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作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 2207 发布时间: 2018-09-03 17:02 【微信号:13306030226】

  姚俊峰 教授、博士生导师
  Post.D 清华大学电力设备仿真与控制研究所, 2003,12
  Ph.D. 中南大学热工设备仿真与优化研究所,博士学位 2001
  M.S. 中南大学数据建模硕士学位, 1998.3
  B.S. 中南大学数据建模, 1995.7
  2004年1月至今:厦门大学软件学院,教授 博士生导师,数字媒体工程系系主任,2014年被聘为中国侨联特聘专家,2015入选福建省第四批百人计划人选, 2004年7月到2004年9月英国SUSSEX大学访问学者,2009年8月到2010年8月美国Southern Polytechnic State University大学访问学者,2016年10月到2017年10月美国UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON访问学者。IEEE与ACM会员,CHAIR OF ChinaVR 2014 and ICVRV 2014, ORGINASING CHAIR OF ChinaVR 2015 and ICVRV 2014, CO-CHAIR OF CASA 2015, ASSOCIATE EDITOR OF The VISUAL COMPUTER(JCR4)
  数字媒体计算中心 http://cdmc.xmu.edu.cn
  [1] Hengheng Zhao, Ping Huang, Junfeng Yao, Texturing of Augmented Reality Character Based on Colored Drawing, Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium Pages: 355-356 Published: 2017.
  [2] Ronghai Wang, Junfeng Yao, Lin Wang, A Surgical Training System for four Medical Punctures Based on Virtual Reality and Haptic Feedback, IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces Pages: 215-216 Published: 2017 .
  [3] Lei Lan, Junfeng Yao, Medial-axis-driven shape deformation with volume preservation, The Visual Computer, 2017, 33(6-8):789-800.
  [4] Hanxiang Xu, Shihui Guo, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Junfeng Yao, Approximating Interior Bounded Box of 3D Character Mesh Model based on Its Skeleton and Symmetry, Source: International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, v 10, n 3, p 332-347, 2017.
  [5] Shihui Guo, Hanxiang Xu, Nadia Thalmann,Junfeng Yao, Customization and fabrication of the appearance for humanoid robot .The Visual Computer, 2017,33(1): 63-74
  [6] Su, JS; Wang, ZHWu, QQ; Yao, JF; Long, F; Zhang, HY,A Topic-Triggered Translation Model for Statistical Machine Translation,CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS ,26(1): 65-72,DOI: 10.1049/cje.2016.10.007,2017.
  [7] Lin, Chenhan; Long, Fei; Yao, Junfeng; Sun, Ming-Ting; Su, Jinsong, Learning Spatiotemporal and Geometric Features with ISA for Video-Based Facial Expression Recognition.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-70090-8_45, p 435-444, 2017, Neural Information Processing - 24th International Conference, ICONIP 2017, Proceedings;
  [8] Hong, QQ; Li, Y; Li, QD; Wang, BZ; Yao, JF; Wu, QQ; She, YY,An implicit skeleton-based method for the geometry reconstruction of vasculatures ,THE VISUAL COMPUTER,32(10):1251-1262,DOI: 10.1007/s00371-015-1160-5,2016.
  [9] Huang, P; Yao, JF; Zhao, HH,Automatic Realistic 3D Garment Generation Based on Two Images. Pages: 250-257,DOI: 10.1109/ICVRV.2016.48,2016.
  [10] Xiaoli Zhang,JunFeng Yao,Ping Huang,360-Degree 3D Virtual Fitting Based on Kinect Motion Prediction,Journal of System Simulation,2016,28(10):2378-2393.
  [11]Chen, LY; Peng, XY; Yao, JF; Qiguan, H; Chen, C; Ma, YH.Research on the Augmented Reality System Without Identification Markers for Home Exhibition,2016 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE & EDUCATION (ICCSE),Pages: 524-528,2016
  [12]Yuncheng Dong, Junfeng Yao, Fei Long, Kunhong Liu, Chenhan Lin.Research on Data-Driven Energy Efficiency Optimization for Copper Flash Smelting Process. WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 12(8), 2016, pp.58-67.
