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作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 3431 发布时间: 2018-09-08 14:59 【微信号:13306030226】

  蔡平河  博士
  Dr. Cai Pinghe
  个人履历 Brief CV
  美国Woods Hole海洋研究所访问科学家(2004.10-2005.4)
  德国赫姆霍兹联盟—Alfred Wegener极地与海洋研究所访问科学家、洪堡学者 (2007.6-2007.10;2007.12-2009.1)
  PhD, Xiamen University(1999)
  Post-Doctor, Xiamen University(1999-2001)
  Associate Professor, Xiamen University(2002-2007)
  Professor, Xiamen University(2007-)
  Visiting Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(2004.10-2005.4)
  Visiting Scientist、Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (2007.6-2007.10; 2007.12-2009.1)
  研究方向 Research Interests
  ocean carbon cycling, solute transfer across the sediment-water interface
  代表性论文 Selected Publications
  Pinghe Cai,Xiangming Shi,Qingquan Hong,Qing Li,Lingfeng Liu,Xianghui Guo,Minhan Dai.(2015):Using 224Ra/228Th disequilibrium to quantify benthic fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon and nutrients into the Pearl River Estuary. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 170.188–203.
  Qingquan Hong,Pinghe Cai*,Xiangming Shi,Qing Li,Guizhi Wang.(2016):Solute transport into the Jiulong River estuary via pore water exchange and submarine groundwater discharge: New insights from 224Ra/228Th disequilibrium.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 198, 338–359.
  Pinghe Cai,Xiangming Shi,Williard S. Moore,Shiyun Peng,Guizhi Wang, Minhan Dai.(2014):224Ra:228Th disequilibrium in coastal sediments: Implications for solute transfer across the sediment–water interface. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 125.68–84
  Pinghe Cai, Xiangming Shi,Willard S. Moore,Minhan Dai.(2012):Measurement of 224Ra:228Th disequilibrium in coastal sediments using a delayed coincidence counter. Marine Chemistry 138–139.1–6
  Pinghe Cai,Daochen Zhao,Lei Wang,Bangqin Huang,and Minhan Dai.(2015):Role of particle stock and phytoplankton community structure in regulating particulate organic carbon export in a large marginal sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.10.1002/2014JC010432
  M. Rutgers van der Loeff, P. Cai,I. Stimac,D. Bauch, C. Hanfland,T. Roeske,and S.B.Moran.(2012):Shelf-basin exchange times of Arctic surface waters estimated from 228Th/228Ra disequilibrium. Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL.117, C03024, doi:10.1029/2011JC007478
  Cai Pinghe, Rutgers van der Loeff M. M., Stimac I., Noethig,E.-M., Lepore K., Moran S.B. (2010): Low export flux of particulate organic carbon in the central Arctic Ocean as revealed by 234Th:238U disequilibrium. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 115, C10037. doi:10.1029/2009JC005595.
  Cai Pinghe, Dai Minhan, Lv Dongwei, Chen Weifang. (2008): Reply to comment by Chin-Chang Hung et al. on "How accurate are 234Th measurements in seawater based on the MnO2-impregnated cartridge technique?” Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9, Q02010, doi:10.1029/2007GC001837.
  Cai Pinghe, Chen Weifang, Dai Minhan, Wan Zhenwen, Wang Dongxiao, Li Qing, Tang TianTian, Lv Dongwei. (2008): A high-resolution study of particle export in the southern South China Sea based on 234Th:238U disequilibrium. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 113, C04019, doi:10.1029/2007JC004268.
  Cai Pinghe, Dai Minhan, Chen Weifang, Tang Tiantian, Zhou Kuanbo. (2006): On the importance of the decay of 234Th in determining size fractionated C/234Th ratio on marine particles. Geophysical Research Letters 33, L23602, doi:10.1029/2006GL027792.
  学术任职 Affiliations/Service

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