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作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 2680 发布时间: 2018-09-07 16:43 【微信号:13306030226】

  姓名:  崔晓红
  [1]Li AH, Lü MY, Yang J, Chen L, Cui XH, Zhijun Sun*, 2016. Upconversion-luminescent/magnetic dual-functional sub-20-nm core-shell SrF_2:Yb,Tm@CaF_2:Gd heteronanoparticles. Dalton Transactions45(13): 5800-5807(SCI).
  [2] Cai HH, Lin LJ, Ding SW, Cui XH*, Chen Z*, 2016. Fast quantification of fatty acid profile of intact fish by intermolecular double-quantum coherence 1H NMR spectroscopy. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology118(8):1150-1159(SCI).
  [3] Jin YL, Cai HH, Lin YL, Cui XH*, Chen Z, 2015. Usage of the ultrafast intermolecular single-quantum coherence (UF iSQC) sequence for NMR spectroscopy of ex vivo tissue. Food Research International77(3): 636-642(SCI).
  [4] Cai HH, Chen H, Lin YL, Feng JH, Cui XH*, Chen Z*, 2015. Feasibility of ultrafast intermolecular single-quantum coherence spectroscopy in analysis of viscous-liquid foods. Food Analytical Methods 8(7): 1682-1690(SCI).
  [5] Bao JF, Cui XH, Huang YQ, Zhong JH*, Chen Z*, 2015.Resolution enhancement in MR spectroscopy of red bone marrow fat via intermolecular double-quantum coherences. Physics in Medicine and Biology 60(16): 6391-6406(SCI).
  [6] Cai HH, Chen YS, Cui XH*, Cai SH, Chen Z*, 2014. High-resolution 1H NMR spectroscopy of fish muscle, eggs and small whole fish via Hadamard-encoded intermolecular multiple-quantum coherence.PloS ONE 9(1): e86422(SCI).
  [7] Cui XH, Bao JF, Huang YQ, Cai SH, Chen Z*, 2013. In vivo spatially localized high resolution 1H MRS via intermolecular single-quantum coherences of rat brain at 7 T. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 37(2): 359-364(SCI).
  [8] Bao JF, Cui XH, Cai SH, Zhong JH, Cai CB *, Chen Z*, 2013. Brown adipose tissue mapping in rats with combined intermolecular double-quantum coherence and Dixon water-fat MRI. NMR In Biomedicine 26(12): 1663-1671(SCI).
  [9] 蔡宏浩, 崔晓红*, 林美金, 陈忠, 2013. 核磁共振技术在海洋鱼类研究中的应用.海洋科学37(3): 122-129(SCI).
  [10] Chen YS, Cai SH, Cai CB*, Cui XH, Chen Z*, 2012. High-resolution NMR spectroscopy in inhomogeneous fields via Hadamard encoded intermolecular double-quantum coherences. NMR in Biomedicine 25(9): 1088-1094(SCI).
  [11] Cui XH, Peng L, Zhang ZM, Cai SH, Chen Z*, 2011. A new solventsuppression method via radiation damping effect.Chinese Physics B 20(11), 118201(SCI).
  [12] 倪祖荣,崔晓红,孙世刚,陈忠*, 2011. 液相电化学-核磁共振联用技术及其应用.光谱学与光谱分析 31(1): 1-6(SCI).
  [13] Cui XH, Jiang Y, Yang CS, Lu XY, Chen H, Mao SZ*, Liu ML*, Yuan HZ, Luo PY, Du YR, 2010.Mechanism of the mixed surfactant micelle formation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114(23): 7808-7816(SCI).
  [14] Lu XY, Jiang Y, Cui XH, Mao SZ*, Liu ML, Du YR, 2009. NMR study of surfactant micelle shape transformation, Acta Physic-ChimicaSinica 25(7), 1357-1361(SCI).
  [15] 杨春升,崔晓红,蒋艳,毛诗珍*,刘买利, 2009。表面活性剂SDS/TX-100混合体系的NMR研究。波谱学杂志 26(4): 466-475。
  [16] Cui XH, Yang XY, Chen H, Liu AH, Mao SZ*, Liu ML*, Yuan HZ, Luo PY, Du YR, 2008.NMR investigation of the exchange kinetics of quaternary ammonium dimeric surfactants C14-s-C14?2Br. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112(10), 2874-2879(SCI).
  [17] Cui XH, Mao SZ*, Liu ML*, Yuan HZ, Du YR, 2008.Mechanism of the surfactant micelle formation.Langmuir 24(19), 10771-10775(SCI).
  [18] Jiang Y, Chen H, Cui XH, Mao SZ*, Liu ML*, Luo PY, Du YR, 2008. 1H NMR study on pre-micellization of quaternary ammonium gemini surfactants. Langmuir 24(7), 3118-3121(SCI).
  [19] Cui XH, Yang XY, Chen H, Liu AH, Mao SZ*, Liu ML, Yuan HZ, Luo PY, Du YR, 2007.Aggregation behavior of quaternary ammonium dimeric surfactant C14-s-C14?2Br micelles, Acta Physic-ChimicaSinica 23(3), 317-321(SCI).

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