点击量: 633
发布时间: 2022-05-26 09:10
Donal McNally, a specialist in biomechanics at the University of Nottingham, in Britain,says that an ideal helmet would make the best use of the space between shell and head, adjusting its stiffness depending on the speed of impact.The RAT design does just that. However, its success will depend on whether the shear-thickening material.can be engineered to have the correct stiffness for both slow and fast impacts.Dr McNally notes also that the suspension will require some clever design,because the tethers respond only to tension, not compression, making it hard to cope with impacts from all directions.Dr Wetzel's priority at the moment is getting industry to share his excitement about the new technology.Firms selling to civilian customers generally work faster than people on the military side of things, he says,and if consumer applications take off that will generate a manufacturing and design base which can support military ones.
英国诺丁汉大学的生物力学专家Donal McNally表示,一个理想的头盔应充分利用外壳和头部之间的空间,根据撞击速度调整其坚硬度。RAT设计就是这样。但其成功将取决于剪切增稠材料是否能够被设计出既适应慢速又适应快速冲击的坚硬度。McNally博士也注意到,这种悬架将需要一些巧妙的设计,因为拴绳只对张力产生反应,对挤压力没有反应,这使其难以应对来自所有方向的冲力。此刻Wetzel博士的首要任务是让行业分享他对这项新技术的兴奋之情。他说,面向平民客户的公司通常比军方的工作速度快,如果消费者应用取得成功,这将产生一个可以支持军事应用的制造和设计基底。
To this end, his team has retrofitted an American-football helmet with RAT suspension.Head protection is a huge and increasing concern in gridiron football.There has been a dramatic fall-off in the number of youngsters taking up the sport because of worries about head injuries.Improved protection might help change that. An independent laboratory tested the helmet and, in the most taxing test,found that it reduced the "severity index" (a measure of the likelihood of a wearer suffering brain injury);from 393 for the helmet's standard version to 190. One of the laboratory's operators said he had never seen a result of less than 200 on the test concerned.
Nor are helmets the only possible application for RATS.Dr Wetzel and his team have already tested them as chin straps to hold helmets in place, and as straps for pairs of goggles.RAT-based straps could eventually be useful for everything from hikers' backpacks to babies' pushchairs.Whether they will have applications in ships' ratlines remains to be seen.
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