点击量: 2126
发布时间: 2018-09-06 16:36
职 称: 副教授
邮 箱: qijin.cheng@xmu.edu.cn
研究方向: 低维纳米材料和纳米器件
程其进博士,厦门大学副教授。曾经在新加坡南洋理工大学、澳大利亚悉尼大学、澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织从事低维半导体纳米材料及纳米器件的研究工作。现已在权威国际期刊上发表SCI论文四十多篇,包括Journal of Materials Chemistry, Applied Physics Letters, Acta Materialia等;被引用400多次,H影响因子是13;并已在Journal of Materials Chemistry和Nanoscale上发表了两张封面图片;被国外十多家学术刊物邀请为特约审稿人。
2013-至今 厦门大学能源研究院副教授
2009-2012 澳大利亚联邦科学与研究组织材料科学与工程所,博士后
2008-2009 澳大利亚悉尼大学,博士后
2005-2008 新加坡南洋理工大学,博士
1. Q. J. Cheng and K. Ostrikov, Property-performance control of multidimensional hierarchical single-crystalline ZnO nanoarchitectures, ChemPhysChem 13, 1535 (2012).
2. Q. J. Cheng and K. Ostrikov, Temperature-dependent growth mechanisms of low-dimensional ZnO nanostructures, CrystEngComm 13, 3455 (2011) .
3. Q. J. Cheng, S. Xu, and K. Ostrikov, Controlled-bandgap silicon nitride nanomaterials: deterministic nitrogenation in high-density plasmas, J. Mater. Chem. 20, 5853 (2010)。
4. Q. J. Cheng, E. Tam, S. Xu, and K. Ostrikov, Si quantum dots embedded in an amorphous SiC matrix: nanophase control by non-equilibrium plasma hydrogenation, Nanoscale 2, 594 (2010)..
5. Q. J. Cheng, S. Xu, and K. Ostrikov, Single-step, rapid low-temperature synthesis of Si quantum dots embedded in an amorphous SiC matrix in high-density reactive plasmas, Acta Mater. 58, 560 (2010) .
6. Q. J. Cheng, S. Xu, S. Y. Huang, and K. Ostrikov, Effective control of nanostructured phases in rapid, room-temperature synthesis of nanocrystalline Si in high-density plasmas, Cryst. Growth Des. 9, 2863 (2009).
7. Q. J. Cheng, S. Xu, and K. Ostrikov, Rapid, low-temperature synthesis of nc-Si in high-density, non-equilibrium plasmas: enabling nanocrystallinity at very low hydrogen dilution, J. Mater. Chem. 19, 5134 (2009).
8. Q. J. Cheng, S. Xu, and K. Ostrikov, Structural evolution of nanocrystalline silicon thin films synthesized in high-density, low-temperature reactive plasmas, Nanotechnology 20, 215606 (2009).
9. Q. J. Cheng, S. Xu, J. D. Long, and K. Ostrikov, Deterministic plasma-aided synthesis of high-quality nanoislanded nc-SiC films, Appl. Phys .Lett. 90, 173112 (2007).
10. Q. J. Cheng, S. Xu, J. D. Long, S. Y. Huang, and J. Guo, Homogeneous nanocrystalline cubic silicon carbide films prepared by inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition, Nanotechnology 18, 465601 (2007).