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作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 3011 发布时间: 2018-09-08 11:33 【微信号:13306030226】

  章军  ZHANG Jun, Ph.D.
  Molecular & Genetic Engineering of Microalgae
  电  话: 13950189238
  E-mail: jzhang@xmu.edu.cn
  1994, B.Sc. Xiamen University; 1997, Master. Xiamen University; 2007, Ph.D., Xiamen University; 2012-2013,UCSD Visiting Scholar; 1997 to Present: Tutor, Lectuer, Associate Professor, Life Science School of Xiamen University.

  研究领域(Research Area)

  Our group major interesting is on the study of microalgae molecular biology and genetic engineering. Now we focus on the field of genomic and proteomic of red bloom algae, base on the gene regulation and protein interaction, study the cell suspension mechanism of microalgae, eg Microcystis. We study and do well in the cyanobacteria genetic engineering. The transgene Spirulina has obtained the transgene safety certificate which permit applied on medical and fodder field.
  代表性论文(Selected Publications)
  1、Hu HH, Zhang J. Competition of bloom-forming marine phytoplankton at low nutrient concentrations,J.ENVIRON SCI-CHINA,2011,23:656-663
  2、Qian F, Zhang J. Primary establishment of protein extraction and proteomic map for Microcystis aeruginosa, Chinese High Technology Letters, 2007,(2),197-200
  3、Xu H, Zheng JQ, Zhang J. Study on the circadian rhythm of photosynthesis in Microcystis aeruginosa, Chinese High Technology Letters,2007,(2),201-204
  4、Zheng JQ, Xu H, Zhang J. Study on self-interaction of clock protein KaiB of Microcystis aeruginosa by yeast two-hybrid, Marine Sciences, 2006,(8),41-45
  5、Yu T, Zhu XM, Zhang J. Experimemtal Study on One New Immunostimulated Blue Algae as Additive in Feed for Anguilla japonica Black Fry, Journal of Xiamen Univeristy(Natural Science), 2006(4),589-592
  6、Qian F, Zhang J. Application of proteomics study to red tide algae, Marine Sciences, 2006, (5), 83-86
  7、Zhang J, Xu H, Zhu XM, Expression of Thymosin α_1 (Tα_1) in spirulina platensis and its function of immunity enhancement as feed additive, Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2005,(4), 228-232
  8、Xu H, Zheng JQ, Zhang J, Self-interaction of circadian clock protein KaiA of Microcystis aeruginosa in yeast two hybridization system, Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 2005,(2)
  9、Patents: ZL00124699.2/ZL00124700.X/ZL00129601.9.: Construction of the gene expression system of cyanobacteria and its application on express thymosin a1
  The Transgene Spirulinar Safety Certificate(No.044), 2006-2011

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