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作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-王老师 点击量: 297 发布时间: 2024-06-21 09:12 【微信号:13306030226】



But do the bees raise their eyes while flying forward in the dark?To find out, the researchers got to messinwith the Megalopta.We placed the Megalopta nest, which is a hollowed-out stick, at a stand in the forest.Sandra Chaib, a University of Lund doctoral student who worked on the project.On both sides of the nest, we placed two additional mock nest sticks which we had drilled holes in to resemble nests.Above each nest, they placed a distinctive visual landmark: a single black bar to mark the real nest and a pattern of stripes in different orientations above the fake nests.The bee was allowed to forage for a few nights to get acquainted with the area.And then one night, when the bee was away, Chaib would shuffle the landmarks. And when the busy bee got back


但是蜜蜂在黑暗中前行时会抬眼睛看吗?为了找到答案,研究人员开始鼓捣隧蜂。我们把隧蜂的巢穴(一个挖空的枯枝)置于林中的一个树丛里。隆德大学博士生桑德拉·查伊布参与了这个项目。在蜂巢的两侧,我们放置了两个额外的假蜂巢,我们在枯枝上面钻了洞,让它看起来像真蜂巢。他们在每个蜂巢的上方放置了一个独特的视觉地标: 黑色的棍子用来标记真蜂巢,而方向不同的条纹图案用来标记假蜂巢。允许这些蜜蜂觅食几个晚上,以熟悉环境。一天晚上,当蜜蜂离开时,查伊布把地标打乱。当忙碌的蜜蜂回来时……


She immediately entered the nest under the landmark she had learned.Which was one of the fakes.Of course, after a few seconds, she realized her mistake and she came back out again.But after a short flight to get reoriented...she would again make the same mistake.So it seems the bees were sneaking in a last look up before flying in the front door.And the same thing happened when the researchers used circles of different sizes to form more canopy-like patterns to mark the entrance to the nests.She took a look at the pattern from underneath, and flew directly into the mock nest.The results were as clear as day. But, there in the dark, they weren’t exactly easy to see.Even if we put a hand in front of our face it’s very difficult to see it.


Since it was totally dark, I used night goggles to monitor the nest.And an infrared camera to film the bees’ comings and goings after sunset and before dawn.It’s not the most pleasant thing, getting up in the middle of the night to set up the cameras.On the other hand, the rainforest is the most amazing place at that time. Many animals are the most active at this time.Even the humble sweat bees, which will showcase their remarkable skills for anyone who’s prepared to watch.For Scientific American’s 60-Second Science, I’m Karen Hopkin.

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