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作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-王老师 点击量: 894 发布时间: 2022-05-18 09:11 【微信号:13306030226】



A congressional stalemate over whether to raise America’s debt ceiling showed signs of easing.Mitch McConnell, the top Republican in the Senate, said he would support raising the limit until December, avoiding a sovereign default as early as October 18th.As a condition, he wants Democrats to raise the borrowing cap by a fixed amount, rather than suspend it altogether until some future time.December may bring another round of brinkmanship.A federal judge blocked an abortion law passed in Texas that allows anyone in America to sue anyone who helps someone in the state abort a fetus older than six weeks.Robert Pitman, whom Barack Obama nominated to the bench in 2014, forbade state courts from accepting suits under the law.Texas filed an appeal.The conservative-majority Supreme Court last month declined to prevent Texas from enacting the law.



UN investigators accused Russian mercenaries working for Wagner, a security firm, of killing and torturing migrants in Libya.Separately America warned Mali against signing a deal with Wagner, reportedly worth almost $11m a month, for it to supply 1,000 mercenaries to train Mali’s army and protect officials.Somalia’s long-delayed elections, which had already been rescheduled for October 10th, were postponed again.Tensions have increased between government ministers and the president, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, who is accused of stalling the vote to stay in power.Ethiopia ordered the expulsion of seven senior UN officials involved in humanitarian relief in the northern region of Tigray after accusing them of “meddling” in its internal affairs.




The UN’s humanitarian agencies estimate that 400,000 people in Tigray are on the brink of starvation.The World Health Organisation endorsed use of the first malaria vaccine for children at risk of infection.It said that the jab, called RTS,S and made by GlaxoSmithKline, was safe and reduced by 30% cases of severe malaria in young children.Infants in much of sub-Saharan Africa contract malaria several times a year.A child under five dies of it every two minutes.



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