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作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 3162 发布时间: 2018-09-10 14:16 【微信号:13306030226】

  汤立国  博士
  Liguo TANG
  个人履历 Brief CV
  南京大学理学博士 (2004)
  香港理工大学 研究助理 (2004 - 2005)
  厦门大学 助理教授 (2005 - 2009)
  厦门大学副教授 (2009 -2015)
  厦门大学教授 (2015 -)
  PhD, Nanjing University (2004)
  Research Assistant, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2004-2005)
  Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (2005 - 2009)
  Associate Professor, Xiamen University(2009 - 2015)
  Visiting Scholar, Penn State University (2013-2015)
  Professor, Xiamen University(2015 - )
  研究方向 Research Interests
  先进压电材料性能定征及应用;海洋工程结构健康监测; 海洋声学
  Characterization and application of advanced piezoelectric materials; Marine structure Health monitoring; Oceanic acoustics
  代表性论文 Selected Publications
  Liguo Tang*, Zhaojun Wu, Elastodynamic response of bonded solids using the method of eigenfunction expansion, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2012, 74(1): 101-118
  Liguo Tang*, Zhaojun Wu, Shengxing Liu, Wuyi Yang, Three-Dimensional Analytical Solution for Transient Guided Wave Propagation in Liquid-Filled Pipe Systems, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2012, 59(8): 1759-1773
  Shengxing Liu, Liguo Tang*, Xiaomei Xu, Transient elastodynamic response of finite and infinite solid cylinders, Applied Acoustics,2012, 73(8): 798-802
  Liguo Tang*, Wenwu Cao*, Temperature dependence of dielectric, elastic, and piezoelectric constants of [001]c poled Mn-doped 0.24Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3 -0.46Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.30PbTiO3 single crystal, Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 108(8): 082901
  Liguo Tang*, Wenwu Cao*, Temperature dependence of self-consistent full matrix material constants of lead zirconate titanate ceramics, Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106(5): 052902.
  Shengxing Liu, Zhaojun Wu, Liguo Tang*, Xiaomei Xu,Datatransfer using the low frequency longitudinal guided wave in a liquid-filled pipe, Applied Acoustics, 2012, 73(2): 158-163
  Yizheng Tang, ZhaoJun Wu, Liguo Tang*, Analysis and improvement of sound radiation performance of spherical cap radiator, Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19(5)
  Liguo Tang*, Xiaomei Xu, Transient torsional vibration responses of finite, semi-infinite and infinite hollow cylinders, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2010, 329(8): 1089-1100
  项目课题 Programs
  1. 弛豫铁电单晶随温度变化全矩阵材料参数的超声谐振谱定征技术, 2017.1 - 2020.12, 国家自然科学基金, 68万
  2.  CFRP蒙皮/聚合物泡沫夹芯复合板瞬态响应及其导波无损检测机理研究, 2014.1-2017.12, 国家自然科学基金, 84万
  3. 压电材料材料参数RUS定征系统开发, 中国船舶重工横向项目,2018, 48万
  4. 油井井下数据弹性导波传输技术研究, 国家自然科学基金, 2008.1-2010.12,  25万
  5. 海底输油气管道导波无损检测技术研究, 2013.1-2015.12, 福建省自然科学基金, 5万
  6. 含非均匀黏弹地层海域地震勘探瞬态声场研究, 2013.5-2015.5,中科院声学所开放基金, 8万
  7. 多层环氧/碳纤维复合板动力学响应及其导波无损检测机理研究, 2010.12-2012.12, 航空科学基金, 10万
  8. 弧型辐射器指向性计算, 中国船舶重工横向项目, 2006.5-2007.5, 6万
  主要教学 Teaching
  1. 数学物理方法
  Methods of Mathematical Physics
  2. 特殊函数
  Special functions
  指导学生 Students
  庄铭煌 (硕士生,2017 - )
  孙珊珊 (硕士生,2016 - )
  谭星 (硕士生,2015-2018)
  吴秉正 (硕士生,2014-2017)
  汤雅玲 (硕士生,2011-2014)
  陈晗 (硕士生,2009-2012)
  吴昭军 (硕士生,2008-2011)
  论文著作 Publications
  1.Liguo Tang* and Bingzheng Wu, Excitation Mechanism of Flexural-Guided Wave Modes F(1, 2) and F(1, 3) in Pipes, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 36(3), 59, 2017. (SCI/JCR3)