  [13]Junfeng Yao, Zhichao Huang,Changming Zhang,Chig-Cheng Hung, Study on Mold Monitoring System based on Improved Position Compensation Technique of Image Processing in Plastic Injection Industry, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences----An International Journal ,Volume 10, No. 4 (Jul. 2016), PP:1215-1222.
  [14]You,Wanqing;Qian,Kai;Lo,DanChia-Tien;Bhattacharya,Prabir;Chen,Wei;Rogers,Tamara;Chern,Johng-Chern;Yao,Junfeng.Promoting mobile computing and security learning using mobile devices. 2015 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference, March 2015, pp.205-209.
  [15]Qingqi Hong,Yan Li,Qingde Li,Beizhan Wang,Junfeng Yao,Qingqiang Wu,Yingying She. An implicit skeleton-based method for the geometry reconstruction of vasculatures. The Visual Computer, 2016, 32:1251–1262.
  [16] XU Yanhuang,YAO Junfeng,YANG Baorong,WANG Qidi,SUN Yuzhen, Research on Simulation System of 3D Orchid Flower Blossoming Process, Journal of System Simulation,2015, 27(10), 2546-2552.
  [17] Hengheng Zhao, Ping Huang, Junfeng Yao, Texturing of Augmented Reality Character Based on Colored Drawing, Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium Pages: 355-356 Published: 2017.
  [18] Ronghai Wang, Junfeng Yao, Lin Wang, A Surgical Training System for four Medical Punctures Based on Virtual Reality and Haptic Feedback, IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces Pages: 215-216 Published: 2017 .
  [19] Lei Lan, Junfeng Yao, Medial-axis-driven shape deformation with volume preservation, The Visual Computer, 2017, 33(6-8):789-800.
  [20] Hanxiang Xu, Shihui Guo, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Junfeng Yao, Approximating Interior Bounded Box of 3D Character Mesh Model based on Its Skeleton and Symmetry, Source: International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, v 10, n 3, p 332-347, 2017.
  [21] Shihui Guo, Hanxiang Xu, Nadia Thalmann,Junfeng Yao, Customization and fabrication of the appearance for humanoid robot .The Visual Computer, 2017,33(1): 63-74
  [22] Su, JS; Wang, ZHWu, QQ; Yao, JF; Long, F; Zhang, HY,A Topic-Triggered Translation Model for Statistical Machine Translation,CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS ,26(1): 65-72,DOI: 10.1049/cje.2016.10.007,2017.
  [23] Lin, Chenhan; Long, Fei; Yao, Junfeng; Sun, Ming-Ting; Su, Jinsong, Learning Spatiotemporal and Geometric Features with ISA for Video-Based Facial Expression Recognition.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-70090-8_45, p 435-444, 2017, Neural Information Processing - 24th International Conference, ICONIP 2017, Proceedings;
  [24] Hong, QQ; Li, Y; Li, QD; Wang, BZ; Yao, JF; Wu, QQ; She, YY,An implicit skeleton-based method for the geometry reconstruction of vasculatures ,THE VISUAL COMPUTER,32(10):1251-1262,DOI: 10.1007/s00371-015-1160-5,2016.
  [25] Huang, P; Yao, JF; Zhao, HH,Automatic Realistic 3D Garment Generation Based on Two Images. Pages: 250-257,DOI: 10.1109/ICVRV.2016.48,2016.
  [26] Xiaoli Zhang,JunFeng Yao,Ping Huang,360-Degree 3D Virtual Fitting Based on Kinect Motion Prediction,Journal of System Simulation,2016,28(10):2378-2393.
  [27]Chen, LY; Peng, XY; Yao, JF; Qiguan, H; Chen, C; Ma, YH.Research on the Augmented Reality System Without Identification Markers for Home Exhibition,2016 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE & EDUCATION (ICCSE),Pages: 524-528,2016
  [28]Yuncheng Dong, Junfeng Yao, Fei Long, Kunhong Liu, Chenhan Lin.Research on Data-Driven Energy Efficiency Optimization for Copper Flash Smelting Process. WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 12(8), 2016, pp.58-67.
