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作者:半岛星空体育·(中国)官方网站-王老师 点击量: 365 发布时间: 2024-07-18 09:22 【微信号:13306030226】



This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Karen Hopkin.Dogs and their people.Whos a good boy? Are you a good boy? Yes, you are!We like to think our pooches can follow what were telling them.Go get your bally! Over there! Go get it! Good doggy!Well, to some degree they caneven when theyre youngbecause a new study shows that puppies are able to track human social cues at just eight weeks of age, before theyve really spent much time with people.And their ability to do so has strong roots in their genetics.The work appears in the journal Current Biology.We have known for a long time that adult dogs are especially skilled in understanding cooperative communication from humans.


这里是科学美国人——60秒科学系列,我是凯伦·霍普金。狗与他们的主人。谁是好孩子?你是个好孩子吗?是,你是个好孩子!我们认为我们的狗狗能听懂我们说的话。去拿你的巴利吧!在那边! 去拿吧!好狗狗!嗯,在某种程度上,它们可以听懂我们说话甚至在它们很小的时候——一项新的研究表明,幼犬在八周大的时候就能够追踪人类的社交线索,那个时候它们还未真正与人相处很长时间。它们的这种能力植根于它们的基因。这项研究发表在《当代生物学》期刊上。我们早就知晓成年犬特别擅长理解人类的合作交流。


Emily Bray is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Arizona and the Canine Companions for Independence.So, for example, they can spontaneously follow a human pointing gesture.They’re even better at it than apes, which are much more closely related to us than canines are, evolutionarily speaking.So this begs the question of why.Is it a skill that dogs pick up simply by spending time with people?Or is it a trait that was selected for when dogs first became domesticated?To find out, Bray and her colleagues spent time with 375 puppies that were going to be trained to be service dogs by Canine Companions.


All were either Labradors, golden retrievers or a mix.All were around eight weeks old. And I’m guessing all were pretty adorable.You’re such a cute puppy!Bray figured that by working with pups that had spent the bulk of their young lives with their littermates and mom, she could tease out whether dogs have to learn to interpret human communications—or if it’s something they come by naturally.The pups participated in a handful of cognitive tests designed to assess dogs’ social smarts.


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