作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-王老师 点击量: 261 发布时间: 2024-06-28 09:21 【微信号:13306030226】
This is Scientific American’s 60-Second Science. I’m Shayla Love.When you hear a bee buzzing along, visiting a flower, you’re hearing the movement of air made by the fluttering of its wings.But it turns out that bees are buzzing in more than one way.I first saw this when I saw a bumblebee land on an electrode I was using, and I saw a real change in the measurement.And I thought, “This is a charged thing.”That’s Giles Harrison, a professor of atmospheric physics at the University of Reading in England.He’s co-author of a recent paper in iScience that measured the electric charge of swarms of bees and found that the insects can generate as much electricity as storm clouds.We’ve known for quite a long time already that bees carried an electric charge.
一只蜜蜂携带的电荷是极小的: 需要许多只蜜蜂才能产生足够的电力,才能产生影响。想象一下,需要十亿只蜜蜂才能点亮一个LED灯。总的来说,由于大气中存在大量的昆虫,它们可以产生巨大的影响。这意味着成群的蜜蜂与昆虫能够改变它们周围的大气电场--潜在影响着极端天气事件、云层形成、粉尘扩散等。昆虫并不是唯一生活在大气层中的生物。鸟儿和微生物也携带电荷,占据着低层大气的空间。
Ellard Hunting is a biologist at the University of Bristol in England, and he studies how different organisms use those electric fields in the environment.Plants and pollen tend to be negatively charged, and bees are positively charged.The bee visits a flower, and the pollen is actually electrostatically attracted to the bee.There are several honeybee hives that are used for research at the field station at the University of Bristol’s school of veterinary sciences.Those bees sometimes swarm, and that’s when the researchers were able to directly measure them using an electric field monitor.Bees can also electrically sense whether a flower has been visited by another bee who already took its nectar.But until now, it hadn’t been considered that living things flying around in the atmosphere could make an impact with their own charges.
Now, an individual bee’s charge is minuscule: it takes a lot of bees to generate enough electricity to make an impact.Imagine that you required a billion of those to light up an LED.But altogether, because there are so many insects in the atmosphere, they can have a massive effect.This means that bees and other large groups of insects are capable of changing the atmospheric electric fields around them—potentially impacting things such as weather events, cloud formation and dust dispersal.Insects are not the only living thing that spends time in the atmosphere.Birds and microorganisms carry charge, too, and take up space in the lower atmosphere.
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