点击量: 4463
发布时间: 2018-09-05 14:56
1) 981-1988: 浙江大学工程力学系; 先后获得学士、硕士学位
2) 1990-1994: 奥地利维也纳技术大学土木工程系,获博士学位。
3) 1995-1998:厦门大学建筑系任教,1996年被破格晋升副教授
4) 1999-2001:美国加州大学Irvine 分校(University of California, Irvine)的土木与环境工程系博士后
5) 2002-2003:美国斯坦福大学 (Stanford University)的John A. Blume地震研究中心博士后研究员
6) 2004-2005:美国自然科学基金(NSF)的Embedded Networked Sensing研究中心研究员;美国加州大学Los Angeles分校(University of California Los Angeles) 博士后/教师
7) 2005-迄今:厦门大学建筑与土木工程学院教授;并先后受聘厦门大学物理机电学院博士生导师、土木工程闽江学者特聘教授
1)本科生《结构力学-I》、 《结构力学-II》双语教学、全英文教学;
2)硕士研究生《结构动力学》 《Introduction of Structural Identification in Civil Engineering》;
1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“对大型结构状态与作用荷载的实时在线识别”; 起止日期: 2012.1-2015.12;
2) 土木工程防灾国家重点实验室开放课题基金项目 《基于监测信息的高层建筑结构状态及作用荷载识别》, 项目起止年月为2011.01-2013.12
3) 闽江学者特聘教授科研经费
4) 2011年度厦门市建设系统科技技术项目: 厦门市区域强台风实测及特性研究; 2011-2012;
5) 福建省自然科学基金项目 “用于土木工程监测的超灵敏仿生次声传感技术的研究与应用” , 起止日期:2010年6 月- 2013 年5月
6) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)专题课题 “基于无线智能传感网络的大型桥梁监测与损伤自动识别技术 ” 开始年限:2007-10-01 ; 结束年限: 2010-06-30
7) 国家自然科学基金项目 “基于智能传感网络的分散式结构损伤识别技术和方法研究” 起止日期:2007.1-2008.12
8) 2006年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,“新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助”
9) 福建省科技计划重大专项前期研究项目 “无线智能传感网络新技术及其在桥梁等结构健康监测与控制的应用” 。起止日期:2006.7-2008.6
10) 厦门市科技计划项目,采用国外无线传感器新技术对桥梁结构动力特性进行监测与分析 起止日期:2006.8-2009.9
11) 厦门市科技项目: “厦门翔安海底隧道钢筋锈蚀监测”
12) 2005年厦门大学新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助”
13) 建设部专项项目课题: 超高层建筑风振实测试点及技术细则研究。 起止日期:2008.10-2009.12
14) 2008年度厦门市建设系统科技技术项目,“厦门市工程结构抗风设计参数研究” 2008-1, 起止日期:2008.1-2009.12
15) 厦门市建设系统科技技术项目:厦门市桥、超高层建筑的健康监测、损伤识别和振动控制的新技术与方法 起止日期:2006.4-2007.12
16) 中航紫金广场高楼风洞试验技术服务项目
迄今在国际学术杂志和国际学术会议文集上发表科研论文90余篇, 其中近半数为SCI、EI或ISTP收录。 近年部分学术杂志论文如下:
1) Y. Lei, D.T. Wu and Y. Lin (2012) “A Decentralized Control Algorithm for Large-Scale Building Structures, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering” Vol. 27: 2-13. ( SCI )
2) Y. Lei, Y.Q. Jiang and Z.Q. Xu (2012)“ Structural Damage Detection With Limited Input And Output Measurement Signals”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,Vol. 28:229-243. ( SCI )
3) Y. Lei, Y. Wu and T. Li (2012) “Identification of Nonlinear Structural Parameters Under Limited Input and Output Measurements, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics”,Vol. 47: 1141-1146. ( SCI )
4) Ying Lei, Deting Wu and Lijun Liu (2012). A decentralized structural control algorithm with application to the benchmark control problem for seismically excited buildings; Structural Control and Health Monitoring; DOI: 10.1002/stc.1529. ( SCI )
5) Ying Lei, Huafeng Wang and Wen-ai Shen.(2012) Update the finite element model of Canton Tower based on direct matrix updating with incomplete modal data; Smart Structures and Systems; Vol. 10, No. 4-5 ,471-483; ( SCI )
6) Ying Lei, Y. L. Tang, J. X.Wang, Yongqiang Jiang and Y. Luo.(2012). Intelligent Monitoring of Multistory Buildings under Unknown Earthquake Excitation by a Wireless Sensor Network; International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks; DOI: 10.1155/2012/914638 .( SCI )
7) Wen-ai Shen, Ying Lei*, Liang Hu and YangWang. (2012). Feasibility of Output-Only Modal Identification Using Wireless Sensor Network: A Quantitative Field Experimental Study; International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks; DOI: 10.1155/2012/560161 ( SCI )