  [29]Junfeng Yao, Zhichao Huang,Changming Zhang,Chig-Cheng Hung, Study on Mold Monitoring System based on Improved Position Compensation Technique of Image Processing in Plastic Injection Industry, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences----An International Journal ,Volume 10, No. 4 (Jul. 2016), PP:1215-1222.
  [30]You,Wanqing;Qian,Kai;Lo,DanChia-Tien;Bhattacharya,Prabir;Chen,Wei;Rogers,Tamara;Chern,Johng-Chern;Yao,Junfeng.Promoting mobile computing and security learning using mobile devices. 2015 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference, March 2015, pp.205-209.
  [31]Qingqi Hong,Yan Li,Qingde Li,Beizhan Wang,Junfeng Yao,Qingqiang Wu,Yingying She. An implicit skeleton-based method for the geometry reconstruction of vasculatures. The Visual Computer, 2016, 32:1251–1262.
  [32] XU Yanhuang,YAO Junfeng,YANG Baorong,WANG Qidi,SUN Yuzhen, Research on Simulation System of 3D Orchid Flower Blossoming Process, Journal of System Simulation,2015, 27(10), 2546-2552.
  [33] Junfeng Yao, Lei Lan,Wenlin Lin, Binbin Zhang. Realistic and Stable Animation of Cloth, COMPUTER ANIMATION AND VIRTUAL WORLDS, 2015,vol26( 3-4), 281-289.
  [34] Biao Zhang, Jinsong Su*, Deyi Xiong, Yaojie Lu, Hong Duan, Junfeng Yao. Shallow Convolutional Neural Network for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition. In Proceedings of EMNLP 2015.
  [35] Jinsong Su, Deyi Xiong, Biao Zhang, Yang Liu, Junfeng Yao, Min Zhang. Bilingual Correspondence Recursive Autoencoder for Statistical Machine Translation. In Proceedings of EMNLP 2015.
  [36] Jinsong Su, Deyi Xiong, Shujian Huang, Xianpei Han, Junfeng Yao. Graph-based Collective Lexical Selection for Statistical Machine Translation. In Proceedings of EMNLP 2015.
  [37] Biao Zhang, Jinsong Su*, Deyi Xiong, Hong Duan, Junfeng Yao. Discriminative Reordering Model Adaptation via Structural Learning. In Proceedings of IJCAI 2015.
  [38] Jinsong Su, Deyi Xiong, Yang Liu, Xianpei Han, Hongyu Lin, Junfeng Yao, Min Zhang. A Context-Aware Topic Model for Statistical Machine Translation. In Proceedings of ACL 2015.
  [39] Zhichao Huang, Junfeng Yao, Zichun Zhong, Yang Liu and Xiaohu Guo. Sparse Localized Decomposition of Deformation Gradients, Computer Graphics Forum[JCR3],Volume 33, Issue 7, pages 239–248, IDS 号:AS6JF 2013 Impact Factor:1.595
  [40] J.F. Yao, L. Lysandra, L. Yang, B.R. Yang& Z.C. Huang. A virtual dressing room approach based on Microsoft Kinect, INIC 2014.
  [41] Ma, Baoying; Yao, Junfeng;Yan, Ruohe; Zhang, Binbin. The Improvement of Parameterized Face Model of Candide Based on MPEG-4 and FACS. International Journal of Electrical Energy, 2014, pp.99-102.
  [42]Ma,Baoying; Yao, Junfeng;Yan,Ruohe;Zhang,Binbin. Facial Expression Parameter Extraction with Cohn-Kanade Based Database.International Journal of Electrical Energy, 2014, pp.103-106.
  [43] FengChun Lin, TingXi Wen, JunFeng YAO. A Method for Personalized 3D Design of Product Based on Web3D. Proceedings of the Symposium on Web3D, 2013, June 20-22, Spain: San Sebastian.
  [44]Jincan Lin, Yunning Huang, Junfeng Yao. Creating a large area of trees based on POREST PRO. Proceedings of the Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics,2013, March 21-23, USA:Orlando.
  [45] Yao Junfeng , Xie Xiaobiao ,LinFengchun ,Zhao Liniao ,Ji Guoli ,Hung ChihCheng. Online Customer Interactive Web3D E-Commerce Platform NARKii.com. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences----An International Journal, 2013, 7(1),139-143. SCI收录.
