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作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 2771 发布时间: 2018-09-07 16:51 【微信号:13306030226】

  姓名:  林玉兰
  不均匀场下单扫描空间编码技术获取高分辨多核NMR 谱,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2012-2015
  [1]Lin YL, Pieter E. S. S., Zhang ZY, Frydman L*, 2017. A fast approach to 3D HSQC-based spectroscopy based on a Fourier phase encoding of pre-targeted resonances. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 274: 1090-7807 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  [2]Lin YL, Adonis L, Frydman L*, 2016. Multidimensional J-driven NMR correlations by single-scan offset-encoded recoupling. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 265: 33-44 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  [3]Qiu WQ, Wei ZL,Ding N, Yang Y, Ye QM, Lin YL*, ChenZ*, 2016. Partial-Homogeneity-Based Two-dimensional high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy under inhomogeneous magnetic fields. ChemPhysChem17(10): 1493-1499 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  [4]Zhang ZY, Pieter E. S. S., Cai SH, Zheng ZY, Lin YL*, Chen Z*, 2015. Establishing resolution-improved NMR spectroscopy in high magnetic fields with unknown spatiotemporal variations. The Journal of Chemical Physics 143: 244201(IEEE: SCI/EI).
  [5]Qiu WQ,Chen YH,Wei ZL,Yang J,Lin YL*,Chen Z,2015. A method based on covariance and pattern recognition for improving resolutions of spatially encoded NMR spectra,Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 53:945-951(IEEE: SCI/EI).
  [6]Lin YL,Huang YQ,Cai SH,Chen Z*,2013. Intermolecular zero quantum coherence in NMR spectroscopy,Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy,78(1):209-257(IEEE: SCI/EI).
  [7]Lin YL,Zhang ZY,Cai SH,Chen Z*,2011. High-resolution 2D J-Resolved spectroscopy in inhomogeneous fields with two scans,Journal of the American Chemical Society 133(20):7632-7635(IEEE: SCI/EI).
  [8]Chen Z*,Cai SH,Huang YQ,Lin YL,2015. High-resolution NMR spectroscopy in inhomogeneous fields,Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (90–91):1-31 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  [9]Jin YL, Cai HH, Lin YL, Cui XH*, Chen Z, 2015. Usage of the ultrafast intermolecular single-quantum coherence (UF iSQC) sequence for NMR spectroscopy of ex vivo tissue. Food Research International 77(3) 636-642(IEEE: SCI/EI).
  [10]Cai HH,Chen H,Lin YL,Feng JH,Cui XH*,Chen Z*, 2014. Feasibility of ultrafast intermolecular single-quantum coherence spectroscopy in analysis of viscous-liquid foods,Food Analytical Methods8(7):1682-1690(IEEE: SCI/EI).
  [11]Qu XB,Guo D,Ning BD,Hou YK,Lin YL,Cai SH,Chen Z*,2012. Undersampled MRI reconstruction with patch-based directional wavelets,Magnetic Resonance Imaging30(7):964-977 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  [12]Cai CB,Lin YL,Cai SH*,Sun HJ,Zhong JH,Chen Z,2012. Flat pancake distant dipolar fields for enhancement of intermolecular multiple-quantum coherence signals,Journal of Chemical Physics136(9):094503 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  [13]Wu C,Zhao MF,Cai SH*,Lin YL,Chen Z,2010. Ultrafast 2D COSY with constant-time phase-modulated spatial encoding,Journal of Magnetic Resonance 204(1):82-90(IEEE: SCI/EI).

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