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作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 3861 发布时间: 2018-09-11 15:46 【微信号:13306030226】

  谭巧国 Qiaoguo Tan | 副教授
  南京大学环境工程系 学士 (2000-2004)
  同济大学环境工程系 硕士肄业 (2004-2006)
  香港科技大学生物系 博士 (2006-2010)
  厦门大学海洋系 博士后(2011-2013)
  蒙特利尔大学化学系 博士后(2012.09-12)
  厦门大学环境与生态学院 副教授(2013至今)
  BSc, Department of Environmental Engineering, Nanjing University (2000-2004)
  PhD, Department of Biology, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (2006-2010)
  Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Oceanography, Xiamen University (2011-2013)
  Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Montreal University (2012.09-12)
  Associate Professor, College of the Environment & Ecology, Xiamen University (2013-present)
  Modeling and prediction of metal risks in estuarine ecosystems
  Toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic models for predicting metal bioaccumulation and toxicity
  Assessment of metal bioavailability in marine sediments
  1. Tan Q-G, Wang W-X. 2011. Acute toxicity of cadmium in Daphnia magna under different calcium and pH conditions: Importance of influx rate. Environment Science & Technology 45:1970–1976.
  2. Tan Q-G, Wang W-X. 2012. Two-compartment toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model to predict metal toxicity in Daphnia magna. Environment Science & Technology 46: 9709–9715.
  3. Tan Q-G, Ke C, Wang W-X. 2013. Rapid assessments of metal bioavailability in marine sediments using coelomic fluid of sipunculan worms. Environmental Science & Technology 47: 7499–7505.
  4. Tan Q-G, Wang Y, Wang W-X. 2015. Speciation of Cu and Zn in two colored oyster species determined by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology 49: 6919–6925.
  5. Chen W-Q, Wang W-X, Tan Q-G*. 2017. Revealing the complex effects of salinity on copper toxicity in an estuarine clam Potamocorbula laevis with a toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model. Environmental Pollution 222: 323–330.
  6. Tan Q-G, Zhou W, Wang W-X*. 2018. Modeling the toxicokinetics of multiple metals in the oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis in a dynamic estuarine environment. Environmental Science & Technology 52: 484–492.
  分析化学 本科生课程 Analytical Chemistry, Undergraduate course
  生物化学实验 本科生课程 Biochemistry Laboratory, Undergraduate course
  生态毒理学 研究生课程(参与) Ecotoxicology, Postgraduate course
  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 编委 (2014-2016)
  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 编委 (2018-2020)
  第二届生态毒理大会英国皇家化学学会最佳报告奖 (2015)
  2015年ET&C杰出审稿人 (ET&C Exceptional Reviewers of 2015)
  2017年ET&C高排行审稿人 (ET&C High-ranking Reviewers of 2017)

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