  2.Yang Zhang,Liguo Tang, Hua Tian, Jiyang Wang, Wenwu Cao, Zhongwu Zhang, Determination of temperature dependence of full matrix material constants of PZT-8 piezoceramics using only one sample, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 714, 20-25, 2017. (SCI/JCR2)
  3.汤立国, 压电材料全矩阵材料常数超声谐振谱反演技术中的变温模式识别, 物理学报, 66(2), 027703, 2017. (SCI/JCR4)
  4.Y. Zhang, L. G. Tang, N. J. Ji, G. Liu, J. Y. Wang, H. D. Jiang, and W. W. Cao, Temperature dependence of full set tensor properties of KTiOPO4 single crystal measured from one sample, Journal of Applied Physics, 119, 124104, 2016. (SCI/JCR3)
  5.L. G. Tang*, Y. Zhang, and W. W. Cao, Characterizing full matrix constants of piezoelectric single crystals with strong anisotropy using two samples, Journal of Applied Physics, 120(16), 164102, 2016.(SCI/JCR3)
  6.L. G. Tang and W. W. Cao*, Characterization of Full Set Material Constants and Their Temperature Dependence for Piezoelectric Materials Using Resonant Spectroscopy, The Journal of Visualized Experiments, 110, e53461, 2016. (SCI/JCR4)
  7.L. G. Tang*, H. Tian, Y. Zhang, and W. W. Cao*, Temperature dependence of dielectric, elastic, and piezoelectric constants of [001]c poled Mn-doped 0.24Pb(In 1/2 Nb 1/2 )O 3 -0.46Pb(Mg 1/3 Nb 2/3 )O 3 -0.30PbTiO 3 single crystal, Applied Physics Letters, 108(8): 082901, 2016. (SCI/JCR2)
  8.L. G. Tang* and W. W. Cao*, Temperature dependence of self-consistent full matrix material constants of lead zirconate titanate ceramics, Applied Physics Letters, 106(5): 052902, 2015. (SCI/JCR2)
  9.L. G. Tang*, Z. J. Wu, S. X. Liu, W. Y. Yang, Three-dimensional Analytical Solution for Transient Guided Wave Propagation in Liquid-Filled Pipe Systems, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 59(8):1759-1773, 2012. (SCI/JCR3)
  10.S. X. Liu, Z. J. Wu, L. G. Tang*, X. M. Xu, Data transfer using the low frequency longitudinal guided wave in a liquid-filled pipe, Applied Acoustics, 73(2): 158-163, 2012.(SCI/JCR4)
  11.S. X. Liu, L. G. Tang*, X. M. Xu, Transient elastodynamic response of finite and infinite solid cylinders, Applied Acoustics, 73(8): 798-802, 2012. (SCI/JCR4)
  12.L. G. Tang* and Z. J. Wu, Elastodynamic response of bonded solids using the method of eigenfunction expansion, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 74(1):101-118, 2012. (SCI/JCR4)
  13.L. G. Tang* and X. M. Xu, Transient torsional vibration responses of finite, semi-infinite and infinite hollow cylinders, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329: 1089-1100, 2010. (SCI/JCR3)
  14.Y. Z. Tang, Z. J. Wu, L. G. Tang*, Analysis and improvement of sound radiation performance of spherical cap radiator, Chinese Physics B, 19(5): 054303, 2010. (SCI/JCR4)
  15.刘胜兴,汤立国*,许肖梅, 无限液体介质内管道轴对称纵向导波激发与传播特性研究, 声学学报, 34(4): 334-341 (2009). (EI)
  16.L. G. Tang*, S. X. Liu, Guided elastic waves in infinite free-clamped hollow cylinders, Progress in Natural Science, 19: 313-320, 2009. (SCI/JCR4)
  17.汤立国*,许肖梅,刘胜兴,海底爆破辐射声场的理论及数值分析, 物理学报, 57(7): 4251-4257, 2008. (SCI/JCR4)
  18.L. G. Tang* and J. C. Cheng, An eigenfunction expansion method for the elastodynamic response of an elastic solid with mixed boundary surfaces, Progress in Natural Science, 18: 1063-1068, 2008. (SCI/JCR4)
  19.L. G. Tang*, J. C. Cheng, X. M. Xu, Mechanism of the excitation of single pure mode L(0, 2) and its interaction with the defect in a hollow cylinder, Chinese Physics, 16(4): 1062-1071, 2007. (SCI/JCR3)
  20.L. G. Tang and J. C. Cheng, Numerical analysis on laser-generated guided elastic waves in a hollow cylinder, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 21(2): 45-53, 2002. (SCI/JCR4)

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