8) Y. Lei, D.T. Wu and S.Z. Lin (2012) Integration of Decentralized Structural Control and the Identification of Unknown Inputs for TallShear Building Models under Unknown Earthquake Excitation, Engineering Structures. ( SCI )
9) LEI Ying & HE MingYu (2012) Identification of the nonlinear properties of rubber-bearings in base-isolated buildings with limited seismic response data, SCIENCE CHINA Technological Science. ( SCI )
10) 雷鹰,毛亦可(2012) “部分观测下基于子结构的大型结构损伤诊断法” 工程力学, 29卷7期.180-185. ( EI )
11) 雷鹰,伍德庭,刘中华(2012), 一种适用于大型工程结构的分散振动控制方法;振动工程学报;25卷4期, 411-417. ( EI )
12) 雷鹰,倪萍禾,刘朝 (2012), 有限观测绝对加速度响应下剪切框架在未知地震作用下损伤诊断;振动与冲击;31卷6期;96-99. ( EI )
13) 雷鹰,江永强 (2012), 输入输出信息有限观测下的结构损伤诊断;振动、测试与诊断;32卷5期;736-740. ( EI )
14) 雷鹰,何明煜,林树枝(已录用), 结构中基底橡胶隔震支座非线性特性的无模型识别;振动与冲击,( EI )
15) 雷鹰,李涛, 张建国, 林树枝(已录用).厦门地区台风风场特性的数值模拟;工程力学; ( EI )
16) 刘中华, 文善任,雷鹰*(已录用), 地震激励下20层钢结构模型的非线性随机最优控制;振动工程学报;( EI )
17) Y. Lei, A. S. Kiremidjian, K. K. Nair, J. P. Lynch and K. H. Law (2005) . Algorithms for time synchronization of wireless structural monitoring sensors Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 34, n 6, p 555-573.( SCI )
18) Skolnik, Derek; Lei, Ying; Yu, Eunjong; Wallace, John W.(2006). Identification, model updating, and response prediction of an instrumented 15-story steel-frame building. EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA , EERI. Vol. 22,3:781-802. ( SCI )
19) J. N. Yang, Y. Lei, S. Lin and N. E. Huang (2004) “Identification of Natural Frequencies and Dampings of In Situ Tall Buildings Using Ambient Wind Vibration Data”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 130, 570-577 ( SCI )
20) J. N. Yang, Y. Lei, S. L. Lin and N. E. Huang (2004), “Hilbert-Huang based Approach for Structural Damage Detection”. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 130, 85-95 ( SCI )
21) J. N. Yang, Y. Lei, S. W. Pen and N. E. Huang (2003), "System Identification of linear Structures Based on Hilbert-Huang Spectral Analysis Part 1: Normal Modes, Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. Vol.32, 1443 –1467. ( SCI )
22) J. N. Yang, Y. Lei, S. W. Pen and N. E. Huang (2003), "System Identification of linear Structures Based on Hilbert-Huang Spectral Analysis Part 2: Complex Modes”, Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. Vol.32, 1533 – 1554 ( SCI )
1) 国家自然科学奖二等奖(第三获奖人)
2) 中国高校科学进步奖 (第三获奖人)
3) 国家教委科技进步奖 (第二获奖人)
4) 福建省青年科技奖
5) 福建省运盛青年科技奖
6) 加州大学Irvine 分校 Car, eer Development Award
1) 担任International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering’2011 大会共同主席
2) 2009年的International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering’2009 做大会邀请报告:“Element Level Structural Damage Detection Under Limited Input and Output Measurements”
3) International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering‘2011做大会邀请报告:“A Smart Wireless Sensor Network for Structural Damage Detection”
4) The 3rd International Symposium on Advances in Urban Safety (SAUS2012) 做大会邀请报告“MECHANICAL MODEL OF A NEW HAIR CELL INSPIRED SENSOR WITH HIGH SENSITIVITY”
5) Pacific-Rim Workshop on Innovations in Civil Infrastructure Engineering做大会主题报告“ A two-step Kalman Filter/Estimator Approch for Structural Health Monitoring/Structural Control"
·Adaptive Control and Signal processing
·Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
·Computers and Structures
·Int. J of Numerical Method in Engineering
·Int. J. of Structural Health Monitoring
·Inversed Problem in Engineering
·Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE
·Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE
·Journal of Mechanics
·Journal of Smart Material and Structures
·Mechanical System and Signal processing
·Measurement Science and Technology
·Neural Network Computing
·Smart Structures and Smart Materials
已指导毕业硕士生6人; 目前指导博士生3人; 硕士生9人
联系方式:厦门大学建筑与土木工程学院; 福建省厦门市; 邮编: 361005
Tel: (0592)2181649; e-mail: ylei@xmu.edu.cn
Name: LEI Ying
Gender: Male
Degree: Dr.Ing
Title: Professor
Research Interest:
Health Monitoring and of Civil Infrastructures; Structural Identification and Damage Detection Techniques;Structural Vibration Control; Stochastic Structural Dynamics
Courses Taught:
Office: 504
Tel(O): 0592-2181649
Email: ylei@xmu.edu.cn
1990-1994 Vienna University of Technology, Austria. Dr. Ing in 1994
1985-1988 Department of Mechanics, Zhejiang University, China, ME in 1988
1981-1985 Department of Mechanics, Zhejiang University, China, BS in 1985
Working Experience:
2005- Professor, MinJiang Scholar, Xiamen University
Deputy Dean, School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Doctoral Supervisor, School of Physics and Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
2004-2005 Research Associate, NSF Center for Embedded Networked Sensing, University of California, Los Angeles
2002-2003 Research Associate, Stanford University
John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
1999-2001 Post-doctor, University of California, Irvine
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
1995-1998 Associate Professor
Department of Architecture, Xiamen University, China
Research Projects:
Principal Investigator of more than 20 research projects sponsored by China National High Technology Research and Development Program, National Natural Science Foundation or local governments.
Technical Publications
Published more than 120 technical papers with more than 60 papers indexed by SCI/EI. Some recent papers SCI indexed papers are
1) Y. Lei, C. Liu and L. J. Liu. (2014) Identification of multistory shear buildings under unknown earthquake excitation using partial output measurements: numerical and experimental studies. Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 21(5):774-783
2) Ying Lei, Huan Zhou and Lijun Liu (2014) An On-line Integration Technique for Structural Damage Detection and Active Optimal Vibration Control. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 14(5) 1440003. DOI: 10.1142/S0219455414400033
3) Ying Lei, Zhilu Lai, Songye Zhu, Xiaohua Zhang (2014) Experimental study on impact induced damage detection using an improved extended Kalman filter. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 14(5) 1440007. DOI:10.1142/S0219455414400070.
4) Ying Lei, Hoon Sohn, Ting-Hua Yi. (2014) Guest Editorial-Advances in Monitoring Based Structural Identification, Damage Detection and Condition Assessment. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 14(6) 1402001. DOI: 10.1142/S0219455414020015
5) Ting-Hua Yi, Ying Lei, Hua-Peng Chen, Siamak Talatahari, and Fei Kang (2014), Editorial, Statistical and Probabilistic Approach in Monitoring-Based Structure Rating and Risk Assessment. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Volume 2014, Article ID: 761341,http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/761341
6) Ying Lei, Feng Chen and Huan Zhou(2014)An algorithm based on Two-Step Kalman Filter for Intelligent Structural Damage Detection.Structural Control & Health Monitoring. DOI: 10.1002/stc.1712.
