作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 2674 发布时间: 2018-09-10 16:22 【微信号:13306030226】
郭香会 博士
Dr. Guo Xianghui
Associate Professor
A2-413 Zhou-Long-Quan Building (Xiamen University
个人履历 Brief CV
B.S. in Chemistry, Hebei University, 1994-1998
M.E in Environmental Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1998-2001
Ph.D. in Oceanography, Xiamen University, 2003-2009
Research Assistant, Department of the Marine Science, The University of Georgia, 2006-2007
Research Assistant, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, 2009-2010
Post Doctoral Fellow, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, 2010-2012
Associate professor, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, 2012-
研究方向 Research Interests
CO2 flux in estuaries and coastal oceans and controls
Carbon and nitrogen cycles in estuaries and the upper coastal ocean
代表性论文 Selected Publications
Xianghui Guo, Weidong Zhai, Minhan Dai, Chao Zhang, Yan Bai, Yi Xu, Qian Li and Guizhi Wang, 2015, Air–sea CO2 fluxes in the East China Sea based on multiple-year underway observations, Biogeosciences, 12(18), 5495-5514.
Xianghui Guo and George T.F. Wong, 2015. Carbonate chemistry in the northern South China Sea shelf-sea in June 2010, Deep-Sea Research II, 117, 119-130.
Xianghui Guo, Wei-Jun Cai, Wei-Jen Huang, Yongchen Wang, Feizhou Chen, Michael C. Murrell, Steve Lohrenz, Li-Qing Jiang, Minhan Dai, Justin Hartmann and Randy Culp, 2012. CO2 dynamics and community metabolism in the Mississippi River plume, Limnology and Oceanography,57 (1), 1-17.
Xianghui Guo, Minhan Dai, Weidong Zhai, Wei-Jun Cai and Baoshan Chen, 2009. CO2 flux and seasonal variability in a large subtropical estuarine system, the Pearl River Estuary, China. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, G03013, doi:10.1029/2008JG000905.
Xianghui Guo, Wei-Jun Cai, Weidong Zhai, Minhan Dai and Yongchen Wang, 2008. Seasonal variations in the inorganic carbon system in the Pearl River (Zhujiang) estuary. Continental Shelf Research 28 (12), 1424-1434.
学术任职 Affiliations/Service
AGU member (2005- )
AOGS member (2008- )
ASLO member (2007- )
项目课题 Programs
南海北部上升流中碳酸钙饱和度及其影响因素研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2013-2015年(NSFC #41206061),主持。
南海深部生物地球化学-物理耦合过程对海-气CO2通量的调控,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,2014-2017年(NSFC #91328202),参与。
主要教学 Teaching
海洋化学专门化实验 本科生
分析化学 本科生
海洋生物地球化学循环 研究生
指导学生 Students
2012级硕士生 胡玲
2010级本科生 计雪婷
2010级本科生 张海舟
2014级硕士生 姚振童
2015级硕士生 苏锡宝
学术奖励 Honors Awards
论文著作 Publications(详细文献请查看主页)
Air–sea CO2 fluxes in the East China Sea based on multiple-year underway observations (2015)
Carbonate chemistry in the northern South China Sea shelf-sea in June 2010 (2015)
Hydrography and nutrient dynamics in the orthern South China Sea Shelf-sea (NoSoCS) (2015)
Hypoxia in the upper reaches of the Pearl River Estuary and its maintenance mechanisms: a synthesis based on multiple year observations during 2000-2008 (2014)
Seasonal variations on air-sea CO2 flux in the largest tropical marginal sea (South China Sea) based on multiple-year underway measurements (2013)
Why are some marginal seas sources of atmospheric CO2
Carbon dynamics and community production in the Mississippi River plume (2012)
Acidification of subsurface coastal waters enhanced by eutrophication (2011)
Geochemical environments of continental shelf-upper slope sediments in the northern Gulf of Mexico (2011)
Carbonate mineral saturation states along the U.S. southeastern coast (2010)
Pore-water geochemistry of two contrasting brine-charged seep sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope (2010)
CO2 flux and seasonal variability in a large subtropical estuarine system, the Pearl River Estuary, China (2009)
A comparative overview of weathering intensity and HCO3- ?ux of the world’s major rivers with emphasis on the Changjiang, Huanghe, Pearl and Mississippi Rivers (2008)
Nitrification and inorganic nitrogen distribution in a large perturbed river/estuarine system: the Pearl River Estuary, China (2008)
Seasonal variations in the inorganic carbon system in the Pearl River (Zhujiang) estuary (2008)
Carbonate system and CO2 degassing fluxes in the inner estuary of Changjiang (Yangtze) River, China (2007)
Oxygen depletion in the upper reach of the Pearl River estuary during a winter drought (2006)
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