trans. Internet and Information Systems, 8(1): 18-34(Elsevier : SCI).
  Z. Chen, C.-X. Wang, X. Hong, J. S. Thompson, S. A. Vorobyov, X. Ge, H. Xiao, and F. Zhao, “Aggregate interference modeling in cognitive radio networks with power and contention control,” IEEE Transaction on Communications, accepted for publication.

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