作者:聚创厦大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 2785 发布时间: 2018-09-11 17:11 【微信号:13306030226】
学院单位:厦门大学环境与生态学院 副 教授
Email: zhou@xmu.edu.cn
2015/4- 厦门大学环境与生态学院副教授
2013/2 –2015/2 美国斯坦福大学卡耐基科学研究所全球生态系博士后研究员
2012/4 - 2012/6 美国斯坦福大学教学助理
2006/6 –2013/1 美国密歇根大学土木与环境工程系研究助理
2004/9 –2006/4 美国密歇根大学自然资源与管理学院研究助理
博士, 美国密歇根大学环境工程
硕士, 美国密歇根大学生态资源管理
1.Zhou, Y., A. M. Michalak, D. Beletsky, Y.R. Rao, R.P. Richards. (2015) Record-breaking hypoxic extent in Lake Erie during 2012 drought. Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2)
2.Scavia, D., …, Y. Zhou. (2014) Assessing and Addressing the Re-eutrophication of Lake Erie: Central Basin Hypoxia. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 40 (2)
3.Zhou, Y., D. Scavia, A.M. Michalak. (2014) "Nutrient Loading and Meteorological Conditions Explain Interannual Variability of Hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay." Limnology & Oceanography, 59 (2)
4.Zhou, Y., D. Obenour, D. Scavia, T. Johengen, A. M. Michalak. (2013) Spatial and Temporal Trend of Lake Erie Hypoxia: 1987-2007. Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (2) Highlighted in Environment Progress Obenour, D., A. M. Michalak, Y. Zhou, D. Scavia. (2012) Quantifying the Impacts of Stratification and Nutrient Loading on Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (10)
5.Zhou, Y., A.M. Michalak, (2009) Characterizing Attribute Distributions in Water Sediments by Geostatistical Downscaling. Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (24)
1.Zhou, Y., D. Beletsky, R. P. Richards, Y. R. Rao, J. Ho, A. M. Michalak, "A Statistical Model of the Interannual Variability of Hypoxia in Lake Erie." oral presentation at IAGLR 57th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, May 2014
2.Zhou, Y., D. R. Obenour, D. Scavia, A. M. Michalak, "Advances in Hypoxic Extent Estimation through Geostatistical Modeling." oral presentation at the 46th International Liege Colloquium, Liege, Belgium, May 2014.
3.Zhou, Y., D. Beletsky, R.P. Richards, A.M. Michlak, "Explain and Predict Interannual Variability of Hypoxic Extent in Lake Erie Using Nutrient Loading and Meteorological Factors." poster presentation at EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract OS23A-1653, December 2013.
4.Zhou, Y., A.M. Michalak, D. Obenour, "Temporal Variability of Hypoxic Volume in the Chesapeake Bay." oral presentation at ASLO 2011 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 2011.
5.Zhou, Y., A.M. Michalak, D. Scavia, D. Runcinski, D. Obenour, "Estimating the History of Hypoxic Spatial Extent in Lake Erie." oral presentation at IAGLR 53rd Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, Abstract 1263596054, Toronto, Canada, May 2010.
6.Zhou, Y., A.M. Michalak, "Estimation of Dissolved Oxygen Distribution in Lake Erie Using Geostatistical Methods." oral presentation at IAGLR 52nd Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, Abstract 1231452177, Toledo, OH, May 2009.
7.Zhou, Y., A.M. Michalak, "Estimating Point Concentrations of Total Organic Carbon in Water Sediments by Geostatistical Downscaling." poster presentation at EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union 88 (52), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H31H-0760, December 2007.
Environmental Science & Technology
Journal of Great Lakes Research
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