  [46]Junfeng Yao, Yu Zhan, Chih-Cheng Hung, Xiaobiao Xie and Guoli Ji. Splicing Side and Front Face Images Seamlessly by Applying Iterative Fusion Algorithm with n*n Wave-low-pass Filters. Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 2011,Vol14,No2,pp609-620. SCI收录(收录号:747LV).
  [47] Wang, Jinglei; Long, Fei; Chen, Jiping; Yao Junfeng. A Novel Eye Localization Method Based on Log-Gabor Transform and Integral Image. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences----An International Journal,2012,6(2), 323-329. SCI收录.
  [48] Junfeng YAO, Jie SONG, Chengpeng WU, Xuelei WU, Xiaobiao XIE. A New Evidence Combining Method Based on WAFCM and the Improved Weighted Average Method. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2011,Vol7,No.11,pp3955-3962. EI: 20114214445506
  [49] Yao, Junfeng, Zhang, Hui, Wu, Bin, Lin, Fengchun, Wang, Binxing. The research and realization of parameterized three-dimensional plant simulation based on fractal theory. Proceedings of the Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics,2010:p212.EI: 20111213766736.
  [50] Song Jie; Junfeng Yao; Chengpeng Wu. Cloud computing and its key techniques. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Electronic and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, EMEIT 2011. pp320-324. EI: 20114014403047.
  [51]Junfeng Yao, Xiaobiao Xie, Ming Zhang, Hui Zhang, Andy Ju An Wang. A 3-D Flowering Simulation Based on Botany Characteristics and Random Generation Algorithm. ACM SIGGRAPH 2010, July 24-29, 2010. Los Angeles,Poster.
  [52]Junfeng Yao, Xiaobiao Xie, Fengchun Lin, Xufa Ji, Xiaoyan Lin, Andy Ju An Wang. The Online Customer-Built WEB3D Middleware System for Arts and Crafts. ACM SIGGRAPH 2010, July 24-29, 2010. Los Angeles,Poster.
  [53] Junfeng Yao, Hui Zhang, Feng Chen, Andy Ju An Wang, Research and Application of 3D Engine in the Simulation of Natural Scene. ACM SIGGRAPH I3D2010, Washington D.C. 2010, p23:1-8.
  [54] Junfeng Yao, Chengpeng Wu, Prabir Bhattacharya. A New Method of Information Decision-making Based on D-S Evidence Theory. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE System, Man, Cybernetics, Istanbul,2010. EI收录
  [55]Junfeng Yao, Chao Lin , Xiaobiao Xie. Path Planning for Virtual Human Motion Using Improved A* Algorithm. Proceedings of INTG 2010.April 12-14 2010, Las Vegas. EI收录
  [56] Chao Lin, Junfeng Yao. Research on Shipping E-Commerce Platform Based on J2EE and SOA Development Technique. Proceedings of ICSSSM 2010(June 28-30, 2010 Tokyo. EI收录;
  [57]Junfeng Yao,Yu Zhan, Andy JuAn Wang, Xiaobiao Xie, An Iterative Fusion Algorithm with n*n Wave-low-pass Filters for Splicing Face Pictures Seamlessly. Proceedings of 2009 International Symposium on Intelligent Information Systems and Applications, 2009, p310-313.(EI收录:)
  [58]Junfeng Yao,Binbin Zhang,Qingda Zhou, The Optimization of A* Algorithm in the Practical Path Finding Application. Proceedings of 2009 World Congress on Software Engineering, 2009,Vol2,p514-518.(EI: 20095312599776)
  [59] Yao JunFeng, Mei C, Peng XQ, Zhou AL, Wu DH.Research and Development of the Intelligent Decision Support System of Operation Optimization in Copper Smelting Converter. Journal of Central South University,2002,9(2):138-141. (SCI: 569MM)
  [60] Chen, Qingqing; Yao, Junfeng; Zhang, Hanhui; Lin, Kunhui, The technical research and system realization of 3d garment fitting system based on improved collision-check algorithm, Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment - Third International Conference, Edutainment 2008, Proceedings,2008,Vol5093 LNCS: p 736-744. (EI:083211432180)
  [61] Chen, Qingqing; Yao, Junfeng, The technical research of 3D garment fitting based on improved collision-check algorithm, ICALIP 2008 - 2008 International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing, Proceedings,2008, p 893-898. (EI:083911587731, ISTP:BIB51)
  [62] Chen, Qi; Yao, Junfeng,Research and design of 3D presentation system based on J2ME, Journal of Information and Computational Science,2008,Vol5(1):p241-249. (EI:083311459276)
  [63]Yao,Junfeng; Zhang,Hongming; R&D of a Parameterized Method for 3D Virtual Human Body Based on Anthropometry, The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 2008,7(3):9-12.
