作者:聚创华大半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站网-小黑老师 点击量: 4251 发布时间: 2018-09-12 10:47 【微信号:13306030226】
热门关键词:华侨大学工商管理学院导师 华侨大学吴东儒 硕士研究生导师
1. 主要从事市场营销与华商研究等领域的研究。目前在华人组织行为和消费者行为领域,已经发表有关论文多篇;
4.2009年9月至2014年6月,台湾科技部 兼任博士研究助理;
[1] 教育部人文社会科学青年项目:《CEO情境感知对企业成长战略决策的影响机制研究》(16YJC630136),2016.07-2019.06,主持;
[2] 福建省中青年科研一般项目:《以华人式师生关系观点探讨学校教育质变与量变研究》(JAS160039)(2016.08-2017.07),主持;
[3] 华侨大学青年学者成长工程课题:《华人式上司部属关系与其离职倾向关联性之研究》(14SKGC-QG18)(2015.10-2017.09),主持;
[4] 华侨大学人才引进科研课题:《华人式关系在企业中扮演的角色》(15SKBS203)(2015.06-2017.05),主持。
[5] 华侨大学青年学者成长工程课题:《互动创新中用户社群知识转移影响机理研究》(14SKGC-QT08)(2015.10-2017.09),参与;
[6] 华侨大学海丝研究课题:《利用海外华商资源推动海上丝绸之路建设研究》(HSZD2014-07)(2015.01-2016.12),参与。
[1] 吴东儒、李义斌、林春培,2016,「泰国华商的社会关系网络与中资企业在泰国投资战略选择」,华侨华人蓝皮书,148-174;
[2] Sun, R., Lin, C.P., Wu, T.J., & Bao, H.P. 2016. The impact of community incentives and user-enterprise communication on knowledge transfer performance of enterprise. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 19(4): 887-909.【EI Compendex】【Corresponding Author】;
[3] Wu, T.J., Sun, R., & Lin, Z.F. 2016. The empirical research of the relationship between internal social capital and relational psychological contract and employee’ innovation behavior. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 19(4): 823-841.【EI Compendex】;
[4] Wu, T.J., Tsai, H.T., & Tai, Y.N. 2016. Would corporate social responsibility affect consumers’ attitudes towards brand and purchase behavior? Buyer-seller guanxi as the moderator. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 53: 272-287.【SSCI】;
[5] Wu, T.J., & Tai, Y.N. 2016. Effects of multimedia information technology integrated multi-sensory instruction on students’ learning motivation and outcome. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 12(4): 1065-1074.【SSCI】;
[6] 吴东儒、肖威、谢介仁、林春培,2015,「华人家族企业的关系类型管理机制研究」,华侨华人蓝皮书,217-242;
[7] Wu, T.J., Zhao, R.H., & Tzeng, S.Y. 2015. An empirical research of consumer adoption behavior on catering transformation to mobile O2O. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 18(6): 769-788.【EI Compendex】;
[8] Wu, T.J., Yeh, C.F., & Wu, C.C. 2015. A study on restaurant brand and consumer behavior-An example of catering industry in Taiwan. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 18(6): 751-767.【EI Compendex】;
[9] Xu, H., Wu, T.J., & Yu, C.P. 2015. Correlation between heterogeneous knowledge and technological capability. Oxidation Communications, 38(2A): 1131-1141.【SCI】;
[10] Lin, C.P., Zhang, Z.G., Li, Y.B., & Wu, T.J. 2015. Effects of absorptive capacity on incremental and radical innovation based on organisational learning processes. Oxidation Communications, 38(2A): 1105-1120.【SCI】【Corresponding Author】;
[11] 林春培、吴东儒、余传鹏,2015,「家长式领导:要让员工畅所欲言」,北大商业评论,2卷,127期,66-75;
[12] Sun, R., Wu, T.J., & Tsai, H.T. 2015. An empirical study on work perception and turnover intention of foreign pharmaceutical factories employees– Mediator in affective commitment. Studies on Ethno-Medicine, 9(1): 1-8.【SSCI】;
[13] Wu, T.J., Tsai, H.T., & Yeh, S.P. 2014. The role of manager’s locus of control between perceived guanxi and leadership behavior in family business. Revista Internacional de Sociologia, 72(EXTRA2): 87-104.【SSCI】;
[14] Tsai, H.T., Hong, J.T., Yeh, S.P., & Wu, T.J. 2013. Consumers’ acceptance model for Taiwan agriculture and food traceability system. Anthropologist, 17(3): 845-856.【SCI / SSCI】;
[15] Tsai, H.T., Wu, T.J., & Yeh, S.P. 2013. A study of Chinese guanxi type in family business from the perspective of power-based and leadership behaviours. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 16(5): 102-114.【SSCI】;
[16] Tsai, H.T., Wu, T.J., & Yeh, S.P. 2013. Chinese paternalistic leadership and leadership effectiveness in textile industry. Autex Research Journal, 13(3): 82-88.【SCI】;
[17] Tsai, H.T., Tseng, C.J., Tzeng, S.Y., Wu, T.J., & Day, J.D. 2012. The impacts of natural hazards on Taiwan’s tourism industry. Natural Hazards, 62(1): 83-91.【SCI】;
[18] Tsai, H.T., Yeh, S.P., & Wu, T.J. 2011. The use of governmental-firm guanxi under different market conditions for Taiwanese hospitality firms invested in China. Actual Problems of Economics, 12(2): 4-11.【SCOPUS】;
[19] 蔡宪唐、吕丰吉、吴东儒、罗世雄,2011,「三聚氰胺事件影响消费者乳制食品购买决策之研究」,商业现代化学刊,6卷2期:113-132。
[1] 2014.06 获台湾中山大学优秀博士论文奖
[2] 2016.06 获华侨大学工商管理学院精彩一堂课一等奖
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