作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 3228 发布时间: 2018-09-03 17:19 【微信号:13306030226】
洪清启 副教授
Ph.D. 英国赫尔大学 计算机科学系 2012.4
M.S. 厦门大学 软件学院 2008.7
B.S. 福州大学 计算机科学与技术系 2005.7
2012年9月至今 厦门大学软件学院
学术任职 ...............................
SCI期刊 “Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics” 审稿人
SCI期刊 ”Computers in Biology and Medicine” 审稿人
国际会议 ”MICCAI”、”ICVRV” 审稿人
科研项目 ...............................
横向课题,“人脸识别模型研究与应用系统开发”, 主持
Qingqi Hong(1), et al. Implicit reconstruction of vasculatures using bivariate piecewise algebraic splines. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 31(3), 543-553, 2012. (SCI期刊,IF:4.027)
Qingqi Hong(1), et al. An implicit skeleton-based method for the geometry reconstruction of vasculatures. The Visual Computer. Volume 32, Issue 10, pp 1251–1262,2016 (SCI期刊,IF:1.06)
Qingqi Hong(1), et al. 3D vasculature segmentation using localized hybrid level-set method, BioMedical Engineering Online, vol. 13, 2014. (SCI期刊,IF:1.746)
Qingqi Hong(1), et al. GPU Accelerating Technique for Rendering Implicitly Represented Vasculatures, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, vol. 14, no 1, pp. 1351-1357, 2014. (SCI期刊,IF:1.09)
Qingqi Hong(3), et al., Topic evolution based on LDA and HMM and its application in stem cell research,Journal of Information Science, vol 40, no 5, pp. 611-620, 2014. (SCI期刊,IF:1.23)
Qingqi Hong(1), et al., A Skeleton-based Technique for Modeling Implicit Surfaces, In proceedings of 6th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing , pp. 686-691, Hangzhou, China, December 2013. (EI会议)
Qingqi Hong(1), et al., Segmentation of Vessel Images Using a Localized Hybrid Level-set Method, In proceedings of 6th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing , pp. 631 – 635, Hangzhou, China, December 2013. (EI会议)
Qingqi Hong(1), et al. The Extraction of Vascular Axis Based on Signed Distance Function, 5th International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2013), 2013. (EI会议)
Qingqi Hong(1), et al . A Survey on the Visualization and Reconstruction of Vasculatures, 5th International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2013), 2013 (EI会议)
Qingqi Hong(1), et al. Virtual Angioscopy based on implicit vasculatures. Lecture Note in Computer Science 6785, 2011. (EI会议)
Qingqi Hong(1), et al. Local Hybrid Level-set Method for MRA Image Segmentation. In the Proc. of the 10th IEEE International Conference (CIT-2010), 2010. (EI会议)
Qingqi Hong(1), et al. An improved approach for Image Retrieval Based on Generalized Co-occurrence matrix. Journal of Computational Information System, 2008. (EI期刊)
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