  [64] Yao,Junfeng;Zhang, Hanhui; Study on The Bezier Curve Applications of Pelvis Movement Trajectory of Virtual Human, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on CyberWorlds:p635-639.(EI: 20091412000349)
  [65] Yao,Junfeng; Huang, Yunhui; The Technical Research and System Realization of 3D Dice Game, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on CyberWorlds :p587-591.(EI: 20091412000340)
  [66] Yao,Junfeng; Zhang, Hui;She, Fei; Research on the method of 3D reconstruction of ancient architecture(Nanputuo Temple), Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on CyberWorlds:p627-630. (EI: 20091412000347)
  [67] Shen Yi; Yao,Junfeng; Design and Implementation of the Container Terminal Operating System Based on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on CyberWorlds :p794-799. (EI: 20091412000376)
  [68] Zhang Tao, Yao junfeng. A Virtual Cybermarketing System Using Web3D and JSR-184. IEEE Computer Society (The 16th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexisitence) , November 29, 2006. (EI:082811366473,ISTP:BFU07)
  [69] Yao, J.-F.; Mei, C.; Peng, X.-Q.; Ren, H.-J.; Wu, D.-H.; Zhou, A.-L.; Wu, L.-P.; Jiang, J.-H.; Li, M. Development and application of real-time forecasting system of furnace condition in copper converter. Mining and Metallurgy,2001,Vol10(2):p73-77. (EI:01326613006)
  [70] Mei, Chi; Yao, Junfeng; Hu, Jun; Shi, Ming; Zhao, Wei, Dynamic pre-estimating model of the grade of copper matte in the course of raw copper metallurgy - the best combined approach of auto-regressive and exponential smoothing,2000,Vol31(1),p34-36. (EI:00095313348)
  [71] Yao, J.-F.; Mei, Z.; Peng, X.-Q.; Wu, D.-H.; Zhou, A.-L.; Jiang, J.-H. ,Modified chaos genetic algorithm and its application on operation-optimization of copper smelting converter, Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals,2001,Vol11(5):p920-924. (EI:01476738972)
  [72]Yao, Jun-feng; Mei, Chi; Ren, Hong-jiu; Hu, Jun; Jiang, Jin-hong, Numerical simulation of temperature field in lining of horizontal converter, Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals,2000,Vol10(4):p546-550. (EI:00095319204)
  [73] Hu, Zhi-Kun; Gui, Wei-Hua; Peng, Xiao-Qi; Yao, Jun-Feng; Zhang, Wei-Hua, Intelligent optimization of optimal operational pattern in the process of copper converting furnace. Control Theory and Applications(控制理论与应用),2005, Vol22(2):p243-247. (EI:05239147376)
  [74] Yao, JunFeng; Zhang, Tao; Lin, Kun-Hui, 3D technology and application in hairdressing, Journal of System Simulation(系统仿真学报), 2006 Vol.18,(CN11-3092/V): p134-136. (EI:063810124277)
  [75] Yao, Jun-Feng; Zhang, Tao; Cao, Li-Jun, Research and development of mechanical mould three-dimensional simulation system, Journal of System Simulation(系统仿真学报),2006,Vol18(CN11-3092/V),(EI:063810124299)
  [76] Yao, J.F.; Mei, C.; Ren, H.J.; Zhou, A.L.; Li, M.; Jiang, J.H. Application of the melting dynamic model of cold materials in the copper converter. Journal of Central South University of Technology(中南工业大学学报), 2001,Vol32(2), p 217-219. (EI:01396662837)
  [77] Yao, Jun-Feng; Mei, Chi; Peng, Xiao-Qi, Application research of the chaos genetic algorithm(CGA) and its evaluation of optimization efficiency, Acta Automatica Sinica(自动化学报), 2002,28(6):p935-942.(EI:03107391362)
  [78] Yao, Junfeng; Yang, Xianyong; Peng, Xiaoqi; Zhang, Tian; Zheng, Shunbin.
