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作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-王老师 点击量: 1331 发布时间: 2021-07-08 14:23 【微信号:13306030226】



Private investors can make airports bigger, but not big enough,Down from heaven and into arrival hell,With their crowds, delays and retail opportunities, airports impart feelings that range from irritation to despair.The experience is likely to get worse.Over the next 20 years the number of jets circling the planet is set to double, but investment in airports probably won't.In Europe twice as many passengers are expected to squeeze through 41% more capacity.One reason why airports are grim is that many are state-owned.Of the world's 30 busiest ones, 19 are state-owned and most of the rest are public-private partnerships.In the past they were administered rather than managed to serve state-owned airlines,says Andreas Schimm of Airports Council International, an umbrella body.Governments now try to run airports on commercial lines, but few do it well.Privatisation could help.


私人投资者能使机场扩大,但尚不够大,自天堂而下至地狱,人潮拥挤,班机延误,以及零售商机,机场带给人一种从愤怒乃至绝望的气息。这种感受还将变本加厉。在未来的20年里,环绕地球飞行的喷射机数量定会翻倍,但对机场的投资却不然。在欧洲,多达两倍的乘客将在只增长41%的机场容量里挤进挤出。机场形势如此严峻的一个原因是,许多机场是国营的。在世界上最繁忙的30个机场中,就有19个是国有的,余下的许多是公私合营。机场的协调组织国际机场协会ACIAndreas Schimm说,在过去,机场都是 接受管理而非自主运营,为国营航空公司服务。如今政府已在机场试营商业航线,但成效不佳。私有化也许能为此推波助澜。


Incheon and Cheongju airports in South Korea are likely to seek private investors soon.So are Munich, Moscow's two smaller airports, France's regional airports and a host of others.Even in America, where complicated federal rules discourage either selling or buying airports, a scheme to privatise Chicago Midway and four other airports is picking up speed again.In Brazil, however, an effort to woo private cash to spruce up shabby airports before the football World Cup is stalling.An airport ought to be a sound investment.BAA, which runs Britain's biggest airports, has coined it.



Eyebrows were raised when Macquarie, an Australian bank, bought Sydney airport in 2002.But it quickly boosted revenues and profits.The release value of taking public assets private can be enormous, says Peter Morris of Ascend, a consultancy.Investors could now be more wary, however.Empty public coffers might encourage governments to demand too high a price.


一家澳大利亚银行Macquarie2002年收购悉尼机场时,人们大为诧异。但这项投资很快就创造了收益和利润。咨询机构AscendPeter Morris说,购置公共资产的产出值可能是巨大的。然而,投资者现在有理由更谨慎些。空空如也的国库也许促使政府要价更高。


The liberalisation of air travel has increased competition between big hubs, especially in Europe and the Gulf.And the soaring growth of low-cost airlines has added to the pressure.Budget carriers are far more flexible and ruthless than their full-fare competitors.If business sags or landing fees rise, they will drop an airport as surely as a baggage-handler will drop a bag marked fragile.Privatisation can improve efficiency and service quality.But passengers may face other torments. Airports earn just 18% of their revenues from airlines, according to ACI.The rest comes from passenger fees, parking charges, rent from retailers and so on.Rather than squeezing airlines, which can fly away, it is more tempting to go after passengers, who are hemmed in by metal detectors and armed police.




Airlines grouch that landing fees always rise at privatised airports.Giovanni Bisignani, the boss of IATA, a group that represents airlines, argues that the best airports are those with good managers and tough regulators, and that ownership matters less.But regulations will surely have to weaken to attract private money.By some estimates $1 trillion of new investment will be needed over the next two decades to match airport capacity to flight plans.Yet there are barely a dozen airport groups that might be tempted to bid for the terminals and runways on the block.They are unlikely to raise enough cash to keep pace with the rising volume of passengers.The queues will only grow longer.


航空公司抱怨说,私有化机场的降落费一直都在涨。代表航空公司的组织——国际航空运输协会的老板Giovanni Bisignani辩称,最好的机场是那些配备了上佳管理者和强硬监督者的机场,所有权在谁手里倒是其次。但要想吸引私人资金,规章条例必须得弱化。按照一些估算,未来20年里需要1万亿美元的新投资,才能使机场容量与飞行计划相称。然而,仅仅有十多个机场可能会在拍卖中竞购停机场和跑道。这些机场不可能筹集得到足够资金去适应不断增长的乘客流量。机场的排队只会变得更长。



1.private a.私人的;个人的;私下的

The president is paying a private visit to Europe.



2.irritation n.刺激;烦恼

Discontinue use if irritation or rash appear.



3.circle n.圆圈;圈子

The dancers were standing in a circle around the fire.



4.squeeze v.挤压;塞进

Kara squeezed the bottle, and the water rushed out.



5.commercial a.商业的

Do you fancy having a go at doing a commercial feature film?






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