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作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-王老师 点击量: 253 发布时间: 2024-07-04 09:10 【微信号:13306030226】



Aquatic turtles can almost always be found near the ponds and lakes of our urban sprawl.On a normal day, you might spot a small stack of turtles near the water.This is because they're ectotherms, meaning their bodies rely on external things for heat.Piling on top of one another, or on a warm rock's surface, helps to keep the turtle's core body at a healthy temp.When things get too hot, like during NYC's recent heat wave, they change their behavior a bit.Instead, they head into the water and spread out.Basically they're hanging out at the pool all day, they're going to be floating at the very surface of the water.So that they can still get some of the sun, but any extra heat that might be a little dangerous to their body temperature to their core temperature, they will be able to dissipate into the water.




For fur-covered critters like squirrels, cooling off in the pond or the playground water park isn't an option.When the heat rises in the city, these little mammals can be seen doing a funny posture that's known as "splooting".Basically that means they're just spreading out on a surface on their stomach, with their forelimbs forward and their hind legs backwards, just kind of splat on the ground.That increased skin to surface area helps squirrels dissipate more heat to the ground, which under a shady tree in Central Park, is way cooler than the ambient air.Raccoons on the other hand, have developed a slightly different tactic–they head to parts of the park that have kind of, natural air conditioning.I certainly know of areas that are cooler than others.


They kind of have these small microclimates to them, I know where the shady benches are.In our most recent heat wave, Corrao noticed raccoons and humans enjoying the shade of a wooded gazebo that's in one of the cooler areas of Central Park.While the humans sought refuge on the benches below, the raccoons were softly snoozing on the lush rooftop above.Seth Magle is an urban ecologist based in Chicago.In 2021, he started building a network of fellow urban critter enthusiasts from around the world.Collectively, they're called the Urban Wildlife Information Network.They're working to collect information in a similar way so that it can be compared across different cities.



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