7) Ying Lei, Zhiwei Chen and Ting-Hua Yi. (2014) Guest Editorial- Technology developments in disaster prevention and mitigation engineering, Advances in Structural Engineering, 17(8): 10.1260/1369-4332.17.8
8) Ying Lei, Qing Li, Feng Chen and Zhiwei Chen (2014) Damage Identification of Frame Structures with Joint Damage under Earthquake Excitation, Advances in Structural Engineering , 17(8): 1075-1088
9) Ying Lei, Mingyu He, Chao Liu and Shu-Zhi Lin (2013) Identification of Tall Shear Buildings under Unknown Seismic Excitation with Limited Output Measurements. Advances in Structural Engineering , 16(11): 1839-1849
10) Y. Lei, C. Liu, Y.Q. Jiang and Y.K. Mao(2013)Substructure based structural damage detection with limited input and output measurements. Smart Structures and Systems, 12(6): 619-640.
11) Y. Lei, D.T. Wu, S.Z. Lin (2013) Integration of decentralized structural control and the identification of unknown inputs for tall shear building models under unknown earthquake excitation, Engineering Structures, 52: 306-316
12) Y. Lei, D. T. Wu and L. J. Liu (2013). A decentralized structural control algorithm with application to the benchmark control problem for seismically excited buildings; Structural Control and Health Monitoring; 20(9):1211-1225;DOI: 10.1002/stc.1529
13) LEI Ying & HE MingYu (2013) Identification of the nonlinear properties of rubber-bearings in base-isolated buildings with limited seismic response data, Science China-Technological Sciences, 56(5): 1224-1231
14) Ying Lei and Zhu-Peng Zheng (2013) Review of Physical Based Monitoring Techniques for Condition Assessment of Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete, Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2013, Article ID 953930, 14 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013 /953930 (Review Paper)
15) Lei Ying, Su Ying, Shen Wenai (2013), A Probabilistic Damage Identification Approach for oStructures under Unknown Excitation and with Measurement Uncertainties, Journal of Applied Mathematics : 759102 DOI: 10.1155 /2013/759102
16) Liu, L. J. and Lei Y* (2013) Mechanism of a Hair Cell Bioinspired Sensor with Ultra-sensitivity to Weak and Low Frequency Vibration Signals. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks : 278151; DOI: 10.1155/2013/27815 (*Corresponding Author)
17) Ying Lei, Yan Wu, Tao Li (2012) Identification of Nonlinear Structural Parameters Under Limited Input and Output Measurements,International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 47( 10): 1141-1146
18) Ying Lei, Huafeng Wang and Wen-ai Shen (2012). Update the finite element model of Canton Tower based on direct matrix updating with incomplete modal data; Smart Structures and Systems, 10 (4-5): 471-483
19) Ying Lei, Yongqiang Jiang, Zhiqian Xu (2012) Structural Damage Detection With Limited Input and Output Measurement Signals,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 28: 229-243.
20) Ying Lei, D.T. Wu & Y. Lin (2012) A Decentralized Control Algorithm for Large-Scale Building Structures, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 27(1): 2-13
21) Ying Lei, Y. L. Tang, J. X.Wang, Yongqiang Jiang and Y. Luo (2012) Intelligent Monitoring of Multistory Buildings under Unknown Earthquake Excitation by a Wireless Sensor Network; International Journal of Distributed Sensor Network: 914638 DOI: 10.1155/2012/914638.
22) Wen-ai Shen, Ying Lei*, Liang Hu and Yang Wang(2012)Feasibility of Output-Only Modal Identification Using Wireless Sensor Network: A Quantitative Field Experimental Study; International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks: 560161. DOI: 10.1155/2012/560161. (*Corresponding Author)