作者:聚创华大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 3244 发布时间: 2018-09-03 16:33 【微信号:13306030226】
热门关键词:华侨大学土木工程学院导师 华侨大学王晨 硕士研究生导师
王晨,男,博士,华侨大学特聘教授,博士生导师。工程管理系主任。福建省海外高层次引进人才,桐江学者特聘教授。主要从事土木工程管理,市政工程管理,绿色建筑与节能,智能建筑与人工智能相结合方面的研究。发表SCI和SSCI论文60余篇,出版6部英文专著和一部中文专著。在海外从事教学与科研多年,曾获得英国土木工程师学会国际奖 Institution of Civil Engineers U.K. (London)。是英国皇家测量协会RICS会员,美国电气电子学会IEEE 会员,香港国际工程技术学会IETI高阶会员,中华建设管理学会CRIOCM会员。
Professor Dr. Chen Wang MIEEE, MRICS, MIETI, MCRIOCM is a Distinguished Professor in the College of Civil Engineering, Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China, and the Head of Department, Department of Construction Management. He served as a senior engineer of China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC), which is the main contractor of the 2008 Olympics Beijing National Aquatics Center known as "Water Cube" and the Russian Federal Building in Moscow. His expertise include Modern Construction Machinery and Equipment, Building Automation & Robotics, System Dynamics, Mathematics Modeling for Civil Engineering, Swarm Intelligence, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Fuzzy-QFD, Tensile Membrane Steel Structure, 3D Printing in Building & Surveying Education, Vertical Greenery Systems, Repertory Grid, sustainability in construction management, international BOT projects, energy conservation, and building integrated solar application, supported by his vast publications. He is an IEEE professional member (U.S.), RICS member (U.K.), International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) Senior Member, and also a perpetual member of The Chinese Research Institute of Construction Management (CRIOCM), Hong Kong (International). He was awarded as University of Malaya Talent Prospect Icon in 2014 by Ministry of Higher Education.
Postal Address: Department of Construction Management, College of Civil Engineering, Huaqiao University, 361021 Xiamen, China.
邮编 (Post Code):361021
电子邮件 (Email): wch@hqu.edu.cn wcworkhard@outlook.com
Tel: +86(0)592 6162787
近年一些代表性成果 (Journal Articles Recently):
1.2016. Bee Colony Optimized Mass Rapid Transit Routing Prototype. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Civil Engineers-Municipal Engineer, 170(3), 135-150. (SCI)
2.2016. Integrated Earned Value Gantt Chart (EV-Gantt) Tool for Project Portfolio Planning And Monitoring Optimization. Engineering Management Journal, 28(1), 39-53. (SCI).
3.2016. Development And Test Run Of Civil Engineering Schedule Acceleration Model Through Ant Colony Optimization. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, DOI:10.3846/13923730.2014.945954. (SCI).
4.2017. Fuzzy Mapping On Psychological Disorders In Construction Management. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 143(2),04016094. (SCI).
5.2016. GIS Aided Accessibility Assessment For Community Park Planning: Youth Recreational Parks In Subang Jaya, Malaysia. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research. (SSCI).
6.2016. Pedestrianization And Walkability In A Fast Developing UNESCO World Heritage City. Open House International, 41(1),163-171. (SSCI & AHCI).
7.2016. Indoor Vertical Greenery System (iVGS) In Tropics. Indoor and Built Environment, 25(2), 340–356. (SCI).
8.2016. Tropical Vertical Greenery Systems: Irrigation Systems, Biophysical Characteristics, and Influential Criteria. Journal of Green Building. (AHCI).
9.2017. Collaborative model: Managing design changes with reusable project experiences through project learning and effective communication. International Journal of Project Management, 35(7), 1253-1271. (SSCI)
10.2016. Triggering the Internationalization of Malaysian Quantity Surveying Firms. Service Business, 11(3), 631-663. (SSCI).
11.2016. Green Hospital Design: Integrating Quality Function Deployment and End-user Demands. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112(1), 903–913. (SCI).
12.2016. When traditional information technology project managers encounter the cloud: Opportunities and dilemmas in the transition to cloud services. International Journal of Project Management, 34(3), 371-388. (SSCI).
13.2015. Case Study of Facility Performance and User Requirements in the University of Malaya Research and Development Building. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 29(5), 04014131. (SCI).
14.2015. Noise Annoyance and Loudness: Acoustic Performance Of Residential Buildings In Tropics. Building Services Engineering Research & Technology, 36(6), 680-700. (SCI).
15.2015. The performance of solar bottle bulbs at different interior exposure levels. Lighting Research & Technology, 47,116-127. (SCI).
16.2015. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Modelling To Enhance Industrialized Building System Adoption in Housing Projects. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 26(7-8), 703-718. (SSCI).
17.2015. Defects Of Tensioned Membrane Structures (TMS) In Tropics. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 29(2), 04014049. (SCI).
18.2014. Late-Payment & Non-Payment Encountered By Contracting Firms In A Fast Developing Economy. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 140(2), 04013013. (SCI).
19.2014. Defects In Affordable Housing Projects In Klang Valley, Malaysia. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 28(2), 272–285. (SCI).
20.2013. Managing External Risk for International Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Firms Operating in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States. Project Management Journal, 44(5), 70-88.( SSCI).
21.2012. Negative Impact Induced by Foreign Workers: Evidence in Malaysian Construction Sector. Habitat International, 36, 433-443. (SCI).
22.2012. Risk Identification and Mitigation for Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Firms Operating in Gulf. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 39(1), 55-71. (SCI).
23.2011. Repertory Grid Technique in Development of Tacit-based Decision Support System (TDSS) for Sustainable Site Layout Planning. Automation in Construction, 20(7), 818-829. (SCI).
24.2010. Daylighting can be Fluorescent: Development of a Fiber Solar Concentrator and Test for Its Indoor Illumination. Energy and Buildings, 42(5), 717–727. (SCI).
英文专著 (BOOKS):
1.2012. Quality Management in The Construction Industry. ISBN: 978-983-100-559-0.
2.2014. Project Learning in Construction. ISBN: 978-983-100-695-5.
3.2015. Risk Management in Construction. ISBN: 978-983-100-776-1.
4.2015. Monitoring and Decision Making in The Construction Industry. ISBN: 978-983-100-775-4.
5.2016. Project-wide Professional Ethics in Construction. ISBN: 978-983-100-848-5.
6.2015. Delay and Payment Issues in Construction Projects. ISBN: 978-983-100-830-0.
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