  Decreasing gradient optimization algorithm with variable step length based on chaotic variables. Journal of Tsinghua University(清华大学学报).2003,VOL43(12):p1676-1678. (EI:04158112729).
  [79] 姚俊峰,詹长明,Hung Chih-Cheng. 基于位置补偿技术的模具监视系统.计算机工程, 2010,36(9):238-242.
  [80] 姚俊峰,陈锋,陈琪.基于WireFusion与Web3D技术的虚拟展 示平台开发与应用.华东理工大学学报(自然科学版).2007,33,95-99.
  [81] 陈锋,姚俊峰.过程纹理实现动态云层[J].系统仿真学报. 2007,19.
  [82] 陈锋,姚俊峰.一种基于着色器的环境映射贴图实现反射和折射效果的方法,计算机应用研究.2008.
  [83] 陈琪,姚俊峰,陈锋. 三维网络视频会议系统的设计与实现,计算机科学,2007,34(8),340-343.
  [84] 姚俊峰,陈琪. 计算机人脸表情动画技术综述, 计算机应用研究,2008.
  [85] 姚俊峰,景冰锋等. 中国警察篮球联赛三维营销系统的研究与设计,北京体育大学学报,2007,11.
  [86] 张涛,姚俊峰. 基于Web3D的体育馆展示并售票系统的研究.计算机仿真,2006年9月,(CN 11-3724/TP),(P236~P239).
  [87] 张涛,姚俊峰. 基于J2ME的汽车配件移动销售系统的研究与实现. 计算机科学,2006年8月,(CN50-1075/TP),(P243~P246).
  (3).Junfeng Yao参与,Simulation and Optimization of Furnaces and Kilns for Nonferrous Metallurgical Engineering,ISBN-10: 3642002471 March ,2010, Springer.
  (6) 姚俊峰编著:交互式三维技术, 字数43.5万字,北京:科学出版社,2013年4月;
  (7).Junfeng Yao参与,"Cloud Computing and Digital Media: Fundamentals, Techniques, and Applications", published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.2014.2;
  (8).姚俊峰,张俊,阙锦龙著: 3D打印理论与应用,字数34万字,北京:科学出版社,2015年4月;
  (1)用于服装行业的数据管理系统(授权号:ZL 2007 1 0009879.6)
  (2)mysql与MongoDB数据同步的方法及其系统(授权号:ZL 2015 1 0779001.5)
  (4)一种虚实结合互动的方法(授权号:ZL 201410677138.5)
  (5)一种通过移动终端对机械维修教学的方法(授权号:ZL 201510157290.5)
  (6)一种基于两张图片的真实感三维人脸重建方法. (授理号:201810379827.6)
  (7)基于单张图片的三维建模实现方法. (授理号:201810381028.2)
  (8) 基于草图的三维模型检索方法(授理号:201810597066.1)
  (1) 基于多视角图片的物体三维建模系统V1.0(软件登记号:2017SR474637)
  (2) 基于两张图片的真实感三维衣物自动建模系统V1.0(软件登记号:2016SR349254)
  (3) 三维模型格式转换系统V1.0(软件登记号:2016SR378772)
  (4) 基于SPARK的炼铜能效系统V1.0(软件登记号:2015SR216973)
  (5) 基于模式优化的铜闪速熔炼能效优化控制系统V1.0(软件登记号:2015SR216939)
  (6) 闪速炼铜硫酸区域能效评估与检测系统V1.0(软件登记号:2015SR217431)
  (7) 闪速炼铜冶炼区域能效评估与检测系统V1.0(软件登记号:2015SR216929)
  (28) flying3D游戏开发引擎系统V1.0(软件登记号:2008SR27825);

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