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作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-王老师 点击量: 1065 发布时间: 2022-05-31 09:11 【微信号:13306030226】



The classical butterfly effect suggests that the researchers' meddling should have changed it quite drastically.In the event, the qubit's original state had been almost entirely recovered. Its state was not quite zero,but it was, in quantum-mechanical terms, 98.3% of the way there, a difference that was deemed insignificant."The final output state after the 'forward evolution' is essentially the same as the input state before 'backward evolution'," says Dr Sinitsyn."It can be viewed as the same input state plus some small background noise."Oddest of all was the fact that the further back in simulated time the damage was done,the greater the rate of recovery—as if the quantum system was repairing itself with time.The mechanism behind all this is known as "entanglement".



As quantum objects interact, their states become highly correlated—"entangled"—in a way that serves to diffuse localised information about the state of one quantum object across the system as a whole.Damage to one part of the system does not destroy information in the same way as it would with a classical system.Instead of losing your work when your laptop crashes,having a highly entangled system is a bit like having back-ups stashed in every room of the house.Even though the information held in the disturbed qubit is lost, its links with the other qubits in the system can act to restore it.



The upshot is that the butterfly effect seems not to apply to quantum systems.Besides making life safe for tiny time-travellers, that may have implications for quantum computing, too,a field into which companies and countries are investing billions of dollars."We think of quantum systems, especially in quantum computing, as very fragile," says Natalia Ares, a physicist at the University of Oxford."That this result demonstrates that quantum systems can in fact be unexpectedly robust is an encouraging finding,and bodes well for potential future advances in the field."


结果是蝴蝶效应似乎不适用于量子力学。除了保证小小的时间旅行者的安全外,这也可能对量子计算产生影响,各公司和各国都投入了数十亿美元在这个领域。我们认为量子系统,尤其是量子计算机中的,是非常脆弱的,牛津大学的物理学家Natalia Ares说到。该结果证明量子系统其实可以异常坚固,这是一个鼓舞人心的发现,也预示着该领域未来的发展潜力。

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