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作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 3628 发布时间: 2018-09-11 15:41 【微信号:13306030226】

  柳欣 | 副教授
  访问学者,美国加州大学,圣地亚哥分校 Scripps 海洋研究所; 台湾海洋大学,海洋环境与生态研究所(2014-2015)
  Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2017- present)
  Visiting Scholar, ScrippsInstitute of Oceanography(University of California, San Diego), Taiwan Ocean University (2014-2015)
  Postdoctoral Fellow, Xiamen University (2013-2017)
  Ph.D, Xiamen University (2012)
  Joint Doctoral Program, University of Tokyo, Japan (2009-2011)
  Marine Ecology, Community Ecology
  LiuX, Li Y, Wu YP,Huang BQ, Dai MH, Fu F, HutchinsDA, Gao KS. Effects of elevated CO2 on phytoplankton during a mesocosm experiment in the southern eutrophicated coastal water of China. Scientific Reports, 2017 (accepted).
  Liu X, Xiao WP, Landry MR, Chiang KP, Wang L, Huang BQ. 2016. Responses of phytoplankton communities to environmental variability in the East China Sea. Ecosystems 19, 832-849.
  WangL., HuangB., ChiangK. P., LiuX., ChenB., XieY., XuY., Hu J., Dai, M. 2016. Physical-Biological Coupling in the Western South China Sea: The Response of Phytoplankton Community to a Mesoscale Cyclonic Eddy, PLoS ONE, 11, e0153735.
  Jin P, Gao G, Liu X, Li F, Tong S, Ding J, et al. 2016. Contrasting Photophysiological Characteristics of Phytoplankton Assemblages in the Northern South China Sea. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0153555. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0153555
  Huang X, Huang B, Chen J, Liu X. 2016. Cellular responses of the dinoflagellatesProrocentrum donghaienseLu to phosphate limitation and chronological ageing. Journal of Plankton Research 38: 83-93.
  Liu X, Chiang KP, Liu SM, Wei H, Zhao Y, Huang BQ. 2015a. Influence of the Yellow Sea Warm Current on phytoplankton community in the central Yellow Sea. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 106: 17-29.
  Liu X, Huang B, Huang Q, Wang L, Ni X, Tang Q, Sun S, Wei H, Liu S, Li C, Sun J. 2015b. Seasonal phytoplankton response to physical processes in the southern Yellow Sea. Journal of Sea Research 95: 45-55.
  Shiozaki T, Takeda S, Itoh S, Kodama T, Liu X, Hashihama F, Furuya K. 2015. Why is Trichodesmiumabundant in the Kuroshio? Biogeosciences 12: 6931-6943.
  Liu X, Furuya K, Shiozaki T, Masuda T, Kodama T, Sato M, Kaneko H, Nagasawa M, Yasuda I. 2013. Variability in nitrogen sources for new production in the vicinity of the shelf edge of the East China Sea in summer. Continental Shelf Research 61-62: 23-30.
  Liu X, Huang B, Liu Z, Wang L, Wei H, Li C, Huang Q. 2012. High-resolution phytoplankton diel variations in the summer stratified central Yellow Sea. Journal of Oceanography 68: 913-927.
  Hong HS, Liu X, Chiang KP, Huang BQ, Zhang CY, Hu J, Li YH. 2011. The coupling of temporal and spatial variations of chlorophyll a concentration and the East Asian monsoons in the southern Taiwan Strait. Continental Shelf Research 31: S37-S47. q(3)"]}}},"versions":"1.0"}

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